This library provides standalone Serverless Workflow Editor (one all-in-one JavaScript file) that can be embedded into any web application.
A comprehensive API is also provided for setup and interaction with the Editor.
To add it to your
file:npm install @kie-tools/serverless-workflow-standalone-editor
To import SWF Editor library:
import * as SwfEditor from "@kie-tools/serverless-workflow-standalone-editor/dist/swf"
Here is an example on how to open the Serverless Workflow Standalone Editor using the provided API:
const editor ={
container: document.getElementById("swf-editor-container"),
initialContent: Promise.resolve(""),
readOnly: false,
languageType: "json",
swfPreviewOptions: { editorMode: "diagram", defaultWidth: "100%" }
Available parameters:
: HTML element in which the Editor will be appended to. -
: Promise to a workflow content. Can be empty. Examples:Promise.resolve("")
(optional, defaults tofalse
): Usefalse
to allow content edition, andtrue
for read-only mode, in which the Editor will not allow changes. -
(required, defaults tojson
): Usejson
to render text editor with serverless workflow content in json/yaml format and stunner editor to display diagram. -
(optional, defaults to{ editorMode: "full", defaultWidth: "50%" }
): You can use this option to change theeditorMode
(optional, defaults tofull
) anddefaultWidth
(optional, defaults to50%
). If you want to render only the diagram editors into the web application and hide the text editor, you can use this parameter and set the valuediagram
. To render the text editor and hide the diagram editor, you can use set the valuetext
. To render bothdiagram
together, you can set the valuefull
The returned object will contain the methods needed to manipulate the Editor:
getContent(): Promise<string>
: Returns a Promise containing the Editor content. -
setContent(normalizedPosixPathRelativeToTheWorkspaceRoot: string, content: string): Promise<void>
: Sets the content of the Editor. The returning Promise will be rejected if setting the content fails. -
getPreview(): Promise<string>
: Returns a Promise containing the SVG string of the current diagram. -
undo(): void
: Undo the last change in the Editor. This will also fire the subscribed callbacks of content changes. -
redo(): void
: Redo the last undone change in the Editor. This will also fire the subscribed callbacks of content changes. -
validate(): Promise<Notification[]>
: Validates the serverless workflow json/yaml content based on its schemas and it also includes custom validations specific to serverless workflow rules. -
setTheme(theme: EditorTheme): Promise<void>
: This sets theme to the editors on the web application.
Apache KIE (incubating) is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the name of Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
Some of the incubating project’s releases may not be fully compliant with ASF policy. For example, releases may have incomplete or un-reviewed licensing conditions. What follows is a list of known issues the project is currently aware of (note that this list, by definition, is likely to be incomplete):
Hibernate, an LGPL project, is being used. Hibernate is in the process of relicensing to ASL v2
Some files, particularly test files, and those not supporting comments, may be missing the ASF Licensing Header
Hibernate, an LGPL project, is being used. Hibernate is in the process of relicensing to ASL v2
Some files, particularly test files, and those not supporting comments, may be missing the ASF Licensing Header
If you are planning to incorporate this work into your product/project, please be aware that you will need to conduct a thorough licensing review to determine the overall implications of including this work. For the current status of this project through the Apache Incubator visit: