is a module which provides an API to GraphXR internals
Documentation is hosted on GitHub
Table of Contents
- Algorithm
- Centrality
- Community Detection
- Path Finding
- dijkstra
- traceNeighbors // Highlight all paths of a certain depth from the root node
- Camera
- flyToCenter // Fly to the center of a group of nodes
- flyToPosition // Fly to a specific node
- setCameraRotating
- Events
- Filter
- Handy filter functions e.g.
- filterByProperties
- nodesByCategory
- edgesByRelationship
- Handy filter functions e.g.
- Graph
- e.g.
-> LayoutGraph // an API to the main graph rendered in GraphXR- Some member functions include
- addEdges, addNodes, removeEdges, removeNodes
- getEdges // Returns only visible edges
- getNodes // Returns only visible nodes
- Visibility
- hideEdges, hideNodes
- showEdges, showNodes
- Nodes and Edges returned from API functions are immutable, so you need to use these setters
- setEdgeProperties, setNodeProperties
- setEdgeStyles, setNodeStyles
- setNodeCollection
- Category
- Edge
- Node
- e.g.
- Layout
- Neo4j
- neo4j // Execute a Neo4j Through Server query
- Project Settings
- Render (THREE.js helpers)
- Sort
- Styles
- Transform
- e.g.
- aggregate
- collectNodes
- explodeCollections
- uncollectNodes
- extract
- filter
- link
- map
- merge
- shortcut
- e.g.
- Utility
- sleep // Returns a Promise which resolves in a number of milliseconds
- Window
// Latest
GraphXR = (await require('graphxr-api')).getApi()
// Target a version
GraphXR = (await require('graphxr-api@0.0.3')).getApi()
// Get nodes
// Apply Layout
const view = GraphXR.getLayoutGraph()
sort: 'price',
filter: (node: Node) => > 13,
dimension: 'x',
theta: 90,
x: 'price',
dimension: 'y',
bin: 'seasonNumber',
// Apply Transform
const view = GraphXR.getLayoutGraph()
category: "Episodes",
props: [
name: "seasonNumber",
newName: "seasonNumber",
isSplit: false,
splitChar: "",
isKey: true,
newCategory: "Season Number",
newRelationship: "inSeason",
inheritLinks: false,
skipEmpty: true,
Minimum Version Requirements
If a version of the API depends on a version of GraphXR which has not been released, please increase the minimum required version in src/minimumRequirements.ts
. For example:
export const MINIMUM_GRAPHXR_VERSION = "2.11.0";
On init
, the API will ask GraphXR for its version by fetching /api/install/version
. If the version is greater than the minimum version, the API will throw an exception.
If GraphXR cannot be detected, init
will log a warning to the console.
If the minimum requirements are met, init
will return the API.
yarn build
Integration (The integration tests run the API against a local GraphXR instance.
First create file .env
in the root folder (web/api/.env) with contents.
# Points at a GraphXR instance
# A GraphXR user's username
# A GraphXR user's password
Run once: yarn test
or yarn test:integration
Running the tests will result in a text report:
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
addNodes.ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
clearGraph.ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
getNodes.ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
getScene.ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
index.ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
makeNode.ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
removeNodeById.ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
setRuntime.ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
This project enforces 100% coverage across the board.
A more detailed report is located at coverage/lcov-report/index.html
yarn build:docs
will run tsdoc and generate html at docs/index.html
This project enforces code linting and styling rules via pre-commit hooks.
Ask Ben for help.
Publishing to NPM
This process will do the following
- ensure you are logged into npm
- ensure working directory is clean
- run tests
- build the API bundle
- build the documentation
- bump the package.json version
- commit the bundle, docs, and package.json
- tag the commit with the new version
- push the commits
- push the tag
- publish the package to npm
In a terminal:
yarn login
yarn release
Most of the time you will run yarn release
yarn release
Optional arguments to -
Skips the tests. -
Skips building and publishing docs. -
Publishes a new version tagged "beta" so that require("graphxr-api@beta") loads that version, and require("graphxr-api") does not. -
-v, --version <version>
Release type: [v]1.0.34 | patch | minor | major. -
-m, --tag-message <message>
Tag message. Default is "".