
0.1.4-beta • Public • Published

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About Bamimi CLI

Bamimi CLI is a command-line tool designed to streamline the creation of common elements for your Node.js projects, including controllers, middleware, responses, requests, emails, and jobs. This tool supports rapid development and automates the creation of essential files for your project.


Install this CLI tool globally using npm:

npm install -g @knfs-tech/bamimi-cli

Or with yarn:

yarn global add @knfs-tech/bamimi-cli


You can use this CLI tool with the following commands:

Create Project

bamimi-cli create <projectName> [options]
  • projectName: The name of the project you want to create.
  • -d, --description <description>: The description of the project.
  • -v, --version <version>: The version of the project.

Generate Controller

bamimi-cli controller:generate <controllerName> [options]
  • controllerName: The name of the controller you want to create.
  • -p, --path <path>: Path for the controller (if you don’t want to use the default path).
  • -f, --func <functions...>: List of functions to create (comma-separated).
  • -t, --type <type>: Type of controller (api or web).

Generate Middleware

bamimi-cli middleware:generate <middlewareName> [options]
  • middlewareName: The name of the middleware you want to create.
  • -p, --path <path>: Path for the middleware (if you don’t want to use the default path).

Generate Response

bamimi-cli response:generate <responseName> [options]
  • responseName: The name of the response you want to create.
  • -p, --path <path>: Path for the response (if you don’t want to use the default path).

Generate Request

bamimi-cli request:generate <requestName> [options]
  • requestName: The name of the request you want to create.
  • -p, --path <path>: Path for the request (if you don’t want to use the default path).

Generate Email

bamimi-cli email:generate <emailName> [options]
  • emailName: The name of the email you want to create.
  • -tn, --templateName <templateName>: Template name if you want to use email with HTML.
  • -job, --jobName <jobName>: Job name if you want to use email with a queue job.

Generate Job

bamimi-cli job:generate <jobName>
  • jobName: The name of the job you want to create.


Bamimi CLI is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.



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  • knfs
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