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1.1.7 • Public • Published

MUI DateRange Picker

A react date range picker implementation using @mui (v5).



Live Demo

Check out the project running here!


npm install @ks-erp/mui-daterange-picker --save

# or with yarn
yarn add @ks-erp/mui-daterange-picker

Basic example

import React from "react";
import { DateRangePicker, DateRange } from "@ks-erp/mui-daterange-picker";

type Props = {}

const App: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = props => {
  const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false);
  const [dateRange, setDateRange] = React.useState<DateRange>({});

  const toggle = () => setOpen(!open);

  return (
      onChange={(range) => setDateRange(range)}

export default App;


interface DateRange {
    startDate?: Date,
    endDate?: Date

interface DefinedRange {
    label: string,
    startDate: Date,
    endDate: Date


Name Type Required Default value Description
onChange (DateRange) => void required - handler function for providing selected date range
toggle () => void required - function to show / hide the DateRangePicker
initialDateRange DateRange optional {} initially selected date range
minDate Date or string optional 10 years ago min date allowed in range
maxDate Date or string optional 10 years from now max date allowed in range
definedRanges DefinedRange[] optional - custom defined ranges to show in the list
closeOnClickOutside boolean optional true defines if DateRangePicker will be closed when clicking outside of it
wrapperClassName object optional undefined defines additional wrapper style classes
locale Locale (from date-dns) optional undefined defines locale to use (from date-fns package)
DefinedRangesProps object optional ...
MenuProps object optional ...
MonthProps object optional ...
MonthHeaderProps object optional ...
MonthDayProps object optional ...


type DefinedRangesProps = {
  className?: string; // Class applied to Root Defined Ranges Element
  classes?: {
    listItem?: string; // Class applied to Defined Ranges List
    listItemActive?: string; // Class applied to Matched Defined Ranges
    listItemTextTypography?: string; // Class applied to Defined Range Label
  allowCustomRangeLabel?: boolean; // Allow non-match range label
  customRangeLabel?: string; // non-match label


type MenuProps = {
  classes?: {
    rangesMenuDivider?: string; // Class applied to divider between Defined Ranges and Picker
    valueContainer?: string; // Class applied to picker value container
    valueItem?: string; // Class applied to picker value item
  renderValue?: (valueType: "start" | "end", _?: Date, locale?: Locale) => React.ReactNode; // Function to render value
  hideRangeArrow?: boolean;
  hideHeaderDivider?: boolean;
  hideMonthDivider?: boolean;


type MonthProps = {
  weekdaysDisplayLocale?: Locale;
  weekStartOn?: number; // 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
  classes?: {
    root?: string; // Class applied to Month Container
    dayInMonthGrid?: string;
    weekday?: string;
    weekend?: string;
  containerSx?: SxProps; // MUI SxProps applied to Month Container


type MonthHeaderProps = {
  customMonthLabels?: string[];
  classes?: {
    root?: string; // Class applied to Month Picker Container
    navWrap?: string; // Class applied to navigation wrap
    nav?: string; // Class applied to navigation
  renderPrevIcon?: (disabled?: boolean) => React.ReactNode; // Render Function applied to Previous Month Navigation Icon
  renderNextIcon?: (disabled?: boolean) => React.ReactNode; // Render Function applied to Next Month Navigation Icon
  selectProps?: SelectProps<number>; // MUI Select Props, applied to Month/Year Select Element


type MonthDayProps = {
  classes?: {
    root?: string; // Class applied to Day box button
    outlined?: string // Class applied to current date (outlined)
    highlighted?: string; // Class applied to highlighted days (days in range)
    btnFilled?: string; // Class applied to Start/End range day button
    text?: string; // Class applied to Day text
    weekendText?: string; // Class applied to Weekend day text
    filledText?: string; // Class applied to Start/End Range text
    startOfRange?: string; // Class applied to Start range day wrapper
    endOfRange?: string; // Class applied to End range day wrapper
    btnStartOfRange?: string; // Class applied to Start range day button
    btnEndOfRange?: string; // Class applied to End range day button
  borderRadius?: string; // Radius of Day button
  height?: any; // In px or number, heigh of Day button

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npm i @ks-erp/mui-daterange-picker

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