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4.1.2 • Public • Published

kth-node-cosmos-db Build

Our Node.js applications at KTH in Stockholm use Mongoose to access CosmosDB in Azure. This module is a wrapper around "@azure/cosmos" and designed for those applications.


Upgrading from version 3

The interface was changed with version 4 of this module. Previously there was a function wrap() which changed an already created Mongoose model in place. This function was replaced by client.createMongooseModel() which instead completely wraps mongoose.model(), now.

// Old interface (until v3):
const User = mongoose.model('User', mongooseSchema)

// New interface (stable since v4.0.7):
const User = client.createMongooseModel('User', mongooseSchema, mongoose)

If you previously exported already prepared Mongoose-models from a project-folder and used them in an early state of your application's startup, some more work might be needed to upgrade to version 4. You should now export only the schemas and ensure that the models are prepared after you initialized 'kth-node-cosmos-db'.

Please note

  • Ensure that you use the Mongoose schema as second input and the connected Mongoose instance of your application as third argument to client.createMongooseModel()!
  • Ensure that your application runs createClient() and await client.init(), before!
  • Don't use version v4.0.0 to v4.0.6 because of their instability.

Intended use

Using this module instead of directly including "@azure/cosmos" into a project has the following benefits:

  • Many Mongoose actions will automatically increase Azure's provision throughput, if needed.
  • The module can also set a batchSize to avoid Cursor Timeout errors during find()-operations.

Remarks on local development

By default, the wrapper won't be active during local development, e.g. when using a local database. Your application will still work but it will only produce logging outputs like "Not available in native MongoDB" when it comes to the functions of this module.

If you wish to use the full wrapper functionality also locally, set the environment variable USE_COSMOS_DB, e.g. in the .env file:


How it works

  1. createClient() and await client.init() prepare the needed database and it's collections in Cosmos DB.

  2. getClient() helps you access the module's methods, later.

  3. client.createMongooseModel() has to be used instead of mongoose.model() to prepare any Mongoose model and add the automatic throughput management to it.

  4. Use the Mongoose models like always.

    When a "Too many requests" error (with internal code 16500) occurs during a database action, the wrapper will increase the throughput of the related collection with a fixed amount and then retry the action. The "Too many requests" error will mainly occur when importing foreign data, e.g. into an API project. When an import is done, the application should reset all collections throughput to their default value using client.resetThroughput().

  5. await client.resetThroughput() is especially useful after data imports to avoid the throughput value to stay high for a longer time. You might save money this way in Azure.

Basic usage

createClient( options ) and await client.init()

Prepare database and collections

Use createClient() and await client.init() on application startup, e.g. in file "server.js":

// Example
const { createClient } = require('@kth/kth-node-cosmos-db')
const config = require("./config/server")


const [_host] =":")

const cosmosDbOptions = {
  host: _host,
  db: config.db.db,
  username: config.db.username,
  password: config.db.password,
  defaultThroughput: 400,
  maxThroughput: 2000,
  collections: [{ name: 'users', throughput: 600 }, { name: 'emails' }],
const client = createClient(cosmosDbOptions)

await client.init()
  • The option "collections" is an array of objects. Each object must have the "name" attribute while the "throughput" attribute is optional.

  • The throughput attribute makes it possible to have different default throughputs for each collections. If no throughput attribute is added the global option "defaultThroughput" will be used.


Get access to client methods

"kth-node-cosmos-db" caches the last result of createClient() internally. You can use getClient() whenever you need access to the module's methods, e.g. to manually update throughput values.

client.createMongooseModel( modelName, mongooseSchema, mongooseInstance )

Prepare wrapped Mongoose models

Before working with the Mongoose models don't use mongoose.model(), but call client.createMongooseModel() instead.

This allows "kth-node-cosmos-db" to automatically handle "Too many requests" errors from CosmosDB and retry your Mongoose operation after increasing the throughput value.

  • client.createMongooseModel() internally uses mongoose.model() and returns the Mongoose model. The result can then be used like any other model.

    Please ensure to initialize the module with createClient() and await client.init() before using client.createMongooseModel().

    // Example
    const { getClient } = require('kth-node-cosmos-db')
    const mongoose = require('mongoose')
    const userSchema = mongoose.Schema({ name: String, age: Number })
    const client = getClient()
    const User = client.createMongooseModel('User', userSchema, mongoose)
    const testUser = await User.findOne({ name: "Test" })
  • Collection name: client.createMongooseModel() will let mongoose.model() determine which collection name (e.g. "users") shall be used for a given model (e.g. "User"). If you don't like this behaviour, you might want to set the option "collection" in your schema before using client.createMongooseModel():

    // User-defined collection name:
    const userSchema = mongoose.Schema({ name: String, age: Number }, { collection: 'UserCollection' })
  • Mostly all important methods of the Mongoose models are changed to automatically handle errors regarding the current Azure throughput-limit. You find the adapted methods listed as constant MONGOOSE_METHODS_THAT_ARE_WRAPPED in the file "lib/utils/adaptMongoose.js".


When you setup the module and start using your Mongoose models, the CosmosDB throughput value will be increased whenever needed. In order to avoid unneccessarily high costs in Azure, the throughput values should be lowered, again. This must be done manually in your application, e.g. with client.resetThroughput() after a bigger data import.

Please be sure to manually lower the throughput values on a regular basis.

// Example
const { getClient } = require('kth-node-cosmos-db')


const client = getClient()
await client.resetThroughput()

Client options


The following options must be given to createClient():

Option Type Mutable
(The hostname of the Cosmos DB server)
string -
(Auth credentials)
string -
(Auth credentials: Azure key)
string -
(The name of the database)
string -
(An Array of objects with information
about the used collections)
(see remarks) -
(The maximum amount of RU/s
a collection is allowed to reach)
number yes


Option Type Default Mutable
(The default throughput in RU/s
that each collection will be created with.)
number 400 yes
(The increase in RU/s when a write fails)
number 200 yes
(Batch size of find()-querys)
number 10000 yes
(The SSL port used by the Cosmos DB server)
number - -
(Allow self signed certificates
when accessing Cosmos DB server)
boolean false -
(Create unexisting containers during
createMongooseModel() instead of init())
boolean false -
(Name of predefined set of retry-timeouts which
is used when handling throughput problems)
string "good" yes


  • You can change mutable options with client.setOption().

  • collections:

    • [item, item, ...]
      • The option "collections" must be given as an array of objects.
    • (required)
      • Each item has to state the collection's name, e.g. "users".
    • item.throughput (optional)
      • You can determine a distinct default throughput value for every collection, e.g. 500.
    • item.partitionKey (experimental feature)
      • You can also set the partition-key which shall be used when the Cosmos DB container is created, e.g. [ "/name" ]. The partition-key can't be changed on already existing containers.
      • In order to make this feature work you might have to set the option "shardKey" accordingly, too, when creating the related Mongoose schema with mongoose.schema(), e.g. shardKey: { name: 1 }.
  • batchSize:

    • Try to decrease the option "batchSize" in case of "Cursor Timeout" errors.
  • disableSslRejection:

    • This option might only be needed when running Cosmos DB emulator locally during integration tests. The emulator uses a self-signed SSL-certificate which normally wouldn't be accepted by Cosmos DB.
  • createCollectionsWithMongoose: (experimental feature)

    • If you get an error from Mongoose regarding misconfigured "shard keys" ("partition keys" in Cosmos DB), it might help to wait with the creation of your containers until the Mongoose models are created.
  • retryStrategy:

    • You will find the available sets as a constant KNOWN_RETRY_STRATEGIES in the file "lib/utils/strategy.js".

Client methods


Name and description
(Prepare database and containers in Cosmos DB)
(Prepare a Mongoose model that will automatically increase throughput values, too)
(Get the value of any option)
(Change the value of a mutable option)
(Get throughput of specific collection)
(List the name and throughput of each collection)
(Increase the specific collections throughput with the value of defaultThroughput)
(Update specific collection throughput to a value of choice)
(Update all collections throughput to a value of choice)
(Reset throughput to default for each collection)


Async Method and arguments Return value
await init () client
- createMongooseModel
(modelName, mongooseSchema, mongooseInstance)
new model
- getOption (key) value of option
- setOption (key, value) client
await getCollectionThroughput (collectionName) throughput
await listCollectionsWithThroughput ( ) list
await increaseCollectionThroughput (collectionName) increase
await updateCollectionThroughput (collectionName, throughput) new throughput
await updateAllCollectionsThroughput (throughput) new throughputs
await resetThroughput () new throughputs


  • client.init() and client.createMongooseModel() are important steps during the setup of your application...

  • client.createMongooseModel() expects the connected Mongoose-instance of your application as third parameter, especially for calling mongoose.model(). Using this dependency injection, "kth-node-cosmos-db" avoids to have its own Mongoose-version which then might not match the Mongoose-version of your application. The module has been tested to work with Mongoose v5.9.

  • "kth-node-cosmos-db" doesn't cache the created Mongoose models. Your application has to do this.

  • Call client.resetThroughput() regularly, especially after a data import is done. This avoids too high throughput values and helps you save costs in Azure.

Further reading

  • contains information about testing and changing the module

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