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3.1.4 • Public • Published


Simple authentication and REST calls for OpenText Content Server.


  • Provides a simplified interface for managing authentication with the OpenText Content Server REST API
  • Refreshes the OTCSTicket token automatically (minimising token expiration errors)
  • Simplifies POST, PUT, & PATCH requests (since Content Server doesn't support the application/json content type)
  • Based on the axios HTTP client
  • Works with Node.js and the browser

Breaking Changes v2

  • The baseURL parameter was renamed baseUrl.


Using npm:

npm install @kweli/cs-rest

Using yarn:

yarn add @kweli/cs-rest


Authenticate with a username and password and get the details of a node:

import { Session } from "@kweli/cs-rest";

// session wraps an axios instance
const session = new Session({
  baseUrl: "https://.../cs.exe",
  username: "Admin",
  password: "******",

// a Session instance can issue authenticated requests to Content Server
const response = await session.get("/api/v1/nodes/2000");

Authenticate with an OTCSTicket:

const session = new Session({
  baseUrl: "https://.../cs.exe",
  otcsticket: "<token>",

cs-rest API

Requests can be made with the get, post, put, patch, delete, and options methods on the Session instance. These have the same interface as the respective methods in axios.

Content Server returns a fresh OTCSTicket with each successful API call. The Session instance automatically retains it for the subsequent request.


The OpenText Content Server REST API doesn't accept requests that use the application/json content type. This means POST, PUT, & PATCH requests need to use a content type of multipart/form-data, which makes writing a request a little more verbose. For example, to create a new folder:

const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("type", 0);
formData.append("parent_id", 2000);
formDAta.append("name", "My New Folder");

const response = await session.post("api/v2/nodes", formData);

The Session class provides a postForm (also putForm and patchForm) method to simplify this:

const response = await session.postForm("api/v2/nodes", {
  type: 0,
  parent_id: 2000,
  name: "My New Folder",

axios instance

The underlying axios instance is available if these methods don't suffice:

const axios = session.axios;


The Session class provides a few convenience methods for performing commonly used REST requests. By no means is this complete, and it's possible the API will change in the future.

For example, there is a method for creating a new folder:

const response = await session.nodes.addFolder(2000, "My New Folder");

A method also exists for uploading a document, where file is either:

  • a browser File object (e.g,. from drag and drop); or
  • a local file path, when using Node.js (e.g., c:/temp/file.pdf.
const response = await session.nodes.addDocument(2000, file);




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