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HGNC Gene Info Wrapper

This package is designed to facilitate interactions with the Human Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) API. It enables the retrieval of genetic information using specific methods based on stored or searchable fields


  • rootURL: string: Base URL for API requests to HGNC. Default value is 'https://rest.genenames.org'.
  • frontRootURL: string: Base URL for requests to HGNC Site. Default value is 'https://www.genenames.org'.
  • output: "XML" | "JSON": Desired output format for the API responses. Possible values are 'XML' or 'JSON', with 'JSON' being the default.


  • fetchInfo(): Returns general information available from the API.
  • fetchBy(storedField: string, query: any): Fetches information from the API based on a specific field and a query. Throws an error if the specified field is not in the storedFields list.
  • searchByAllFields(query: any): Conducts a search on all searchable fields with the specified query.
  • searchBy(searchableField: string, query: any): Conducts a search on a specific field with the specified query. Throws an error if the specified field is not in the searchableFields list.
  • dbOverview(dumentType:string): Returns general information from database.

Accessible Properties

  • storedFields: Returns a list of fields that can be specified for the fetchBy method.
  • searchableFields: Returns a list of fields that can be specified for the searchBy method.
  • documentTypes: Return s list of fields that can br specified for th dbOverview method.

Usage Examples

Creating an Instance of the Class

const hgnc = new HGNC();

Fetching General Information

The information request (https://rest.genenames.org/info) is utilized to obtain details about the service itself rather than to retrieve data from the server. The response from this request will provide information such as the last update time of the server data (lastModified), the total number of documents (numDoc), which fields are searchable through search and fetch methods (searchableFields), and which fields can be returned by the fetch operation (storedFields).

async () => {
  const info = await hgnc.fetchInfo();

Fetching by a Specific Field

The fetch request is the primary method used to obtain specific records from the server, which will include all fields listed in the "storedFields" section of the info response. The fetch operation requires the user to specify a queryable field (as detailed in the "searchableFields" section of the info) along with the search term in the URL.

The definition list below shows all the fields that could possibly be returned within a fetch request:

Field Type Description Example URL
agr string The Alliance of Genomic Resources HGNC ID for the Human gene page within the resource. https://www.alliancegenome.org/gene/<AGR HGNC ID>
alias_name string array See alias_name within the searchable fields for the definition.
alias_symbol string array See alias_symbol within the searchable fields for the definition.
bioparadigms_slc string Symbol used to link to the SLC tables database at bioparadigms.org for the gene. http://slc.bioparadigms.org/protein?GeneName=<SYMBOL>
ccds_id string array See ccds_id within the searchable fields for the definition. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/CCDS/CcdsBrowse.cgi?REQUEST=CCDS&DATA=<CCDS ID>
cd string Symbol used within the Human Cell Differentiation Molecule database for the gene. http://www.hcdm.org/index.php?option=com_molecule&cdnumber=<SYMBOL>
cosmic string Symbol used within the Catalogue of somatic mutations in cancer for the gene. http://cancer.sanger.ac.uk/cosmic/gene/overview?ln=<SYMBOL>
curator_notes string array See curator_notes within the searchable fields for the definition.
date_approved_reserved date The date the entry was first approved.
date_modified date Date the entry was last modified.
date_name_changed date The date the gene name was last changed.
date_symbol_changed date The date the gene symbol was last changed.
ena string array See ena within the searchable fields for the definition. https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/data/view/<ENA ACCESSION>
ensembl_gene_id string See ensembl_gene_id within the searchable fields for the definition. https://www.ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/Gene/Summary?g=<ENSEMBL GENE ID>
entrez_id string See entrez_id within the searchable fields for the definition. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/<ID>
enzyme_id string array ENZYME EC accession number. http://enzyme.expasy.org/EC/<EC ACCESSION NUMBER>
gencc string array HGNC ID associated to a Gene Curation Coalition (GenCC) record. https://search.thegencc.org/genes/<HGNC ID>
gene_group string HGNC gene group names to which the gene belongs.
gene_group_id int array HGNC gene group ID to which the gene belongs. /data/genegroup/#!/group/<ID>
gtrnadb string The GtRNAdb ID to which the gene belongs. This will only appear if the gene is a tRNA. http://gtrnadb.ucsc.edu/genomes/eukaryota/Hsapi38/genes/<gtrnadb>.html
hgnc_id string See hgnc_id within the searchable fields for the definition. /data/gene-symbol-report/#!/hgnc_id/<HGNC ID>
homeodb int Homeobox Database ID. http://homeodb.cbi.pku.edu.cn/gene_info.get?id=<ID>
horde_id string Symbol used within HORDE for the gene. http://genome.weizmann.ac.il/horde/card/index/symbol:<SYMBOL>
imgt string Symbol used within international ImMunoGeneTics information system. http://www.imgt.org/IMGT_GENE-DB/GENElect?query=2+<SYMBOL>&species=Homo+sapiens
intermediate_filament_db string ID used to link to the Human Intermediate Filament Database. http://www.interfil.org/details.php?id=<ID>
iuphar string The objectId used to link to the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY database. http://www.guidetopharmacology.org/GRAC/ObjectDisplayForward?objectId=<ID>
lncipedia string The LNCipedia ID to which the gene belongs. This will only appear if the gene is a long non-coding RNA. https://lncipedia.org/db/gene/<lncipedia>
lncrnadb string lncRNA Database ID. http://www.lncrnadb.org/<ID>
location string Cytogenetic location of the gene (e.g., 2q34).
locus_group string See locus_group within the searchable fields for the definition.
locus_type string See locus_type within the searchable fields for the definition.
lsdb string array The name of the Locus Specific Mutation Database and URL for the gene separated by a | character. eg Mutations of the ATP-binding Cassette Transporter Retina|http://www.retina-international.org/files/sci-news/abcrmut.htm
mamit-trnadb int ID to link to the Mamit-tRNA database. http://mamit-trna.u-strasbg.fr/mutations.asp?idAA=<ID>
mane_select string array See mane_select within the searchable fields for the definition.
merops string ID used to link to the MEROPS peptidase database. https://www.ebi.ac.uk/merops/cgi-bin/pepsum?id=<ID>
mgd_id string array See mgd_id within the searchable fields for the definition. http://www.informatics.jax.org/marker/<MGD ID>
mirbase string miRBase ID. http://www.mirbase.org/cgi-bin/mirna_entry.pl?acc=<ID>
name string See name within the searchable fields for the definition.
omim_id int array Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) ID. http://www.omim.org/entry/<ID>
orphanet int Orphanet ID. http://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin/OC_Exp.php?Lng=GB&Expert=<ID>
prev_name string array See prev_name within the searchable fields for the definition.
prev_symbol string array See prev_symbol within the searchable fields for the definition.
pseudogene.org string Pseudogene.org ID. http://tables.pseudogene.org/<ID>
pubmed_id long array Pubmed and Europe Pubmed Central PMIDs. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/<PMID> and https://europepmc.org/search/?page=1&query=<PMID>
refseq_accession string array See refseq_accession within the searchable fields for the definition. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/<REFSEQ ACCESSION>
rgd_id string array See rgd_id within the searchable fields for the definition. To use the ID to link to RGD remove "RGD:" from the ID. http://rgd.mcw.edu/rgdweb/report/gene/main.html?id=<RGD ID>
rna_central_id string array See rna_central_id within the searchable fields for the definition. https://rnacentral.org/rna/<RNACentral ID>/9606
snornabase string snoRNABase ID. https://www-snorna.biotoul.fr//plus.php?snoid=<ID>
status string See status within the searchable fields for the definition.
symbol string See symbol within the searchable fields for the definition.
symbol_report_tag string See symbol_report_tag within the searchable fields for the definition.
ucsc_id string See ucsc_id within the searchable fields for the definition.
uniprot_ids string array See uniprot_ids within the searchable fields for the definition. http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/<UNIPROT ID>
uuid string Unique ID held within the search server.
vega_id string See vega_id within the searchable fields for the definition. http://vega.sanger.ac.uk/Homo_sapiens/Gene/Sequence?db=core;g=<VEGA GENE ID>
async () => {
  const resource = "ensembl_gene_id";
  const query = "ENSG00000166526";
  const data = await hgnc.fetchBy(resource, query);


The search request is more powerful than the fetch for querying the database, but the search only returns the fields hgnc_id, symbol, and score. If you want to retrieve all the data for a set of genes from the search results, the user could use the hgnc_id returned by the search to then initiate a request for the hgnc_id using fetch.

Below is a definition list containing the fields that can be used to fetch and search records found within the HGNC record.

Field Description Example URL
alias_name Other names used to refer to this gene as seen in the "Alias names" field in the gene symbol report. https://rest.genenames.org/search/alias_name/%22A-kinase%20anchor%20protein,%20350kDa%22
alias_symbol Other symbols used to refer to this gene as seen in the "Alias symbols" field in the gene symbol report. https://rest.genenames.org/search/alias_symbol/BRAF1
ccds_id Consensus CDS ID. This field may be found within the "Nucleotide resources" section of the gene symbol report. https://rest.genenames.org/search/ccds_id/CCDS5863
curator_notes This field contains additional information related to the entry that has been manually added by an HGNC curator. https://rest.genenames.org/search/curator_notes/functional
ena International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (GenBank, ENA, and DDBJ) accession number(s). https://rest.genenames.org/search/ena/M95712
ensembl_gene_id Ensembl gene ID. Found within the "Gene resources" section of the gene symbol report. https://rest.genenames.org/search/ensembl_gene_id/ENSG00000157764
entrez_id Entrez gene ID. Found within the "Gene resources" section of the gene symbol report. https://rest.genenames.org/search/entrez_id/673
hgnc_id HGNC ID. A unique ID created by the HGNC for every approved symbol. https://rest.genenames.org/search/hgnc_id/1097
location The chromosomal location. For details on searching specific chromosomes or chromosome arms, please use wildcards. https://rest.genenames.org/search/location/01*
locus_group A group name for a set of related locus types as defined by the HGNC. https://rest.genenames.org/search/locus_group/%22non-coding%20RNA%22
locus_type The locus type as defined by the HGNC. https://rest.genenames.org/search/locus_type/%22RNA,%20long%20non-coding%22
mane_select MANE Select nucleotide accession with version. https://rest.genenames.org/search/locus_type/%22RNA,%20long%20non-coding%22
mgd_id Mouse genome informatics database ID. Found within the "Homologs" section of the gene symbol report. https://rest.genenames.org/search/mgd_id/%22MGI:88190%22
name HGNC approved name for the gene. Equates to the "Approved name" field within the gene symbol report. https://rest.genenames.org/search/name/%22zinc%20finger%20protein%20536%22
omim_id An Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) ID. https://rest.genenames.org/search/omim_id/194510
prev_name Gene names previously approved by the HGNC for this gene. Equates to the "Previous names" field within the gene symbol report. https://rest.genenames.org/search/prev_name/%22solute%20carrier%20family%205%20(choline%20transporter),%20member%207%22
prev_symbol Symbols previously approved by the HGNC for this gene. Equates to the "Previous symbols" field within the gene symbol report. https://rest.genenames.org/search/prev_symbol/RN5S49
refseq_accession RefSeq nucleotide accession. Found within the "Nucleotide resources" section of the gene symbol report. https://rest.genenames.org/search/refseq_accession/NM_033360
rgd_id Rat genome database gene ID. Found within the "Homologs" section of the gene symbol report. https://rest.genenames.org/search/rgd_id/%22RGD:2981%22
rna_central_id An RNAcentral ID. Found within the "Nucleotide resources" section of the gene symbol report. https://rest.genenames.org/search/rna_central_id/URS000075AC83
status Status of the symbol report, which can be either "Approved" or "Entry Withdrawn". https://rest.genenames.org/search/status/Approved
symbol The HGNC approved gene symbol. Equates to the "Approved symbol" field within the gene symbol report. https://rest.genenames.org/search/symbol/KLF4
symbol_report_tag The tag that may appear next to the title of the symbol report. Tags include "Ambiguous" for ambiguous locus type genes, "Placeholder symbol", and "Stable symbol". https://rest.genenames.org/search/symbol_report_tag/Ambiguous
ucsc_id UCSC gene ID. Found within the "Gene resources" section of the gene symbol report. https://rest.genenames.org/search/ucsc_id/%22uc001rgp%22
uniprot_ids UniProt protein accession. Found within the "Protein resources" section of the gene symbol report. https://rest.genenames.org/search/uniprot_ids/P00568
vega_id Vega gene ID. Found within the "Gene resources" section of the gene symbol report. https://rest.genenames.org/search/vega_id/OTTHUMG00000020722

Searching by All Fields

async () => {
  const query = "BRAF";
  const data = await hgnc.searchByAllFields(query);

Searching by a Specific Field

Search can do more powerful request then just a simple look up on a field as seen in the examples below:

Search example Note
ZNF* Return all records that have symbols that start with ZNF
ZNF? Return all records that have symbols that start with ZNF and includes an extra character after ZNF (i.e., ZNF3 but not ZNF12)
:ZNF3 An alternative form of https://rest.genenames.org/search/symbol/ZNF3
:ZNF*+AND+status:Approved Return all records that have symbols that start with ZNF which have been approved by the HGNC
:ZNF3+OR+ZNF12 Return ZNF3 and ZNF12
:ZNF*+NOT+status:Approved Return all records that have symbols that start with ZNF which are not approved (i.e., entry withdrawn)
async () => {
  const resource = "symbol";
  const query = "ZNF*"; // Return all records that have symbols that start with ZNF
  const data = await hgnc.searchBy(resource, query);
async () => {
  const resource = "symbol";
  const query = ":ZNF*+NOT+status:Approved"; // Return all records that have symbols that start with ZNF which are not approved
  const data = await hgnc.searchBy(resource, query);

DB Overview

This method returns an overview in numbers of the database data. You can see the JSON schema of the response in this file.

async () => {
  const documentType = "gene"; // "gene", "group" or "site"
  const {response}  = await hgnc.dbOverview(documentType);

This document covers the basic functionalities of the HGNC class for interacting with the HGNC API, making it easier to retrieve genetic data efficiently and in a structured manner.

For more detailed documentation, access the link: HGNC REST API Help.

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