Lakutata is a generic development framework written in TypeScript and designed with IoC principles. Its main objective is to provide a universal, efficient, and stable development framework. The design goals of Lakutata are not limited to web application development; it aims to serve as a foundational framework for desktop applications, embedded systems applications, and web applications. The framework primarily adopts an OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) approach and encapsulates functionalities such as subprocesses, threads, permission management, and database ORM, enabling the framework to be used out of the box.
In addition, Lakutata also supports the integration of third-party libraries into the application, allowing developers to freely encapsulate and call third-party modules using Lakutata's dependency injection.
- Install lakutata cli tool
npm install -g @lakutata/cli
- Show available commands
lakutata --help
Lakutata is MIT licensed.