This repository is forked from https://github.com/elehobica/bluetoothctlwe.git
Linux command line bluetoothctl wrapper for nodejs
powerful command line utulity bluetoothctl for discovery, connect,disconnect, scan, pair etc.. if you want to connect bluetooth speakers , mouse, keyboard etc.. you can use this module. you must install bluetoothctl . for raspberry pi 3 , it comes as default with raspbian. example install process: sudo apt-get install bluez blueman alsa-utils bluez-alsa
checkBluetoothController() : checks if bluetooth controler exists or not
getPairedDevices() : checks already paired devices.
getDevicesFromController() : checks already scanned devices.
disconnect(macID) : disconnect from macID
info(macID) : checks features of device with given macID
pair(macID) : pairs with given macID
confirmPassKey(bool) : confirms passkey while paring.
scan(bool) : starts or stops scanning of bluetooth devices. while scan is set true, current audio playback might get crackling.. so stop scan after you found what you are searching.
discoverable(bool) : sets your raspberry or linux device's bluetooth as discoverable.
isScanning : checks if bluetoothctl is already scanning. returns true/false
isBluetoothReady : checks if our bluetooth controller ready.returns true/false
isBluetoothControlExists : checks if we have a bluetooth hardware or not.
devices : returns the scanned and found devices as array. example output at below..
controllers : returns the found bluetooth hardware devices.
Controller: event fires when bluetooth controller detected from system
DeviceSignalLevel: event fires when a discoverable bluetooth device's signal level detected.
Device: event fires when a new device found or a device sends its features
PassKey: event fires when passkey confirmation is required to pair device. confirmPasskey(true) should be called in response to this event.
Basic usage
var blue = require("bluetoothctl");
blue.on(blue.bluetoothEvents.Controller, function(controllers){
console.log('Controllers:' + JSON.stringify(controllers,null,2))
blue.on(blue.bluetoothEvents.DeviceSignalLevel, function(devices,mac,signal){
console.log('signal level of:' + mac + ' - ' + signal)
blue.on(blue.bluetoothEvents.Device, function (devices) {
console.log('devices:' + JSON.stringify(devices,null,2))
blue.on(blue.bluetoothEvents.PassKey, function (passkey) {
console.log('Confirm passkey:' + passkey)
var hasBluetooth=blue.checkBluetoothController();
console.log('system has bluetooth controller:' + hasBluetooth)
if(hasBluetooth) {
console.log('isBluetooth Ready:' + blue.isBluetoothReady)
console.log('stopping scan')
Sample output of controller:
"mac": "B8:27:EB:2E:66:7B",
"name": "raspberrypi"
Sample output of devices:
"mac": "00:0C:8A:8C:D3:71",
"name": "Bose Mini SoundLink",
"signal": 0,
"paired": "yes",
"trusted": "yes",
"icon": "audio-card",
"class": "0x240428",
"blocked": "no",
"connected": "no",
"trycount": 1