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yarn add @leafygreen-ui/toast


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import Button from '@leafygreen-ui/button';
import { ToastProvider, useToast, Variant } from '@leafygreen-ui/toast';

const { pushToast, clearStack, getStack, updateToast } = useToast();
const stack = getStack();

const createToast = () => {
    title: 'Toast Title',
    description: 'Toast Description',
    variant: Variant.Success,
    timeout: null,

return (
    <Button onClick={createToast}>Create toast</Button>

Properties, useToast

useToast is a React hook that enables a consumer to interact with a Toast stack. It may only be used inside of a <ToastProvider />. The hook takes no arguments and returns the following functions:

Name Signature
pushToast (payload: ToastProps) => ToastId
popToast (payload: ToastId) => ToastProps | undefined
updateToast (id: ToastId, props: Partial<ToastProps>, ) => ToastProps | undefined
getToast (id: ToastId) => ToastProps | undefined
getStack () => ToastStack |undefined
clearStack () => void

Properties, ToastProvider

Prop Type Default Description
initialValue Map<ToastId, ToastProps>; The initial toasts in the stack.
portalClassName string Class name applied to the containing Portal component

Properties, Controlled Toast

Prop Type Default Description
actionElement React.ReactNode Optional action button, or other element. Only rendered if variant === 'progress'. This should be a shortcut only—and not the only way to perform the action. The provided action element should have an aria-description attribute that describes how to alternatively perform the action.
darkMode boolean false Renders the component with dark mode styles.
description React.ReactNode Additional body text
dismissible boolean true Determines whether to render the close button. If timeout === null, then dismissible is forced to true.
onClose (event: ToastCloseEvent) => void Fired either when the close button is clicked, or when timeout has elapsed. When triggered by button click, event.type === "click". When triggered by timeout, event.type === "timeout".
open required boolean Required boolean that renders the Toast and makes it visible when true. Note: open is not a valid prop when rendering toasts programmatically
progress number Optional number between 0 and 1 that sets the progress bar's progress. Note: the progress bar is only rendered when the Toast variant is set to 'progress'.
timeout number | null 6000 Dismiss the Toast after timeout milliseconds. If timeout is null or 0, the Toast will never dismiss automatically. Notes:
  • when variant="progress", timeout timer will not start until progress is complete.
  • timeout timer will be paused when a user is interacting with a Toast.
title required React.ReactNode Primary text for the toast
variant 'success' 'note' 'warning' 'progress' 'important' note Required style variant to render the Toast as.




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