actionElement |
React.ReactNode |
Optional action button, or other element. Only rendered if variant === 'progress' . This should be a shortcut only—and not the only way to perform the action. The provided action element should have an aria-description attribute that describes how to alternatively perform the action. |
darkMode |
boolean |
false |
Renders the component with dark mode styles. |
description |
React.ReactNode |
Additional body text |
dismissible |
boolean |
true |
Determines whether to render the close button. If timeout === null , then dismissible is forced to true . |
onClose |
(event: ToastCloseEvent) => void |
Fired either when the close button is clicked, or when timeout has elapsed. When triggered by button click, event.type === "click" . When triggered by timeout, event.type === "timeout" . |
open required
boolean |
Required boolean that renders the Toast and makes it visible when true. Note: open is not a valid prop when rendering toasts programmatically |
progress |
number |
Optional number between 0 and 1 that sets the progress bar's progress. Note: the progress bar is only rendered when the Toast variant is set to 'progress' . |
timeout |
number | null |
6000 |
Dismiss the Toast after timeout milliseconds. If timeout is null or 0 , the Toast will never dismiss automatically. Notes:
- when
variant="progress" , timeout timer will not start until progress is complete.
timeout timer will be paused when a user is interacting with a Toast.
title required
React.ReactNode |
Primary text for the toast |
variant |
'success' 'note' 'warning' 'progress' 'important' |
note |
Required style variant to render the Toast as. |