TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.9 • Public • Published

LicenseSpring node.js SDK

This package is a node.js implementation of Licensespring SDK. For more information and tutorials, see: https://docs.licensespring.com/sdk


To install the SDK in your nodejs or typescript project run:

npm i --save @licensespring/node-sdk


Provides a direct interface to the LicenseSpring API. The LicenseAPI class encapsulates API calls, input checks, authentication and signature verification. Typescript definitions are provided for the arguments and return types of the class methods.

To import the LicenseAPI class use:

const { LicenseAPI } = require('@licensespring/node-sdk');

Creating an instance

const licenseAPI = new LicenseAPI({
  apiKey: '12345678-4bfe-4e3a-8737-757004d6294c',
  sharedKey: 'eYuHrlajvIVTiSFIXpxpKhw78f4Ewy-00-12345678',
  appName: 'js-sdk-test-1',
  appVersion: '0.0.1',
  /** NOTE: the following properties are set to their default values by the SDK and can be overriden manually: */
  // apiPath: 'http://api.dev.licensespring.com/api/v4',
  // publicKey: '...',

The constructor takes the a single argument of the following type:

  /** your Licensespring API key */
  apiKey: string,
  /** your Licensespring API Shared key **/
  sharedKey: string,
  /** custom name for your application */
  appName: string,
  /** custom version string for your application */
  appVersion: string,
  /** your Air Gap Activation key (optional) */
  airGapKey?: string,
  /** override for License API url (default is https://api.licensespring.com/api/v4/) **/
  apiPath?: string,
  /** override for License API public key (default is pub key for api.licensespring.com) **/
  publicKey?: string,
  /** override for License File filename (default is "License") */
  filename?: string,
  /** override for License File path (default is current directory) */
  filePath?: string,
  /** override for License File encryption key */
  fileKey?: string,
  /** override for license grace period duration in hours (default is 24) */
  gracePeriod?: number,
  /** override for License File guard file (default is false) */
  isGuardFileEnabled?: boolean,
  /** override for Hardware ID calculation method (default is 0, for more info see "Hardware ID" section) */
  hardwareIDMethod?: number,

API methods

For more information on API functionality, see our LicenseSpring API docs.

For type definitions see Types.


Generates a Hardware ID. This value is required for various API method calls.

If the optional argument is not provided, it defaults to the value set in the configuration object provided when instantiating the LicensespringAPI object. If no value was provided in the config object, it defaults to 0 (the default Hardware ID method).

getHardwareID(algorithm?: HardwareIdAlgorithm): string

Check License


checkLicense(payload: LicenseIdentificator, includeExpiredFeatures: boolean = false): Promise<LicenseResponse>

Activate License Online


activateLicense(payload: LicenseActivationIdentificatorWithVariables): Promise<LicenseResponse>

Deactivate License Online


deactivateLicense(payload: LicenseIdentificator): Promise<boolean>

Activate License Offline


activateOffline(payload: LicenseActivationIdentificatorOfflineWithVariables): Promise<LicenseResponseOffline>

Deactivate License Offline


deactivateOffline(payload: LicenseIdentificator): Promise<boolean>

Get Trial License Key


getTrialKey(payload: TrialKeyPayload): Promise<LicenseTrialResponse>

List Licenses for a User


getUserLicenses(payload: GetUserLicensesPayload): Promise<LicenseResponse[]>

List License Users for a Customer


getCustomerLicenseUsers(payload: GetCustomerLicensesPayload): Promise<CustomerLicenseUsersResponse>

Check License Feature


checkLicenseFeature(payload: LicenseIdentificatorAndFeature): Promise<LicenseFeatureResponse>

Add License Consumption


addConsumption(payload: LicenseIdentificatorAddConsumptions): Promise<LicenseConsumptionsResponse>

Add License Feature Consumption


addFeatureConsumption(payload: LicenseIdentificatorAddFeatureConsumptions): Promise<LicenseFeatureConsumptionResponse>

Product Details


getProductDetails(payload: ProductDetailsPayload): Promise<ProductDetailsResponse>

Get Device Variables


getDeviceVariables(payload: LicenseIdentificator): Promise<DeviceVariable[]>

Track Device Variables


trackDeviceVariables(payload: LicenseIdentificatorWithVariables): Promise<DeviceVariable[]>

Borrow Floating License


floatingBorrow(payload: LicenseIdentificatorWithBorrowedUntil): Promise<LicenseBorrowResponse>

Release Floating License


floatingRelease(payload: LicenseIdentificator): Promise<boolean>

Release Floating Feature


featureRelease(payload: LicenseIdentificatorAndFeature): Promise<boolean>

Change User Password


changePassword(payload: PasswordChangePayload): Promise<boolean>

List Product Versions for License


getVersions(payload: LicenseIdentificator): Promise<VersionsResponse>

Product Installation File Info for License


getInstallationFile(payload: LicenseIdentificatorWithInstallation): Promise<InstallationFileResponse>

Get Single Sign On URL


getSSOUrl(payload: SSOURLParams): Promise<{ url: string }>

Get Air Gap Activation Code


getAirGapActivationCode(initializationCode: string, licenseKey: string): string

Verify Air-Gap Confirmation Code

verifyConfirmationCode(confirmationCode: string, licenseKey: string, policyId?: string): boolean

Activate Air-Gapped License


activateAirgappedLicense(activationPayload: OfflineActivation, licenseKey: string, policyId: string): LicenseResponse


Provides a high-level interface for managing licenses, including local licenses. The LicenseManager is required to work with local license files. Typescript definitions are provided for the arguments and return types of the class methods.

To import the LicenseManager class use:

const { LicenseManager } = require('@licensespring/node-sdk');

To create an instance:

const licenseManager = new LicenseManager({
  apiKey: '12345678-4bfe-4e3a-8737-757004d6294c',
  sharedKey: 'eYuHrlajvIVTiSFIXpxpKhw78f4Ewy-00-12345678',
  appName: 'js-sdk-test-1',
  appVersion: '0.0.1',
  productCode: 'lkp',
  /** NOTE: the following properties are set to their default values by the SDK and can be overriden manually: */
  // apiPath: 'http://api.dev.licensespring.com/api/v4',
  // publicKey: '...',

The constructor takes the a single argument of the following type:

  /** your Licensespring API key */
  apiKey: string,
  /** your Licensespring API Shared key **/
  sharedKey: string,
  /** custom name for your application */
  appName: string,
  /** custom version string for your application */
  appVersion: string,
  /** your product short code */
  productCode: string,
  /** your Air Gap Activation key (optional) */
  airGapKey?: string,
  /** override for License API url (default is https://api.licensespring.com/api/v4/) **/
  apiPath?: string,
  /** override for License API public key (default is pub key for api.licensespring.com) **/
  publicKey?: string,
  /** override for License File filename (default is "License") */
  filename?: string,
  /** override for License File path (default is current directory) */
  filePath?: string,
  /** override for License File encryption key */
  fileKey?: string,
  /** override for license grace period duration in hours (default is 24) */
  gracePeriod?: number,
  /** override for License File guard file (default is false) */
  isGuardFileEnabled?: boolean,
  /** override for Hardware ID calculation method (default is 0, for more info see "Hardware ID" section) */
  hardwareIDMethod?: number,


Methods that take a Managed License identificator are the same as in License API, except that product and hardware_id do not have to be specified in the payload as they are provided by the License Manager object.

Check License


checkLicense(payload: Managed<LicenseIdentificator>): Promise<LicenseResponse>

Activate License Online


activateLicense(payload: Managed<LicenseIdentificatorWithVariables>): Promise<LicenseResponse>

Deactivate License Online


deactivateLicense(payload: Managed<LicenseIdentificator>): Promise<boolean>

Activate License Offline


activateOffline(payload: Managed<LicenseIdentificatorOfflineWithVariables>): Promise<LicenseResponseOffline>

Deactivate License Offline


deactivateOffline(payload: Managed<LicenseIdentificator>): Promise<boolean>

Get Trial License Key


getTrialKey(payload: Managed<TrialKeyPayload>): Promise<LicenseTrialResponse>

List Licenses for a User


getUserLicenses(payload: Managed<GetUserLicensesPayload>): Promise<LicenseResponse[]>

List License Users for a Customer


getCustomerLicenseUsers(payload: Managed<GetCustomerLicensesPayload>): Promise<CustomerLicenseUsersResponse>

Check License Feature


checkLicenseFeature(payload: Managed<LicenseIdentificatorAndFeature>): Promise<LicenseFeatureResponse>

Add License Consumption


addConsumption(payload: Managed<LicenseIdentificatorAddConsumptions>): Promise<LicenseConsumptionsResponse>

Add License Feature Consumption


addFeatureConsumption(payload: Managed<LicenseIdentificatorAddFeatureConsumptions>): Promise<LicenseFeatureConsumptionResponse>

Product Details


getProductDetails(payload: Managed<ProductDetailsPayload>): Promise<ProductDetailsResponse>

Get Device Variables


getDeviceVariables(payload: Managed<LicenseIdentificator>): Promise<DeviceVariable[]>

Track Device Variables


trackDeviceVariables(payload: Managed<LicenseIdentificatorWithVariables>): Promise<DeviceVariable[]>

Borrow Floating License


floatingBorrow(payload: Managed<LicenseIdentificatorWithBorrowedUntil>): Promise<LicenseBorrowResponse>

Release Floating License


floatingRelease(payload: Managed<LicenseIdentificator>): Promise<boolean>

Release Floating Feature


featureRelease(payload: Managed<LicenseIdentificatorAndFeature>): Promise<boolean>

Change User Password


changePassword(payload: PasswordChangePayload): Promise<boolean>

List Product Versions for License


getVersions(payload: Managed<LicenseIdentificator>): Promise<VersionsResponse>

Product Installation File Info for License


getInstallationFile(payload: Managed<LicenseIdentificatorWithInstallation>): Promise<InstallationFileResponse>

Get Single Sign On URL


getSSOUrl(payload: SSOURLParams): Promise<{ url: string }>

Get Air Gap Activation Code


getAirGapActivationCode(initializationCode: string, licenseKey: string)

Activate Air-Gapped License

Performs verifyConfirmationCode and activates Air-Gapped License:

activateAirGapLicense(confirmationCode: string, licenseKey: string, policyFilePath: string, policyID: string)

Is License Valid

Checks if License is enabled, active and not expired:

isValid(license: LicenseResponse): boolean

Maintenance Days Remaining

Returns days remaining in maintenance period:

maintenanceDaysRemaining(license: LicenseResponse): number

Validity Days Remaining

Returns days remaining in license validity period:

daysRemaining(license: LicenseResponse): number

Load License File

See License File

loadLicense(): License

Check License File For Corruption

isLicenseFileCorrupted(): boolean

Clear Local Storage

clearLocalStorage(): void

License File

For more info see our docs: https://docs.licensespring.com/sdks/tutorials/best-practices/local-license-file and https://docs.licensespring.com/sdks/python/licensefile

To load a local license file, create an instance of LicenseManager and call the method loadLicense:

const licenseFile = licenseManager.loadLicense();

The License class provides an interface for working with the License File.


Get Feature Data

public featureData(featureCode: string): ProductFeature

Check License Status

Throws an exception if the license is disabled, inactive or expired

checkLicenseStatus(): void

Perform Full License Check

Checks License status and saves to local license file

check(includeExpiredFeatures: boolean = false): Promise<LicenseResponse>

Get Air-Gap License Deactivation Code

getDeactivationCode(initializationCode: string): string

Deactivate Air-Gap License

deactivateAirGap(confirmationCode: string): void

Deactivate License

Deactivates a License, updates local license file. Optionally deletes license file

deactivate(deleteLicense: boolean = false): Promise<boolean>

Local License Check

Performs a local check using the local license file. Throws an exception if license is not valid

localCheck(): Promise<true>

Change Password

Performs password change for user associated to License

changePassword(oldPassword: string, newPassword: string): Promise<boolean>

Add Local Consumption

Adds a License consumption to the local license data

addLocalConsumption(consumptions: number = 1)

Add Local Feature Consumption

Adds a License feature consumption to the local license data

addLocalFeatureConsumption(featureCode: string, consumptions: number = 1)

Sync License Feature Consumption

Sends a feature consumption request to the server and updates local data

syncFeatureConsumption(feature: { code: string, local_consumption: number }): Promise<boolean>

Sync License Consumption

Syncs local consumptions to server

syncConsumption(overages: number = -1): Promise<boolean>

Borrow Floating License

floatingBorrow(borrowUntil: string, password?: string): Promise<boolean>

Release Floating License

floatingRelease(): Promise<boolean>

Check Feature Status

Checks License Feature status, throws exception if not active

checkFeature(featureCode: string): Promise<void>

Release Borrowed Feature

releaseFeature(featureCode: string): Promise<void>

Update Offline

Update local cache from Offline License File (at given `path`). Optionally reset local consumption value.
public updateOffline(path: string, resetConsumption: boolean): boolean

Deactivate Offline License

deactivateOffline(offlinePath: string): Promise<void>

Get Product Details

Retrieves Product Details from server

productDetails(includeLatestVersion: boolean = false, includeCustomFields: boolean = false, includeExpiredFeatures: boolean = false): Promise<ProductDetailsResponse>

Get Product Details Local

Retrieves Product Details from local data

get productDetailsLocal()

Set Device Variables Local

Set custom variables to local data

setDeviceVariablesLocal(variables: { [key: string]: string|number }, save: boolean = true): void

Set Device Variables

Send locally stored variables to server. Optionally save to license file

setDeviceVariables(save: boolean = false): Promise<void>

Get Device Variable Local

Get the value of a variable from local data

getDeviceVariableLocal(variable: string)

Get Device Variables Local

Get all variables from local data


Get Device Variables

getDeviceVariables(): Promise<DeviceVariable[]>


get allowGraceSubscriptionPeriod()
get allowOverages()
get allowUnlimitedActivations()
get allowUnlimitedConsumptions()
get borrowUntil()
get consumptionPeriod()
get consumptionReset()
get customerInformation()
get customFields()
get daysRemaining()
get daysSinceLastCheck()
get expiryDate()
get features()
get floatingClientId()
get floatingEndDate()
get floatingInUseDevices()
get floatingTimeout()
get gracePeriod()
get gracePeriodHoursRemaining()
get id()
get isAirGapped()
get isBorrowed()
get isControlledByFloatingServer()
get isDeviceTransferAllowed()
get isDeviceTransferLimited()
get isExpired()
get isFloating()
get isFloatingExpired()
get isGracePeriod()
get isGracePeriodStarted()
get isMaintenancePeriodExpired()
get isSubcriptionGracePeriodStarted()
get isTrial()
get isValid()
get isValidityPeriodExpired()
get lastCheck()
get lastUsage()
get licenseActive()
get licenseEnabled()
get licenseKey()
get licenseType()
get licenseUser()
get localConsumptions()
get maintenanceDaysRemaining()
get maintenancePeriod()
get maxActivations()
get maxConsumptions()
get maxFloatingUsers()
get maxOverages()
get maxTransfers()
get metadata()
get policyID()
get preventVm()
get startDate()
get subscriptionGracePeriod()
get totalConsumptions()
get transferCount()
get validityPeriod()
get validityWithGracePeriod()

Hardware ID

Both LicenseAPI and LicenseManager use the Hardware ID module to calculate a unique fingerprint for the local machine. The module provides multiple methods of determining the ID:

export enum HardwareIdAlgorithm {
  Default = 0,
  WindowsHardwareFingerprintId = 1,
  WindowsComputerSystemProductId = 2,
  WindowsCryptographyId = 3,
  LinuxMachineId = 4,
  CloudPlatformsId = 5,

The default method (0) covers all cases and fallbacks. If you override the default method, the method used should be consistent accross your project. For both LicenseAPI and LicenseManager, this can be overriden globally by setting the required value in the config object when initializing the LicenseAPI/LicenseManager, e.g.:

const licenseAPI = new LicenseAPI({
  apiKey: '12345678-4bfe-4e3a-8737-757004d6294c',
  sharedKey: 'eYuHrlajvIVTiSFIXpxpKhw78f4Ewy-00-12345678',
  appName: 'js-sdk-test-1',
  appVersion: '0.0.1',
  hardwareIDMethod: 5,


All calls to the server can be proxied by providing a proxy definition in either of the following two ways:

A. By providing a proxy definition in the initialization config argument for LicenseAPI, LicenseManager and FloatingAPI, e.g.:

const licenseAPI = new LicenseAPI({
  apiKey: '12345678-4bfe-4e3a-8737-757004d6294c',
  sharedKey: 'eYuHrlajvIVTiSFIXpxpKhw78f4Ewy-00-12345678',
  appName: 'js-sdk-test-1',
  appVersion: '0.0.1',
  proxy: {
    host: '',
    port: 9000,

B. or by calling the setProxy method on an initialized LicenseAPI, LicenseManager or FloatingAPI object, e.g.:

  host: '',
  port: 9000,

For the type declaration of the proxy definition object, see AxiosProxyConfig in the following Types section.


The following are typescript definitions for all the types used in the SDK:

/** Date string in ISO 8601 format (always in UTC timezone) with optional separators and optional time component, e.g.:
 * "2024-09-27T23:30:48.016Z"
 * "2024-09-27 23:30:48.016"
 * "2024-09-27 23:30:48"
 * "2024-09-27 23:30"
 * "2024-09-27"
export type DateInputString = string;

/** Date string in full ISO 8601 format, e.g. "2024-09-27T23:30:48.016Z". Note: this is always in UTC timezone */
export type DateISO8601UTC = string;

/** Date string in RFC 7231 format, e.g. "Fri, 27 Sep 2024 23:30:48 GMT". Note: this is always in GMT timezone */
export type DateRFC7231 = string;

/** Length of time expressed in days, months or years, e.g. 5d, 2m, 3y */
export type TimeLength = string;

export type LicensespringConfig = {
  apiKey: string,
  sharedKey: string,
  apiPath: string,
  publicKey: string,
  productCode: string,
  appName: string,
  appVersion: string,
  filePath: string,
  filename: string,
  gracePeriod: number,
  fileKey: string,
  airGapKey?: string,
  isGuardFileEnabled: boolean,
  hardwareIDMethod: number,
  sdkVersion: string,
  proxy?: AxiosProxyConfig,

interface AxiosProxyConfig {
  host: string,
  port: number,
  protocol?: string,
  auth?: {
    username: string,
    password: string,

export type LicensespringAPIConfig = Omit<LicensespringConfig, 'productCode'>;

export type LicensespringConfigDef = Omit<LicensespringConfig, 'apiPath'|'publicKey'|'filename'|'filePath'|'gracePeriod'|'fileKey'|'isGuardFileEnabled'|'hardwareIDMethod'|'sdkVersion'> & {
  apiPath?: string,
  publicKey?: string,
  filename?: string,
  filePath?: string,
  gracePeriod?: number,
  fileKey?: string,
  isGuardFileEnabled?: boolean,
  hardwareIDMethod?: number,
  proxy?: AxiosProxyConfig,

export type LicensespringAPIConfigDef = Omit<LicensespringAPIConfig, 'apiPath'|'publicKey'|'filename'|'filePath'|'gracePeriod'|'fileKey'|'isGuardFileEnabled'|'hardwareIDMethod'|'sdkVersion'> & {
  apiPath?: string,
  publicKey?: string,
  filename?: string,
  filePath?: string,
  gracePeriod?: number,
  fileKey?: string,
  isGuardFileEnabled?: boolean,
  hardwareIDMethod?: number,
  proxy?: AxiosProxyConfig,

export type LicensespringFloatingConfig = {
  apiPath: string,
  appVersion: string,
  hardwareIDMethod: number,
  sdkVersion: string,
  proxy?: AxiosProxyConfig,

export type LicensespringFloatingConfigDef = Omit<LicensespringFloatingConfig, 'hardwareIDMethod'|'sdkVersion'> & {
  hardwareIDMethod?: number,

type LicenseIdentificatorKeyBased = {
  license_key: string,

type LicenseIdentificatorUserBased = {
  username: string,

type LicenseActivationIdentificatorUserBased = {
  username: string,
  password: string,

type LicenseIdentificatorUserSSOBased = ({
  id_token: string,
} | {
  code: string,
}) & {
  customer_account_code: string,

export type SSOURLParams = {
  product: string,
  type: 'token'|'code',

type LicenseIdentificatiorRequired = {
  hardware_id: string,
  product: string,
  bundle_code?: string,
  license_id?: number,

export type LicenseActivationIdentificatorWithVariables = LicenseActivationIdentificator & { variables?: Dictionary<string> };
export type LicenseActivationIdentificatorOfflineWithVariables = LicenseActivationIdentificator & OfflineActivationRequest & { variables?: Dictionary<string> };

export type LicenseIdentificatorWithVariables = LicenseIdentificator & { variables?: Dictionary<string> };

export type LicenseIdentificatorOfflineWithVariables = LicenseIdentificator & OfflineActivationRequest & { variables?: Dictionary<string> };

export type TrialKeyPayload = { email: string, product: string, hardware_id: string };

export type GetUserLicensesPayload = { username: string, password: string, product: string };

export type GetCustomerLicensesPayload = { customer: string, product: string };

export type LicenseIdentificatorAndFeature = LicenseIdentificator & { feature: string };

export type LicenseIdentificatorAddConsumptions = LicenseIdentificator & { consumptions: number };

export type LicenseIdentificatorAddFeatureConsumptions = LicenseIdentificator & { feature: string, consumptions: number };

export type ProductDetailsPayload = {
  product: string,
  /** @defaultValue false */
  include_expired_features?: boolean,
  /** @defaultValue false */
  include_latest_version?: boolean,
  /** @defaultValue false */
  include_custom_fields?: boolean,

export type LicenseIdentificatorWithBorrowedUntil = LicenseIdentificator & { borrowed_until: DateInputString };

export type PasswordChangePayload = { username: string, password: string, new_password: string };

export type LicenseIdentificatorWithInstallation = LicenseIdentificator & { env: string, channel: string, version: string };

export type Managed<T> = Omit<T, 'product' | 'hardware_id'>;

 * @type {LicenseIdentificator}
 * An object that identifies a License using either a license-key, user credentials or single sign-on credentials.
 * Optionally can include a `license_id` property to force a specific license is being selected.
export type LicenseIdentificator = (
  XOR<LicenseIdentificatorKeyBased, LicenseIdentificatorUserBased>
) & LicenseIdentificatiorRequired;

export type LicenseActivationIdentificator = (
  XOR<LicenseIdentificatorKeyBased, LicenseActivationIdentificatorUserBased, LicenseIdentificatorUserSSOBased>
) & LicenseIdentificatiorRequired;

 * @type {LicenseUser}
 * An object describing a User associated to a specific license
export type LicenseUser = {
  id: number,
  email: string,
  first_name: string,
  last_name: string,
  phone_number: string,
  is_initial_password: boolean,
  allow_unlimited_activations: boolean,
  max_activations: number,
  total_activations: number,

 * @type {ProductDetails}
 * An object describing the basic properties of a Product
export type ProductDetails = {
  product_id: number,
  product_name: string,
  short_code: string,
  authorization_method: 'license-key' | 'user',
  metadata: JSON,

 * @type {Customer}
 * An object describing a Customer
export type Customer = {
  email: string,
  company_name: string,
  reference: string,
  phone: string,
  first_name: string,
  last_name: string,
  city: string,
  postcode: string,
  state: string,
  country: string,
  address: string,
  customer_account: string|null,
  metadata: JSON,

 * @type {CustomField}
 * An object describing a Custom Field. These are key-value pairs assigned to a Product and inherited by that product's Licenses. They can be overriden on the License level
export type CustomField = {
  name: string,
  data_type: 'numer' | 'text' | 'date/time',
  value: string,

 * @type {ProductFeature}
 * An object describing a Product Feature. These are custom attributes assigned to a Product and inherited by that product's Licenses
export type ProductFeature = {
  id: number,
  code: string,
  name: string,
  expiry_date: string,
  metadata: JSON,
  is_floating_cloud: boolean,
} & XOR<{
  feature_type: 'activation',
}, {
  feature_type: 'consumption',
  max_consumption: number,
  allow_unlimited_consumptions: boolean,
  total_consumptions: number,
  allow_overages: number,
  max_overages: number,
  reset_consumption: boolean,
  consumption_period: 'daily' | 'weekly' | 'monthly' | 'annualy' | null,
}> & XOR<{
  is_floating: false
}, {
  is_floating: true,
  floating_users: number,
  floating_timeout?: number,

 * @type {LicenseType}
 * Declares the type of License which is always one of the following:
 * - *perpetual*: A perpetual license does not expire. The `is_expired` field on such a license will always be `false`.
 * Note that a perpetual *trial* license (`is_trial` flag is set to `true`) does have an `validity_period`, which refers to the end of the trial period.
 * - *time-limited*: Has a `validity_period` set as a calendar date. After the date has passed, the `is_expired` flag will be set to `true`.
 * - *subscription*: Uses an external source of truth such as a 3rd party service to determine the state of the License.
 * - *consumption*: Permits usage metering. These licenses set a value the vendor wishes to meter, and then record the times that resource has been used.
 * Includes the following properties: `max_consumptions`, `total_consumptions`, `allow_unlimited_consumptions`, `allow_overages`, `max_overages`, `reset_consumption` and `consumption_period`.
export type LicenseType = 'perpetual' | 'time-limited' | 'consumption' | 'subscription';

 * @type {LicenseResponse}
 * The License object received as a response when checking or activating a License. Includes a set of common properties and additional ones which may or may not appear depending on `license_type`, `is_trial`, `is_floating`/`is_floating_cloud` and Product `authorization_method` (key-based vs. user based).
export type LicenseResponse = {
  id: number;
  allow_grace_period: boolean,
  allow_overages: boolean,
  allow_unlimited_activations: boolean,
  borrowed_until: string | null,
  can_borrow: boolean,
  channel: string,
  device_id: number,
  enable_maintenance_period: boolean
  environment: string,
  eula_link: string,
  floating_timeout: number,
  grace_period: number,
  hash_md5: string,
  installation_file: string,
  is_air_gapped: boolean,
  is_borrowed: boolean,
  is_expired: boolean,
  is_hardware_key_auth: boolean,
  license_active: boolean,
  license_enabled: boolean,
  license_signature: string,
  license_type: LicenseType,
  maintenance_period: string | null,
  max_activations: number,
  max_borrow_time: number,
  max_license_users: number,
  max_overages: number,
  max_transfers: number,
  order_store_id: string,
  prevent_vm: boolean,
  release_date: string,
  release_notes_link: string,
  requires_version: string,
  size: string,
  start_date: string | null,
  times_activated: number,
  transfer_count: number,
  validity_period: DateISO8601UTC | null,
  version: string,
  product_features: ProductFeature[],
  custom_fields: CustomField[],
  customer: Customer,
  product_details: ProductDetails,
  metadata: JSON,
& XOR<{
  license_key: string,
}, {
  user: LicenseUser,
& XOR<({
  is_floating: true,
  is_floating_cloud: boolean,
  floating_in_use_devices: number,
} | {
  is_floating: boolean,
  is_floating_cloud: true,
  floating_in_use_devices: number,
}) & {
  floating_users: number,
  is_floating_cloud: false,
  is_floating: false,
& XOR<{
  is_trial: false,
}, {
  is_trial: true,
  trial_days: number,
& XOR<{
  license_type: 'consumption',
  max_consumptions: number,
  total_consumptions: number,
  allow_unlimited_consumptions: boolean,
  allow_overages: boolean,
  max_overages: number,
  reset_consumption: boolean,
  consumption_period: 'daily' | 'weekly' | 'monthly' | 'annually' | null,

 * @type {LicenseResponseOffline}
 * The License object received as a response when activating a License using the Offline method.
 * This type is equal to LicenseResponse with the addition of the `license_signature_v2` property.
export type LicenseResponseOffline = LicenseResponse & {
  license_signature_v2: string,

export type LicenseFilePayload = LicenseResponseOffline & {
  offline_signature: string,

export type OfflineActivationRequest = {
  prefix?: string;
  os_ver?: string;
  sdk_build_version?: string;
  hostname?: string;
  ip?: string;
  external_ip?: string;
  app_ver?: string;
  mac_address?: string;

export type DeviceVariable = {
  id: number,
  device_id: number,
  created_at: DateISO8601UTC,
  variable: string,
  value: string,

type LicenseTrialExisting = {

type LicenseTrialNewCommon = {
  license_key: string,
  id: number,
  order_id: number,
  product_id: number,
  max_license_users: number,
  max_activations: number,
  times_activated: number,
  is_trial: true,
  active: boolean,
  enabled: boolean,
  max_transfers: number,
  trial_days: number,
  maintenance_duration: TimeLength | null,
  validity_period: DateISO8601UTC | null,
  enable_maintenance_period: boolean,
  prevent_vm: boolean,
  is_hardware_key_auth: boolean,
  license_user: string,
  initial_password: string,
  metadata: JSON,
  created_at: number,
  updated_at: number,
  LicenseProductFeatures: LicenseProductFeature[],
  LicenseCustomFields: {
    product_custom_field_id: number,
    value: string

type LicenseTrialNew = LicenseTrialNewCommon
  & (XOR<
    is_floating_cloud: true,
    floating_users: number,
    floating_timeout: number,
  & (XOR<
      license_type: 'consumption',
      allow_overages: boolean,
      max_overages: number,
      max_consumptions: number,
      valid_duration: null,
      consumption_period: 'daily' | 'weekly' | 'monthly' | 'annually' | null,
      reset_consumption: boolean,
      license_type: 'subscription',
      grace_period: number,
      allow_grace_period: boolean,
      license_type: 'perpetual' | 'time-limited',

export type LicenseTrialResponse = (LicenseTrialNew | LicenseTrialExisting) & {
  license_type: LicenseType,
  is_trial: boolean,
  /** Username */
  license_user: string,

type CustomerLicenseUser = {
  email: string,
  is_active: boolean,
  first_name: string,
  last_name: string,
  phone_number: string,
  is_initial_password: boolean,
  initial_password: string,
  max_activations: number,
  total_activations: number,
  license_id: number,
  order_id: number,
  order_store_id: string,

export type CustomerLicenseUsersResponse = {
  customer: {
    email: string | null,
    first_name: string | null,
    last_name: string | null,
    company_name: string | null,
    phone: string | null,
    reference: string | null,
    address: string | null,
    postcode: string | null,
    city: string | null,
    country: string | null,
    state: string | null,
    customer_account: null | {
      id: string,
      name: string,
      code: string,
    metadata: JSON,
  users: CustomerLicenseUser[]

export type LicenseFeatureResponse = {
  id: number,
  code: string,
  name: string,
  floating_timeout: number | null,
  floating_users: number | null,
  feature_type: 'activation' | 'consumption'
  expiry_date: DateISO8601UTC | null,
  metadata: JSON,
  is_floating: boolean,
  is_floating_cloud: boolean,
  floating_in_use_devices: number,
  license_id: number,

export type LicenseProductFeature = {
  id: number,
  product_feature_id: number,
  max_consumption: number,
  allow_overages: boolean,
  max_overages: number,
  reset_consumption: number,
  consumption_period: 'daily' | 'weekly' | 'monthly' | 'annually' | null,
  expiry_date: DateISO8601UTC | null,
  is_floating: boolean,
  is_floating_cloud: boolean,
  metadata: JSON,
} & XOR<({ is_floating: true } | { is_floating_cloud: true }) & {
  floating_timeout: number,
  floating_users: number,

export type LicenseConsumptionsResponse = {
  id: number,
  max_consumptions: number,
  total_consumptions: number,
  allow_unlimited_consumptions: boolean,
  allow_negative_consumptions: boolean,
  allow_overages: boolean,
  max_overages: number,
  reset_consumption: boolean,
  consumption_period: 'daily' | 'weekly' | 'monthly' | 'annually' | null,

export type LicenseFeatureConsumptionResponse = {
  allow_negative_consumptions: boolean,
  allow_overages: boolean,
  allow_unlimited_consumptions: boolean,
  consumption_period: 'daily' | 'weekly' | 'monthly' | 'annually' | null,
  is_floating_cloud: boolean,
  is_floating: boolean,
  max_consumptions: number,
  max_overages: number,
  reset_consumption: boolean,
  total_consumptions: number,

  // the following properties are only present on floating and floating cloud features:
 floating_timeout?: number | null,
 floating_users?: number,

export type ProductDetailsResponse = ProductDetails & {
  floating_timeout: number,
  max_overages: number,
  trial_days: number,
  allow_overages: boolean,
  allow_trial: boolean,
  prevent_vm: boolean,
  custom_fields: {
    id: number,
    name: string,
    default_value: string,
  latest_version: null | (InstallationFileBase & {
    id: number,
    product_id: number,
    enabled: boolean,
    created_at: DateISO8601UTC,
    updated_at: DateISO8601UTC,
    full_link: string | null,
    filename: string | null,

export type LicenseBorrowResponse = {
  license_id: number,
  device_id: number,
  borrowed_until: DateInputString,
  max_borrow_time: number,

type InstallationFileBase = {
  version: string | null,
  environment: string | null,
  hash_md5: string | null,
  eula_link: string | null,
  release_notes_link: string | null,
  size: string | null,
  requires_version: string | null,
  channel: string | null,
  release_date: DateISO8601UTC | null,

export type InstallationFileResponse = InstallationFileBase & {
  installation_file: string | null

export type VersionsResponse = {
  version: string,
  release_date: DateISO8601UTC,

export type LicenseDataMethod = 'check_license'

export enum HardwareIdAlgorithm {
  Default = 0,
  WindowsHardwareFingerprintId = 1,
  WindowsComputerSystemProductId = 2,
  WindowsCryptographyId = 3,
  LinuxMachineId = 4,
  CloudPlatformsId = 5,





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