
0.0.19 • Public • Published


Home: http://devops.liquicode.com

Version: 0.0.19

A utility for devops, CI/CD, and general automation.

Quick Start

Install with NPM:

# Install locally into your project:
npm install --save @liquicode/devops
# - or -
# Install globally onto your machine for all your projects:
npm install --global @liquicode/devops

Run from the command line

# Use the npx command to resolve the installation of devops and run it.
# This works if installed locally or globally.
# This works even if not installed. Npx will find the latest version online and run it.
npx @liquicode/devops <taskfile>

See below for more command line options.


devops is a command runner that executes commands that are defined as Javascript objects and are stored within a json/js "tasks" file.

Commands, Steps, and Tasks

Commands perform actions on your environment such as copying files or running a shell command. Each command has specific parameters that provide the command with specific details of what to do. For example, the $CopyFile command requires from and to paramteters to tell it which file to copy and to where Each command specifies its parameters as a Javascript object.

{ $CopyFile: { from: 'readme.md', to: 'docs/readme.md' } } // A single step

Commands are grouped together as steps within a task. Tasks provide logical units that can be executed directly via the devops command line, making tasks runnable from batch/shell files or other types of tools. Each task defines an array of steos.

	clear_folder: [ //  <-- A Task
		{ $RemoveFolder: { folder: 'data/temp', force: true } }, // <-- Steps in a task
		{ $EnsureFolder: { folder: 'data/temp' } },              // <-- Steps in a task

The Tasks File

Multiple tasks can be defined within a single tasks file. You can use the $RunTask command in one task to run another task within the same file.

	clear_folder: [
		{ $RemoveFolder: { folder: 'data/temp', force: true } },
		{ $EnsureFolder: { folder: 'data/temp' } },
	build_docs: [
		{ $RunTask: { task: 'clear_folder' } },

The Task Context

Each task file maintains a Context object that is shared among all tasks and steps within a file. Many of the devops commands have the ability to read and write values into the Context object. You can specify an initial context within the tasks file.

	// Initial context values for this file
	Context: {
		message: 'Hello World!',
	// Tasks ...
	default: [
		{ $PrintContext: { context: 'message', out: { console: true } } },
// Prints: Hello World!

Context variables can be referenced within string values by using the ${variable-name} notation.

	Context: { temp_folder: 'files/temp' },
	default: [
		{ $CopyFile: { from: 'data.json', to: '${temp_folder}/data.json' } },

Task File Structure

The .js version of a tasks file:

module.exports = {
	// Optional context initialization.
	Context: {
		message: 'Hello World!',
	// Tasks ...
	Task1: [
		// Steps ...
		{ $CopyFile: { from: 'file1.json', to: 'data.json' } },
	Task2: [ ... ],

Command Line Parameters

When devops runs, it loads a tasks file and executes all commands in relation to the current working directory.

All command line parameters are optional.

  • execution_folder : Makes this folder the current working directory during execution. Defaults to the process' current working directory.
  • package_filename : A package.json file to load and store into the Context as package. Will also change the execution_folder to this folder. (Aliases: package or p)
  • tasks_filename : The tasks file containing commands to execute. If this is not specified, devops looks for a devops.tasks.js or a devops.tasks.json file. (Aliases: tasks or t)
  • task_name : The name of the task within the tasks file to run. If not specified, a task called default will be run.

Command Listing

See the Command Reference for full command documentation.

Child Process Commands


Execute a command line.

11 Fields : command, halt_on_error, out.as, out.console, out.log, out.filename, out.context, err.console, err.log, err.filename, err.context

More ...

Context Commands


Loads (requires) a Javascript module (.js) file into a context variable.

6 Fields : filename, out.as, out.console, out.log, out.filename, out.context

More ...


Prints a context variable value to the output.

6 Fields : context, out.as, out.console, out.log, out.filename, out.context

More ...


Increments a semver formatted version number stored in the context.

1 Fields : context

More ...


Sets a field in the context.

2 Fields : context, value

More ...

File System Commands


Appends text to a file. The file is created if it does not exist.

2 Fields : filename, value

More ...


Removes all files from a folder.

2 Fields : folder, recurse

More ...


Copies a file from one folder to another. If the destination path does not exist, it will be created

2 Fields : from, to

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Copies a folder and its contents from one path to another.

2 Fields : from, to

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Makes sure that the specified folder exists. Creates the folder and any intermediate folders if needed.

1 Fields : folder

More ...


Inserts text into the beginning of a file. The file is created if it does not exist.

2 Fields : filename, value

More ...


Reads the contents of a json file or field.

7 Fields : filename, field, out.as, out.console, out.log, out.filename, out.context

More ...


Reads the contents of a text file.

6 Fields : filename, out.as, out.console, out.log, out.filename, out.context

More ...


Removes a folder.

2 Fields : folder, force

More ...

Flow Control Commands


Halts execution of the current task.

No Fields

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Conditionally execute steps based on the state of the Context.

3 Fields : criteria, then, else

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Performs no operation and is ignored.

No Fields

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Runs a set of steps defined within this step.

1 Fields : steps

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Runs another task found in the same devops task file.

1 Fields : task

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Internet Commands


Downloads a resource from the internet and stores it to a file and/or Context variable.

7 Fields : url, as, out.as, out.console, out.log, out.filename, out.context

More ...

Scripting Commands


Processes a document file or string containing Embedded Javascript (ejs) code.

15 Fields : ejs_file, ejs_string, ejs_start, ejs_end, use_eval, debug_script.as, debug_script.console, debug_script.log, debug_script.filename, debug_script.context, out.as, out.console, out.log, out.filename, out.context

More ...


Executes Javascript code within a string or a file.

8 Fields : code_file, code_string, use_eval, out.as, out.console, out.log, out.filename, out.context

More ...

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npm i @liquicode/devops

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  • agbowlin