TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.15.4 • Public • Published


This is a Notion CLI tool written by TypeScript. And some commands can be executed in interactive mode.


  • Support for multiple output formats including csv and JSON
  • Support interactive mode for CRUD operation.

Quick Start

Retrieves a page object using the ID specified.

$ export NOTION_TOKEN=secret_xxx...
$ notion-cli page retrieve <PAGE_ID>

Using docker image:

$ docker run -e NOTION_TOKEN=secret_xxx... ghcr.io/litencatt/notion-cli page retrieve <PAGE_ID>

# -it flag is required to run interactive mode using docker
$ docker run -it -e NOTION_TOKEN=secret_xxx... ghcr.io/litencatt/notion-cli db retrieve

Multiple output formats

oclif ux.table supported output formats are table, csv, json, yaml. And notion-cli supports output raw json response with --raw.

default: table

Output columns are only title, object, id, url now.

$ notion-cli page retireve c77dbaf240174ea1ac1e93a87269f3ea
 Title      Object Id                                   Url
 ────────── ────── ──────────────────────────────────── ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
 Page title page   c77dbaf2-4017-4ea1-ac1e-93a87269f3ea https://www.notion.so/Page-title-c77dbaf240174ea1ac1e93a87269f3ea


$ notion-cli page retrieve c77dbaf240174ea1ac1e93a87269f3ea --output csv
Page title,page,c77dbaf2-4017-4ea1-ac1e-93a87269f3ea,https://www.notion.so/Page-title-c77dbaf240174ea1ac1e93a87269f3ea


$ notion-cli page retrieve c77dbaf240174ea1ac1e93a87269f3ea --output json
    "title": "Page title",
    "object": "page",
    "id": "c77dbaf2-4017-4ea1-ac1e-93a87269f3ea",
    "url": "https://www.notion.so/Page-title-c77dbaf240174ea1ac1e93a87269f3ea"


$ notion-cli page retrieve c77dbaf240174ea1ac1e93a87269f3ea --output yaml
- title: Page title
  object: page
  id: c77dbaf2-4017-4ea1-ac1e-93a87269f3ea
  url: 'https://www.notion.so/Page-title-c77dbaf240174ea1ac1e93a87269f3ea'

Raw json

This flag returns the raw json response from the Notion API, so you can get all the data for a given resource. You can also process the response using jq or other tools.

$ notion-cli page retrieve c77dbaf240174ea1ac1e93a87269f3ea --raw | head
  "object": "page",
  "id": "c77dbaf2-4017-4ea1-ac1e-93a87269f3ea",
  "created_time": "2023-05-07T09:08:00.000Z",
  "last_edited_time": "2023-08-15T01:08:00.000Z",
  "created_by": {
    "object": "user",
    "id": "3555ae80-4588-4514-bb6b-2ece534157de"
  "last_edited_by": {

Interactive mode in db command

  1. Start interactive mode execute db command without args
  2. Select a database from list
  3. Build filter conditions
    • And then you can choose whether to save the conditions to a json file or not.
  4. Query to db with the filter conditions
  5. Saved json files can be reused by passing them as flags at the next execution.




$ npm install -g @litencatt/notion-cli


$ docker pull ghcr.io/litencatt/notion-cli


Supported API and functions

Endpoint API Support multi-format* interactive mode
Authentication Create a token      
Blocks Append a block children o o  
Blocks Retrieve a block o o  
Blocks Retrieve a block children o o  
Blocks Update a block o o  
Blocks Delete a block o o  
Pages Create a page o o  
Pages Retrieve a page o o  
Pages Update a page o o  
Database Create a database o o o
Database Retrieve a database o o o
Database Update a database o o o
Database Query a database o o o
Users List all users o o  
Users Retrieve a user o o  
Users Retrieve your token's bot user o o  
Comments Create a comment      
Comments Retrieve a comment      
Search Search by title o o

* multi-format NOT supported commands output only raw json response



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  • litencatt