TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

2.0.23 • Public • Published

Lit Protocol Contracts SDK (Typescript)

ContractsSDK is a bundled package that allows you to make calls to Lit Protocol smart contracts. Some contracts come with additional abstracted functions that can be accessed by appending Util to the contract variable name, for example, pkpNftContract becomes pkpNftContractUtil.

Demo: https://demo-contracts-sdk-react.vercel.app/


yarn add @litprotocol-dev/contracts-sdk

Vanilla JS

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@litprotocol-dev/contracts-sdk-vanilla/contracts-sdk.js"></script>
  (async () => {
    const { LitContracts } = LitJsSdk_contractsSdk;

    const litContracts = new LitContracts();
    await litContracts.connect();

Quick Start

Initialize an instance

// -- Default
// Environments:
//    -- [NodeJs]: It will generate a random private key to create a signer
//    -- [Browser]: It will use window.ethereum as a signer
// RPC: https://matic-mumbai.chainstacklabs.com
const litContracts = new LitContracts();
await litContracts.connect();

// -- custom rpc
const litContracts = new LitContracts({
  rpc: 'https://localhost:3000',

// -- custom signer
const privateKey =
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider);
const litContracts = new LitContracts({ signer });
await litContracts.connect();


// -------------------- READ --------------------
// -- calling the pkpNftContract raw functions
const PKP_TOKEN_ID = BigNumber.from('38350640033302...4285614');
const PKP_ETH_ADDRESS = '0x...123';

let ethAddress = await litContracts.pkpNftContract.getEthAddress(PKP_TOKEN_ID);
let pkpPubKey = await litContracts.pkpNftContract.getPubKey(PKP_TOKEN_ID);
let mintCost = await litContracts.pkpNftContract.mintCost();

// -- calling the pkpPermissionsContract raw functions
let permittedAddresses = await litContracts.pkpPermissionsContract(

// -------------------- ADDTIONAL READS --------------------
let ipfsIsPermitted =
  await litContracts.pkpPermissionsContractUtil.read.isPermittedAction(

let addressTokens =
  await litContracts.pkpNftContractUtil.read.getTokensByAddress(PKP_ETH_ADDRES);

let last2TokensOfTheContract =
  await litContracts.pkpNftContractUtil.read.getToken(2);

// -------------------- WRITE --------------------
const tx = await contracts.pkpNftContract.mintNext(2, { value: mintCost });
const tx = await contracts.pkpNftContract.mintNext(2, {
  // The maximum units of gas for the transaction to use
  gasLimit: 23000,

  // The price (in wei) per unit of gas
  gasPrice: ethers.utils.parseUnits('9.0', 'gwei'),

  // The nonce to use in the transaction
  nonce: 123,

  // The amount to send with the transaction (i.e. msg.value)
  value: ethers.utils.parseEther('1.0'),

  // The chain ID (or network ID) to use
  chainId: 1,

Other contracts can be accessed from litContracts.

Dev scripts

Config file


If the directory structures have been changed on the LitNodeContracts repo, you will need to edit the config file.

  "root": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LIT-Protocol/LitNodeContracts/main/",
  "contracts": "deployed_contracts_serrano.json",
  "abis": {
    "dir": "deployments/mumbai_80001/",
    "ignoreProperties": ["metadata", "bytecode", "deployedBytecode"]

Quick start

The gen-code and fetch-contracts actions are executed together in this action.

node ./packages/contracts-sdk/tools.mjs --update


This script fetches and processes ABI files for a set of deployed contracts. It writes the ABI files and contract data to the file system and runs a command to generate additional files based on the ABIs.

node ./packages/contracts-sdk/tools.mjs --fetch


This script automatically generates a contracts-sdk.ts. It does this by reading the file names from a specified directory, generating import statements and declarations based on those file names, and replacing certain sections of the contracts-sdk.ts file with the generated content.

node ./packages/contracts-sdk/tools.mjs --gen




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npm i @litprotocol-dev/contracts-sdk

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