
1.0.6 • Public • Published


This package contains common utilities for building components for the Livy logger.

Table of Contents:

General Purpose Utilities


There's also a whole bunch general-purpose helper functions in this file. They are thoroughly documented, including examples, so you're probably best off to just dive into the source code.


For TypeScript users, there are also some handy types to be found in this file.


Determines whether the runtime is Node.js or a browser and derives related environment-specific data.

const Environment = require('@livy/util/lib/environment')

Environment.isNodeJs // `true` or `false`
Environment.isBrowser // `true` or `false`
Environment.EOL // os.EOL in Node.js, '\n' otherwise


An extended Set with the array methods some and every on top:

const { ValidatableSet } = require('@livy/util/lib/validatable-set')

const set = new ValidatableSet([1, 2, 3])

set.every(item => typeof item === 'number') // true
set.some(item => item < 0)                  // false

// Behaves like the corresponding array methods on empty sets:
set.every(anyCondition) // false
set.some(anyCondition)  // true


An extended ValidatableSet that allows to validate and reject values that go inside the set.

const { GatedSet } = require('@livy/util/lib/gated-set')

const integers = new GatedSet(value => {
  if (typeof value !== 'number' || !Number.isInteger(value)) {
    throw new TypeError('Set only accepts integers')

integers.add(5)     // OK
integers.add(-50)   // OK
integers.add(5.5)   // Throws TypeError
integers.add(NaN)   // Throws TypeError
integers.add('foo') // Throws TypeError


A function/template tag that allows you to easily construct HTML strings without having to worry about escaping:

const { HTML } = require('@livy/util/lib/html')

const snippet = '<em>awesome</em>'

HTML`<p>Markup is ${snippet}!</p>`.toString()
// '<p>Markup is &lt;em&gt;awesome&lt;/em&gt;!</p>'

// Use HTML as template tag in interpolations to avoid escaping:
HTML`<p>Markup is ${HTML`<em>awesome</em>`}!</p>`.toString()
// '<p>Markup is <em>awesome</em>!</p>'

// Use HTML as a function to avoid escaping of variables:
HTML`<p>Markup is ${HTML(snippet)}!</p>`.toString()
// '<p>Markup is <em>awesome</em>!</p>'


Check whether a handler or processors is resettable.

See also: ResettableInterface


An approach to use TypeScript mixins slightly altered from Mixin classes.

Supports extending abstract classes and correctly type-checks super() calls for the tradeoff of having to wrap the mixin in an additional function call:

// Mixin definition:
const WriteAccess = Mixin(
  _ =>
    class extends _ {
      write(file: string, content: string) {
        // Do some write action

// Mixin usage:
class User {
  constructor(protected name: string) {}

class PrivilegedUser extends WriteAccess(User) {
  constructor(name: string, protected role: 'editor' | 'admin') {
    super(name) // <- type-hinted!

  otherMethod() {
    this.write('/some/file/path', 'some content') // <- type-hinted!


A cross-runtime performance timer implementation:

const { Timer } = require('@livy/util/lib/timer')

const timer = new Timer()

// Start the timer

// ... do some work ...

// Get number of milliseconds elapsed since timer.start()

// ... do some work ...

// Still get number of milliseconds elapsed since timer.start()

// Stop and reset the timer

Formatter-Related Utilities


A simple TypeScript type which represents an object with all LogRecord properties mapped to boolean values.

This can be useful as type of a formatter's option that determines which parts of a log record should be represented in the formatted output — see for example the LineFormatter implementation.


A base class for formatters to extend which implements formatBatch as a series of format calls, joined by a delimiter (which by default is the EOL determined by the environment, can be changed by overriding the batchDelimiter property):

const { AbstractBatchFormatter } = require('@livy/util/lib/abstract-batch-formatter')

class QuestionableFormatter extends AbstractBatchFormatter {
  format(record) {
    return '?'

const q = new QuestionableFormatter()
q.format({ ... }) // '?'
q.formatBatch([{ ... }, { ... }, { ... }]) // '?\n?\n?'

See also: FormatterInterface


This formatter — because it's very ubiquitous throughout the project — is implemented here to remove complexity from the dependency graph (i.e. to avoid a mutual dependency with @livy/line-formatter).

See @livy/line-formatter for documentation.

Handler-Related Utilities

This includes various base classes, mixins and check functions for implementing handlers.


Check whether a handler is closable.


Checks whether a handler implements the FormattableHandlerInterface


Check whether a handler can use processors.


Check whether a handler can be invoked synchronously.


Implements the mandatory asynchronous handler methods handle and handleBatch by replicating the behavior of their corresponding synchronous methods:

const SomeBaseClass = require('SomeBaseClass')
const {
} = require('@livy/util/lib/handlers/mirror-sync-handler-mixin')

class Handler extends MirrorSyncHandlerMixin(SomeBaseClass) {
  handleSync(record) {
    // ...

  handleBatchSync(record) {
    // ...

const handler = new Handler()
handler.handle()      // calls handler.handleSync()
handler.handleBatch() // calls handler.handleBatchSync()

See also: SyncHandlerInterface


Makes a handler able to work with processors, implementing the ProcessableHandlerInterface.

It adds:

  • a public processors set.
  • an internal processRecord method which your handler may call with a log record to run all registered processors on it.
  • an internal resetProcessors method which resets all resettable processors.
  • a basic reset method which calls resetProcessors, thus making the handler resettable


Adds a public level property which defaults to 'debug', as well as a isHandling implementation based on that level.

See also: HandlerInterface


Adds a formatter property to the applied-to class with support for an implicit default formatter:

const SomeBaseClass = require('SomeBaseClass')
const SomeFormatter = require('SomeFormatter')
const {
} = require('@livy/util/lib/handlers/formattable-handler-mixin')

class Handler extends FormattableHandlerMixin(SomeBaseClass) {
   * Allow setting a formatter through a handler option
  constructor({ formatter, ...options }) {
    // Pass other options up

    // Set the `this.explicitFormatter` property.
    // If the user provides no `formatter` option, it will be undefined
    // and `this.formatter` will return the default formatter
    this.explicitFormatter = formatter

   * Define the default formatter (required)
  get defaultFormatter() {
    return new SomeFormatter()

  handle(record) {
    // ...

See also: FormattableHandlerInterface


This is a base handler class that implements the handleBatch and handleBatchSync methods by sequentially executing handle/handleSync for each passed record.

See also: HandlerInterface


Base handler class (extending the AbstractBatchHandler) which adds a level and a bubble option and implements the isHandling method based on the configured level:

const {
} = require('@livy/util/lib/handlers/abstract-level-bubble-handler')

class Handler extends AbstractLevelBubbleHandler {
  handle(record) {
    // ...do something with the record...

    // Indicate bubbling behavior based on the `bubble` option:
    return !this.bubble

See also:


Base handler class extending the AbstractLevelBubbleHandler with the FormattableHandlerMixin and ProcessableHandlerMixin. It completely abstracts the nitty gritty details of writing a handler with formatter and processor support away from you so you only have to implement a write method:

const {
} = require('@livy/util/lib/handlers/abstract-formatting-processing-handler')

class FileHandler extends AbstractFormattingProcessingHandler {
  async write(record, formattedRecord) {
    await someFileHandler.write(formattedRecord)

There's also AbstractSyncFormattingProcessingHandler to implement a synchronous handler by implementing writeSync:

const {
} = require('@livy/util/lib/handlers/abstract-formatting-processing-handler')

class SyncFileHandler extends AbstractSyncFormattingProcessingHandler {
  writeSync(record, formattedRecord) {

  // You can still implement your own asynchronous `write` method,
  // but if you omit it, it will just fall back to `writeSync` instead
  async write(record, formattedRecord) {
    await someFileHandler.write(formattedRecord)

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