Generate Typescript (and javascript) bindings for canonical JSON representation of proto messages, for when gRPC-web isn't doing it for you.
Primarily designed for use with httpgrpc but can be used on its own if you just want JSON proto message classes in your JS/TS project.
If you cannot obtain a pre-built binary (e.g. the releases section of this project, once it has some) you will require Go >= 1.16 to compile the protoc plugin.
go install
Alternatively, building the binary for your environment ahead of time and ensuring the result is on the path will also work. Protoc simply adds "protoc-gen" to any "plugin_out"-style options then attempts to execute "protoc-gen-plugin" blindly. Although Go was used to write this plugin, and is required to build the binary, it is not required for use with protoc, or for use with the output files.
protoc --proto_path=<paths> --tsjson_out=<output path> <proto files>