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1.1.0 • Public • Published


@low6/play-box is a library for integrating with one or more of the games provided by Low6.


npm install @low6/play-box --save

Initialisation and data flow

    participant Host as Host Website
    participant pb as PlayBox
    participant Game as Game

    Host->>pb: new GameClient(options)
    pb->>pb: Create & configure iFrame
    pb->>Host: Inject iFrame under predetermined div
    note right of Host: iFrame is now part of the host page DOM, <br/> but controlled by @low6/play-box lib
    pb->>Host: postMessage({ topic: "IFRAME_INITIALISED" })
    note right of Host: Host receives message indicating iFrame is initialized

    Game->>pb: Register listeners per message topic
    Host->>pb: Register listeners per message topic

    Host->>pb: Send message
    pb->>Game: Send message

    Game-->>pb: Respond
    pb-->>Host: Respond


Step 1: Allocate a suitable div in the host website with a unique id

<div id="play-box-container" className="h-full w-full flex-1 bg-red-100"></div>

Step 2: Initialise the PlayBox in the host website

import { GameFrame, LogLevel, PlayBoxInitialisationParams } from '@low6/play-box';

const initialisationOptions: PlayBoxInitialisationParams = {
  appId: 'test-app-id',
  clientId: 'test-client-id',
  environment: 'dev',
  language: 'en-GB',
  targetElementSelector: '#play-box-container', //? the id of the div allocated in step 1
  theme: 'light',
  logLevel: LogLevel.DEBUG,

new GameFrame(initialisationOptions);

Step 3: Register listeners per message topic in the host website

//? register for the unknown message topic
HostClient.getInstance().registerListener(MessageTopic.UNKNOWN, 'test-listerner-id', (message: PlayBoxMessage) => {
  //? do something with the message

  (message: PlayBoxMessage) => {
    //? do something with the message

Step 4: Send messages to the game

const playBoxMessage: PlayBoxMessage<string> = {
  timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
  topic: MessageTopic.UNKNOWN,
  data: message,


API Reference


Property Type Description
appId string ID of the app shown in the PlayBox; each game will have a unique ID
clientId string ID of the client; each game will have a unique ID
environment 'dev' | 'staging' | 'demo' | 'prod' Environment name
iFrameUrlCompositionOverride? IFrameURLComposition Optional override for the iframe URL composition
language? string Language code (e.g., "en-GB"); defaults to "en-GB"
logLevel? LogLevel Logging verbosity; defaults to SILENT
targetElementSelector string Selector of the element to which the PlayBox is attached
theme? string Theme used by the PlayBox; defaults to "default"
userPersonalisation? UserPersonalisation Optional user-specific settings for personalization


Property Type Description
baseUrl string Base URL for the iframe
path string Path that follows the base URL


Property Type Description
cookieConsent? boolean Indicates if the user has consented to cookies (optional)
ssoUserId? string Single sign-on user ID (optional)
ssoSessionId? string Single sign-on session ID (optional)


Member Value Priority
SILENT "silent" Highest (no output)
DEBUG "debug" Lowest (debug messages)
INFO "info"
WARN "warn"
ERROR "error"

Order of priority: DEBUG < INFO < WARN < ERROR < SILENT

Supported message topics

Member Value Description
IFRAME_INITIALISED "IFRAME_INITIALISED" Sent when the iframe has finished initializing
APP_STATE_UPDATE "APP_STATE_UPDATE" Sent when the app state has been updated
REQUEST_USER_AUTH_INFO "REQUEST_USER_AUTH_INFO" Request for user authentication information sent from the game to the host
RESPONSE_USER_AUTH_INFO "RESPONSE_USER_AUTH_INFO" Response containing user authentication information sent from the host to the game
UNKNOWN "UNKNOWN" Used for unrecognized message topics

Local development using pnpm

Clone and build the library

pnpm install
pnpm build

Link the package

pnpm link --global

Use the package in a project

pnpm link --global @low6/play-box
pnpm install

Package Sidebar


npm i @low6/play-box

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  • giridhar_mohan_low6
  • aglow6