TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.1.0-alpha.0 • Public • Published


This package contains classes for all node types. Classes are generated from OpenAPI declaration from @figma/rest-api-spec package. Node classes are generated for the purposes of @ltd-toolbox/figma-node-classes, however feel free to use it if you find it useful ;).

Why ?

Beacuse it is easier to debug nodes when you get an output like this

$ node fetch-nodes.js

FrameNode {
  children: [
    LineNode { ... }
    TextNode { ... }

and you don't have to look for type field, that describes the kind of the node.

More of that, I wanted to store node information inside classes along with all the utility methods for traversing and manipulating nodes.

Node classes

There are 26 node classes:

  • DocumentNode,
  • CanvasNode,
  • BooleanOperationNode,
  • SectionNode,
  • FrameNode,
  • GroupNode,
  • ComponentNode,
  • ComponentSetNode,
  • VectorNode,
  • StarNode,
  • LineNode,
  • EllipseNode,
  • RegularPolygonNode,
  • RectangleNode,
  • TextNode,
  • TableNode,
  • TableCellNode,
  • SliceNode,
  • InstanceNode,
  • EmbedNode,
  • LinkUnfurlNode,
  • StickyNode,
  • ShapeWithTextNode,
  • ConnectorNode,
  • WashiTapeNode,
  • WidgetNode

SubcanvasNode is an unity type for all nodes except DocumentNode and CanvasNode.

Helper functions

There are some helper functions available for determinging the type od the nodes:

  • is*Node(), e.g. isFreameNode() - Determines whether passed node is given node type
  • hasChildren() - Returns true if node is kind of node that supposed to have children nodes
  • createNode() - Node factory that creates the node instance for passed object


Apart from class types definitions, there are also some utillity types available:

  • Raw* node types - node types reexported from @figma/rest-api-spec package.
  • NodeTypes - Union of all available node type names (e.g. 'TEXT', 'FRAME', etc.)
  • NodeConstructors - Union of all available node consturctors
  • TypeOfRawNode<T> - Returns the node type name for the object of Raw* type.
  • InstanceByRawNode<T> - returns class instance type for object of Raw* type




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  • jakubhajduk