A module to play Rock, Paper, Scissors game. Given Player 1 and Player 2 moves the module will decide who wins.
Call RPS with the 2 moves (if the second move is not passed one will be generated randomly) and you'll be returned with an object containing the following properties:
: the winner of the game if there is one (could be tie), eitherplayer 1
or `player 2`` -
: true if the 2 players played the same shape (e.g. rock vs rock). This field is mutually exclusive withwinner
: the result message of the game (e.g.paper beats rock
) -
: an object representing the moves of player 1 and player 2
Install @lucadv/rock-paper-scissors:
npm install --save @lucadv/rock-paper-scissors
Then use it like this:
const RPS = require('@lucadv/rock-paper-scissors');
const player1Move = 'rock';
const player2Move = 'paper';
const result = RPS(player1Move, player2Move);
// { winner: 'player2', message: 'paper beats rock', moves: { player1: 'rock', 'player2': 'paper' } }