A component library that parses markdown syntax via remark and renders it to html elements in @lukekaalim/act.
⚠️ SecurityWhile obviously theres no intentional way to execute code from markdown, this library is not equipped to handle arbitrary, malformed or (in general) user-generated markdown. It's intended to be fed known and developer-written strings.
This library performs no sanitisation. Use at your own risk.
npm install @lukekaalim/act-markdown
@lukekaalim/act-markdown supports the following markdown features:
- [X] CommonMark
- [ ] Github Flavored Markdown (GFM)
- [X] Checkboxes
- [ ] Everything else
- [X] Directives proposal
It does not support:
- Embedded HTML elements
type: "expression",
expression: {
type: "opaque",
name: "Component",
referenceURL: "/concepts#Component",
genericArguments: [
{ type: "object", entries: [
{ key: "markdownText", value: { type: "opaque", name: "string" } },
{ key: "directiveComponents", optional: true, value: { type: "object", entries: [
{ key: "[directiveKey: string]", value: { type: "opaque", name: "Component", referenceURL: "/concepts#Component", genericArguments: [
{ type: "object", entries: [
{ key: "node", value: { type: "opaque", name: "MarkdownASTNode", referenceURL: "https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast", } }
] }
] } }
] } }
] }
import { MarkdownRenderer } from '@lukekaalim/act-markdown';
const markdownText = `
# Heading
This is my first paragraph! Lorum Ipsum or whatever.
const ExampleComponent = () => {
return h(MarkdownRenderer, { markdownText })