TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

3.0.1 • Public • Published


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Based on tsyringe but with support for async factories/init and does not use any global variables.


Install by npm

npm install --save @maca134/async-syringe

or install with yarn

yarn add @maca134/async-syringe

Modify your tsconfig.json to include the following settings

	"compilerOptions": {
		"experimentalDecorators": true,
		"emitDecoratorMetadata": true

Add a polyfill for the Reflect API (examples below use reflect-metadata). You can use:

The Reflect polyfill import should only be added once, and before before DI is used:

// main.ts
import 'reflect-metadata';

// Your code here...


Working examples can be found in the root folder. Here is the code:


import 'reflect-metadata';
import { injectable, StandardKernel } from '../..';
import { inject } from '../../decorators/inject';
import { singleton } from '../../decorators/singleton';

(async () => {
	class Foo1 {}

	// indicates only 1 instances of this class will be created
	class Foo2 {}

	// injectable decorator is only needed when there are constructor parameters
	class Bar {
			public foo1: Foo1,
			public foo2: Foo2,
			@inject('value') public foobarFromValue: string,
			@inject('factory') public foobarFromFactoryValue: string,
			@inject('token') public foobarFromTokenFactoryValue: string
		) {}

	const container = new StandardKernel();

	container.registerValue('value', 'foobarValue');
	container.registerFactory('factory', (kernel) => kernel.resolve('value'));
	container.registerToken('token', 'factory');

	// A token can be resolved without being registered if it is a class constructor
	console.log(await container.resolve(Bar));
	Bar {
		foo1: Foo1 {},
		foo2: Foo2 {},
		foobarFromValue: 'foobarValue',
		foobarFromFactoryValue: 'foobarValue',
		foobarFromTokenFactoryValue: 'foobarValue'

Class Initializing

import 'reflect-metadata';
import { injectable, StandardKernel } from '../..';

(async () => {
	// to use initialize properly the decorator needs to be typed.
	// the initialize function can be a promise
	@injectable<Bar>({ initialize: (instance) => instance.init() })
	class Bar {
		init(): Promise<any> {
			return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 4000));

	class Foo {
		constructor(public bar: Bar) {}

	const container = new StandardKernel();
	console.log(await container.resolve(Foo));
	Foo { bar: Bar {} }


import 'reflect-metadata';
import { injectable, StandardKernel } from '../..';
import { autoFactory } from '../../decorators/autoFactory';
import { Factory } from '../../Factory';

(async () => {
	class Foo {
			public bar: string,
			public foobar: number
		) {}

	class Bar {
		constructor(@autoFactory(Foo) public fooFactory: Factory<typeof Foo>) {}

	const container = new StandardKernel();
	const bar = await container.resolve(Bar);
	console.log(await bar.fooFactory.create('bar', 1337));
	Foo { bar: 'bar', foobar: 1337 }

Package Sidebar


npm i @maca134/async-syringe

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  • maca134