TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

6.1.4 • Public • Published


Mad radiator is a simple script to collect a part of data from analytics, lighthouse, reddit, quora, glassdoor, and send it in the pretty format as message to slack and/or telegram

How to run

Running as function

To run radiator for your own project you need to do the following steps:

  • Install radiator as a dependency for your project(or for a new project, that's not important)
$ npm install @maddevs/mad-radiator
  • Create a file for running:
$ touch radiator.js

*In the file, you need to import the radiator and pass the configs optionally for each module (see the configuration section):

const { radiator } = require('@maddevs/mad-radiator')

const radiator = new Radiator(baseConfig)
radiator.useQuoraService(quora, fireStore)
radiator.useGlassdoorService(glassdoor, fireStore)
radiator.useNewPagesInSite(lighthouseConfig, fireStore)
radiator.usePageAnalytics(pageAnalyticsConfig, fireStore)
  • Just run the file via nodeJS:
$ node radiator
  • Congrats! Now you just running radiator and it will send messages to your slack/telegram according to provided config
Running as CLI script

Sorry! Running the radiator by CLI script isn't available for now

Technologies stack


It is a list of core technologies that we used to make a business logic

  • node.js
  • axios
  • googleapis
  • node-emoji
  • node-schedule
  • chalk
  • cheerio
  • firebase-admin
  • moment
  • reddit
  • sitemap-stream-parser


Additional tools for development

  • typescript
  • jest
  • prettier
  • eslint


This is a most important part of the documentation. For running radiator you need to create the correct config (* required configs). In this section you can find all available options of the radiator:

Base config *

name type description
authType string Authentication type
analyticsProjectId string ID of your project (it’s available after project creation)
analyticsPrivateKeyId string Private key ID
analyticsPrivateKey string Private key
analyticsClientEmail string Client email
analyticsClientId string Client ID
analyticsAuthUrl string Auth URL
analyticsTokenUri string Token URI
analyticsProviderCertUrl string Provider cert URL
analyticsClientCertUrl string Client cert URL
googleapisKey string Google apis key
expiryDate number Expiry date
tokenType string Token type
idToken string ID token
websiteUrl string Website URL
range string Range
retryAttempts number Retry attempts (Number of radiator restarts)
nodeEnv string Node env

Analytics config

name type description
totalUsersToEnji { url: string } After create a business goal in the enji - we
get endpoint urls to send data from radiator
analyticsViewId string Analytics auth type
pagesPathForViewsAnalytics array List with page paths for analyzing user traffic
analyticsConversions array List of analytics conversions

Pages path for views analytics

PagesPathForViewsAnalytics array needed to get statistics of views on these page paths

const analyticsConfig = {
  // ...
  "pagesPathForViewsAnalytics": [
  // ...

Analytics Conversions

Analytics conversion array need to collect data from your analytics goals and calculate it. For example, you want to separate your goals by 3 categories: Leads, Contacts and Careers. You can do it using this configuration parameter.

name type description
name string The name of your conversion group
emoji Emoji Emoji to display your group
goals Array An array of your goals ids

Example. If you want to collect data for careers from goals 1,2,3 and for leads from 4,5,11 goals:

const analyticsConfig = {
  analyticsConversions: [
      name: 'Careers',
      emoji: 'zap',
      goals: [1, 2, 3],
      name: 'Leads',
      emoji: 'briefcase',
      goals: [4, 5, 11],

Lighthouse Config

name type description
urlTestRegexp string Regular for excluding some pages
topCount number Number of top pages to display
worstCount number Number of worst pages to display


const lighthouseConfig = {
  "urlTestRegexp": "(\\/blog\\/)|(\\/customer-university\\/)|(\\/ru\\/)[a-zA-Z0-9]{1}",
  "topCount": 3,
  "worstCount": 3

Glassdoor config

name type description
glassdoorUrl string The URL of your account


// ...
"glassdoor": {
  "glassdoorUrl": "https://www.glassdoor.com/Overview/account-url"
// ...

Reddit config

The reddit library is used for easy interaction with the API. Data about the number of posts is requested from Reddit.

name type description
redditClientId string Reddit client ID from Reddit APP
redditClientSecret string Reddit client secret from Reddit APP
redditUserName string Reddit username account
redditPassword string Reddit password account


// ...
"redditConfig": {
  "redditClientId": "clientid",
  "redditClientSecret": "clientsecret",
  "redditUsername": "username",
  "redditPassword": "password"
// ...

Firestore auth config

name type description
authType string
firestoreProjectId string
firestorePrivateKeyId string
firestoreClientEmail string
firestoreClientId string From Firestore auth JSON file
firestoreAuthUri string
firestoreTokenUri string
firestoreAuthProviderCertUrl string
firestoreClientCertUrl string


// ...
"fireStoreAuthConfig": {
  "authType": "service_account",
  "firestoreProjectId": "project-id",
  "firestorePrivateKeyId": "private-key-id",
  "firestoreClientEmail": "client-email",
  "firestoreClientId": "1111111111111111",
  "firestoreAuthUri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
  "firestoreTokenUri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
  "firestoreAuthProviderCertUrl": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs",
  "firestoreClientCertUrl": "https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/firebase-adminsdk-2dolj%client-cert-url"
// ...

Slack Config

name type description
slackWebhookUrl string slack webhook url
slackChannelId string name of your slack channel

Schedule *

Schedule options is used for set up custom scheduler for your radiator.

If you want to run your radiator manually(when run the script) you don't need to provide the schedule configuration

name type description
period day/week/month Period for your schedule
cron string A custom cron string(all other arguments will skip)
time number Time to send a message(0-23)
weekDay number Weekday to send a message(0-7, 0 and 7 is Sunday) - only for period=week
monthDay number Monthday to send a message(0-31) - only for period=month

Example. You want to run your radiator script each day at 10AM. For this you need to use the following configuration:

// ...
"scheduleConfig: {
  "period": "day",
  "cron": '12 15 * * *',
// ...

Git commit format

The commit contains the following structural elements, to communicate intent to the consumers of your library:

fix: a commit of the type fix patches a bug in your codebase (this correlates with PATCH in Semantic Versioning).
feat: a commit of the type feat introduces a new feature to the codebase (this correlates with MINOR in Semantic Versioning).
BREAKING CHANGE: a commit that has a footer BREAKING CHANGE:, or appends a ! after the type/scope, introduces a breaking API change (correlating with MAJOR in Semantic Versioning). A BREAKING CHANGE can be part of commits of any type.
types other than fix: and feat: are allowed, for example @commitlint/config-conventional (based on the the Angular convention) recommends build:, chore:, ci:, docs:, style:, refactor:, perf:, test:, and others.
footers other than BREAKING CHANGE: <description> may be provided and follow a convention similar to git trailer format.

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npm i @maddevs/mad-radiator

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  • lookina
  • vlad-domino
  • roman.chasovitin.org