Written in Typescript, with vanilljs and a react examples The signals library currently supports processing api request from the following librarys:
Fetch API Response object
Axios or SuperAgent response with data
A response with a text()
A response with a body
npm install @mainframework/signals
yarn add @mainframework/signals
Whether you interact with the signal directly in vanillajs or use the hook in react, when passing data to set the set function will handle any merging or overwriting. Especially in the react example where setState looks like a useStatefunction. The correct way to use it is either signal.set(newvalue) or, in React, setSignal(newValue) Don't use setSignal((prev)=>{...prev, ...newValue}). This won't work. Let the Signals library handle it for you
import the signal function. Pass a value and a cacheId (string), used to prevent duplicate signals from being created.
Use the following signal methods to get, set and destroy a signal
import { signal, destroySignal } from "@mainframework/signals";
//Generate a unique id
const [uuid] = window.crypto.randomUUID();
//Pass an initalValue to the signal. It can be a primitive, object, array, promise, or a function that returns a promise
const {get, set} = signal(initialValue, uuid);
get(); //retreive the signal value
set(...) //update the signal value
destroySignal(uuid) //destroy the signal
Signals are only created at the component level to maintain a clean and efficient reactivity model. This design choice ensures that each component is responsible for its state, leading to a predictable and optimized rendering process. Global signals are not currently supported when used with React.
The key to using signals in react is the useSignal hook
You can pass any value to it like primitives, objects, arrays, as well as promises or functions that return a promise. The library will detect the type of value passed to it and create either a Siganl or an AsyncSignal, with both returning a value.
On a route change, the hook will destroy any signals created
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { useSignal } from "@mainframework/signals";
export const App = () => (
//Signal holding a number
const [numberSignal, setNumberSignal] = useSignal(0);
//Signal passing a function that returns a promise from a fetch request
const [asyncSignal, setAsyncSignal] = useSignal(() =>
//Signal passing a promise using axios
const [axiosSignal] = useSignal(
//Signal passing a promise
const [numberFromPromiseSignal] = useSignal(
new Promise((resolve) => {
useEffect(() => {
//update the Signal or update it in a click event
}, []);
//Increment a signal
const onIncrementClick = (e: MouseEvent<HTMLElement>) => {
setSignal(signal + 1);
return (
<div>Here's a number signal Value: {numberSignal}</div>
<hr />
<button onClick={onIncrementClick}>Increment the signal</button>
<hr />
<div>Here's a number from a promise signal: {numberFromPromiseSignal}</div>
<hr />
<div>Heres the data from the fetch request</div>
{asyncSignal && <div>{JSON.stringify(asyncSignal)}</div>}
<hr />
<div>Here's the data from an axiosSignal</div>
{axiosSignal && <div>{JSON.stringify(axiosSignal)}</div>}