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Commitlint and Commitizen git-cz command line configurations of Stone Payments - Mamba SDK.

Minimal questions config:

type(scope): subject # scope can be overwritten to make more sense to your project, see step 4...

Commit types with disabled Emoji:

  chore: {
    description: "Build process or auxiliary tool changes, that don't modify src or test files",
    value: "chore",
    title: "Chores"
  ci: {
    description: "Changes to our CI configuration files",
    value: "ci",
    title: "Continuous Integrations"
  docs: {
    description: "Documentation only changes",
    value: "docs",
    title: "Documentation"
  feat: {
    description: "A new feature",
    value: "feat",
    title: "Features"
  fix: {
    description: "A bug fix",
    value: "fix",
    title: "Bug Fixes"
  perf: {
    description: "A code change that improves performance",
    value: "perf",
    title: "Performance Improvements"
  refactor: {
    description: "A code change that neither fixes a bug or adds a feature",
    value: "refactor",
    title: "Code Refactoring"
  revert: {
    description: "Reverts a previous commit",
    value: "revert",
    title: "Reverts"
  release: {
    description: "Create a release commit",
    value: "release",
    title: "Style"
  fire: {
    description: "Removing code or files",
    value: "fire",
    title: "Fires"
  style: {
    description: "Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (Markup, white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons...)",
    value: "style",
    title: "Style"
  test: {
    description: "Adding missing tests",
    value: "test",
    title: "Tests"
  shirt: {
    description: "Removing linter warnings",
    value: "shirt",
    title: "Linter fixes"


  1. Install Commitizen globally and @mamba/commitlint-config-standard, git-cz locally:
yarn global add commitizen
yarn add -D @mamba/commitlint-config-standard git-cz
  1. Add in your package.json add:
  "config": {
    "commitizen": {
      "path": "git-cz"
  1. Add Commitlint config file commitlint.config.js at your project root:
// commitlint.config.js

module.exports = {
  extends: ['mamba'],
  1. Finally add the the changelog.config.js at your project root, that git-cz will read:
// changelog.config.js

module.exports = {
  // scopes: [] // Overrides scopes
  1. Run in your terminal:
git cz

📑 License

Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

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npm i @mamba/commitlint-config-standard

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  • gabriel.arimatea
  • rrelias
  • guiguimartins
  • agjunior
  • janileodantas
  • mambaweb
  • jaikmestone