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2.0.0 • Public • Published

ScriptRunner Connect Managed API for GitHub

Managed API for GitHub is an API Client for GitHub by Adaptavist. You can read more about Managed APIs here.

This is ScriptRunner Connect runtime specific version of the Managed API (with sr-connect suffix). If you want to use Managed API in any other runtime, have a look at the runtime agnostic version.

Supported API calls

Constructing Managed API

In ScriptRunner Connect a Managed API is constructed for you, but if you need to construct it manually, here's how you can do it:

import { GitHubApi } from '@managed-api/github-sr-connect';

export default async function() {
    const api = new GitHubApi('API_CONNECTION_ID');


Feel free to drop ideas, suggestions or improvements into our Slack community channel.



  • Breaking change: URL and query string parameters are now URL encoded, meaning if you encoded them explicitly before you have to remove your own encoding, otherwise they will get double encoded.


    • Updated OpenApi Specification.
    • Fields sort and order are deprecated in Search.searchCode.


Added support for the following Organization.Member methods:

Added support for the following Organization methods:

Added support for the following Search methods:

  • Search code that can be used as Search.searchCode or All.searchCode.

  • Search commits that can be used as Search.searchCommits or All.searchCommits.

  • Search issues and pull requests that can be used as Search.searchIssuesAndPullRequests or All.searchIssuesAndPullRequests.

  • Search labels that can be used as Search.searchLabels or All.searchLabels.

  • Search repositories that can be used as Search.searchRepositories or All.searchRepositories.

  • Search topics that can be used as Search.searchTopics or All.searchTopics.

  • Search users that can be used as Search.searchUsers or All.searchUsers.

Added support for the following Release methods:

Added support for the following User.Block methods:

Added support for the following User methods:

Added support for the following Repository.Content methods:

Added support for the following Branch.Protection methods:

Added support for the following Branch.Protection.Admin methods:

Added support for the following Branch.Protection.Pull.Review methods:

Added support for the following Branch.Protection.Commit.Signature methods:

Added support for the following Branch.Protection.Status.Check methods:

Added support for the following Project methods:

Added support for the following Search methods:

  • Search code that can be used as Search.searchCode or All.searchCode.

  • Search commits that can be used as Search.searchCommits or All.searchCommits.

  • Search issues and pull requests that can be used as Search.searchIssuesAndPullRequests or All.searchIssuesAndPullRequests.

  • Search labels that can be used as Search.searchLabels or All.searchLabels.

  • Search repositories that can be used as Search.searchRepositories or All.searchRepositories.

  • Search topics that can be used as Search.searchTopics or All.searchTopics.

  • Search users that can be used as Search.searchUsers or All.searchUsers.

Copyright Adaptavist 2024 (c) All rights reserved




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  • ratwal
  • skitson
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  • adaptavist-horizon-dev
  • jsaks
  • eknoll