HL7 (Health Level Seven) message parser.
Gets raw hl7 message string and returns structured object of the hl7 message.
This fork is only to serve the purpose of maintaining existing functionality and security through dependency upgrades and minor code changes.
For information on new developments, visit the pull requests and issues sections from the upstream.
npm i @manhydra/hl7-parser
import { Hl7Message, Hl7Parser } from '@manhydra/hl7-parser';
var hl7Parser = new Hl7Parser();
hl7Parser.getHl7Model(rawHl7Message: string, withDefinitions:boolean (optional))
"withDefinitions" flag with add definitions to the object, so every field in Hl7 will have definition (description and length for now).
hl7Parser.getHl7Message(hl7Message:Hl7Message); (to be implemented)