
1.0.3 • Public • Published


First Name input field vanilla js component that can be used with or without a js framework


$ npm install @mannydiera/first-name


After installing, you do not have to import it into your files because the web component is registered on the DOM. Just add the html tag as below.


We can use the concept of 'props' by passing values to the element's data- attributes. Let's call them props for simplicity.

This component contains no mandatory prop and 3 optional props. If any of these props are updated, the component will emit an 'attrChange' event.

optional data-label: Contains the label's text. (Default is 'First Name')

<first-name data-label="First Name"></first-name>

optional data-rules: Contains an array of 1 or more functions that will either return true or the validation message. The functions will be run in order and when one fails, that message will be shown.

// Somewhere in your file or in an imported file in your app
const isTooShort = (val) => (val && val.length > 12) || 'Input must be at least 12 characters';

    <first-name data-rules="rules"></first-name>

optional data-theme: An object containing styles you want to pass as the theme for the success/error messages.

// Sample theme object.
// Note: These colors are the default.
        const myTheme = {
            success: '#ffffff',
            error: 'red',
            default: 'blue',
<first-name data-theme="myTheme"></first-name>

You can set the input field theme globally by using the following classes.

.input-wc-base-theme.success {}
.input-wc-base-theme.error {}
.input-wc-base-theme.defualt {}
.input-wc-base-theme.disabled {}

You can also set the root theme for the entire project (input fields and other @mannydiera components) by using these classes.

  .wc-base-global-theme.success {}     
  .wc-base-global-theme.error {}     
  .wc-base-global-theme.default {}     
  .wc-base-global-theme.disabled {}    

Sample 'In App' implementations below.

// Vanilla JS

// Angular 1.*

// Angular 2 +

// React
// Svelte
// Vue

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npm i @mannydiera/first-name

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  • mannydiera