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3.2.0 • Public • Published


this is general utilities for usage in Map Colonies project.

included components


http client

this is abstract base class for sending http request with logging and request retries.

this class constructor requires the following parameters:

  • ILogger instance.
  • base url to use for all requests.
  • optional name for target service to be used in logs.
  • optional retry configuration.

the class have the following protected attributes -axiosOptions the options used by axios when sending requests

the class have the protected methods for sending http requests:

  • protected async get<T>(url: string, queryParams?: Record<string, unknown>, retryConfig?: IAxiosRetryConfig, auth?: AxiosBasicCredentials, headers?: unknown): Promise<T>
  • protected async post<T>(url: string, body?: unknown, queryParams?: Record<string, unknown>, retryConfig?: IAxiosRetryConfig, auth?: AxiosBasicCredentials, headers?: unknown): Promise<T>
  • protected async put<T>(url: string, body?: unknown, queryParams?: Record<string, unknown>, retryConfig?: IAxiosRetryConfig, auth?: AxiosBasicCredentials, headers?: unknown): Promise<T>
  • protected async delete<T>(url: string, queryParams?: Record<string, unknown>, retryConfig?: IAxiosRetryConfig, auth?: AxiosBasicCredentials, headers?: unknown): Promise<T>
  • protected async head<T>(url: string, queryParams?: Record<string, unknown>, retryConfig?: IAxiosRetryConfig, auth?: AxiosBasicCredentials, headers?: unknown): Promise<T>
  • protected async options<T>(url: string, queryParams?: Record<string, unknown>, retryConfig?: IAxiosRetryConfig, auth?: AxiosBasicCredentials, headers?: unknown): Promise<T>
  • protected async patch<T>(url: string, body?: unknown, queryParams?: Record<string, unknown>, retryConfig?: IAxiosRetryConfig, auth?: AxiosBasicCredentials, headers?: unknown): Promise<T>

function parameters list:

  • url: url path to send the request to (not including the base url).
  • body: optional object to be used as request body (in relevant request types).
  • queryParams: optional dictionary with query parameters and value.
  • retryConfig: optional override to the class retry configuration.
  • auth: optional basic authentication object (username, password).
  • headers: optional headers to proceed to the request.

usage example:

class myServiceClient extends HttpClient {
  public constructor(logger: ILogger){
      attempts: 3,
      delay: 'exponential',
      shouldResetTimeout: true

  public async getName(): string {
    const name = await this.get<string>('api/name',{queryParam1: 'name'});
    return name;



logger interface with the flowing log methods

  • error(message:string)
  • warn(message:string)
  • info(message: string)
  • debug(message: string)


http requests retry configuration interface with the following attributes:

  • attempts - the number of request to send until valid response (not 500+ status code). this value must be integer and greater then 0.
  • delay - the amount of time in ms to wait between attempts (for constant delay) or 'exponential' for exponential backoff.
  • shouldResetTimeout boolean value to indicate if the request timeout should be for each request (true) or global for all attempts (false)




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