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1.0.1 • Public • Published


This library provides a set of React hooks for working with the @mappingfactory/sdk-js. The hooks are designed to be easy to use and provide a simple interface for common tasks such as searching for locations, getting directions, displaying and interacting with a map, and displaying a roadsheet.


You can install the library using your preferred package manager:

npm install @mappingfactory/sdk-react
yarn add @mappingfactory/sdk-react


To use the hooks, you first need to wrap your application in a MichelinProvider component. Once you've wrapped your app in the MichelinProvider, you can use any of the provided hooks.

Example usage
import { MichelinProvider } from '@mappingfactory/sdk-react';

function App() {
	return (
		<MichelinProvider apiKey="YOUR_API_KEY">
			// ... rest of your app

The MichelinProvider component accepts the following props:

  • apiKey : Your Michelin API key.
  • locale : The locale to use for the SDK. Defaults to en-US.
  • uri : The URI to use for the SDK. Defaults to https://api.michelin.com.

For more information on the MichelinProvider component, please refer to the MichelinSDKClient inside the @mappingfactory/sdk-js library.




The MichelinMap component is a part of @mappingfactory/sdk-react that simplifies the process of adding and interacting with a MapLibre map in your React application. This component utilizes the useMapLibre hook under the hood to manage map-related functionalities.

  • Easy integration of MapLibre maps.
  • Customizable map options.
  • Callback function (onMapInit) for further map customization after initialization.

options: A set of options to configure the MapLibre instance (excluding the container property, which is handled by the component). onMapInit: An optional callback that is invoked with the map instance after the map is initialized and style is loaded. This can be useful for adding layers, sources or even with the useDirection hook to add a route to the map.

Example Usage

To use the MichelinMap component, first ensure your application is wrapped in the MichelinProvider.

import { MichelinProvider, MichelinMap } from '@mappingfactory/sdk-react';
import type { MapOptions } from 'maplibre-gl';

function App() {
	const mapOptions: Omit<MapOptions, 'container'> = {
		// Define your map options here
		style: 'https://demotiles.maplibre.org/style.json', // Example style URL
		center: [2.3488, 48.8534], // Example center coordinates
		zoom: 4, // Example zoom level

	return (
		<MichelinProvider apiKey="YOUR_API_KEY">
				onMapInit={(map) => console.log('Map is ready:', map)}


The MichelinAutocomplete component is a part of @mappingfactory/sdk-react designed to provide an easy-to-use interface for implementing autocomplete functionality in your React applications. This component utilizes the useSearch hook to manage autocomplete functionalities related to location and address search.

  • Autocomplete functionality for searching locations and addresses.
  • Customizable options for search behavior and appearance.
  • Callbacks for various autocomplete events like selection, opening, closing, searching, and more.
  • options: Custom options to configure the autocomplete behavior and appearance.
  • onSelect: Callback fired when an item is selected from the autocomplete suggestions.
  • onDropdownOpen: Callback fired when the dropdown opens.
  • onDropDownClose: Callback fired when the dropdown closes.
  • onSearch: Callback fired when a search is initiated.
  • onNoResults: Callback fired when no results are found.
  • onError: Callback fired when there is an error in searching.
  • onSuccess: Callback fired when a search is successful.
  • onClear: Callback fired when the autocomplete input is cleared.
  • onInit: Callback fired when the autocomplete manager is initialized.
Example Usage

Wrap your application with the MichelinProvider and then use the MichelinAutocomplete component where needed.

import {
} from '@mappingfactory/sdk-react';

function App() {
	return (
		<MichelinProvider apiKey="YOUR_API_KEY">
					onSelect={(value) => {
						console.log('Selected value:', value);
					onInit={(manager) => {
						console.log('Autocomplete initialized:', manager);
					// Other event callbacks and options here

In this example, the MichelinAutocomplete component is used within the MichelinProvider. You can customize it by passing different options and handling various events according to your application's needs.

Remember to replace "YOUR_API_KEY" with your actual Michelin API key.



Return an object containing a DirectionWrapper instance and an error property. The DirectionWrapper provides methods for getting directions between two or more locations.

Example usage

In this example, we use the useDirection hook to get directions between two locations.

import { useDirection } from '@mappingfactory/sdk-react';

	coordinates: [
		{ latitude: 48.8566, longitude: 2.3522 }, // Paris, France
		{ latitude: 51.5074, longitude: -0.1278 }, // London, UK
	mode: 'fastest',
	language: 'en',

const Page = () => {
	const { direction, error } = useDirection(DEFAULT_OPTIONS);

	const getDirections = async () => {
		const results = await direction.client.search();

	if (error) {
		return <div>Something went wrong</div>;

	return (
			<button onClick={getDirections}>Get directions</button>


Return an object containing a MapLibreWrapper instance and an error property. The MapLibreWrapper provides a client property that is a reference to the maplibre-gl class.

Example usage

In this example, we use the useMapLibre hook to create a map and display it in a React component.

import { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
import { useMapLibre } from '@mappingfactory/sdk-react';

const Page = () => {
	const { mapLibre, error } = useMapLibre();

	const mapContainerRef = useRef(null);
	const mapRef = useRef(null);

	 * Create a map and add it to the DOM when the component mounts.
	useEffect(() => {
		if (!mapLibre) return;

		const Map = mapLibre._client.Map;

		mapRef.current = new Map({
			container: mapContainerRef.current,
			style: 'https://demotiles.maplibre.org/style.json',
			center: [2.3488, 48.8534],
			zoom: 4,
	}, []);

	return <div ref={mapContainerRef} />;


Return an object containing a RoadSheetWrapper instance and an error property. The RoadSheetWrapper provides methods for getting a complete roadsheet HTML for a route.

Example usage

In this example, we use the useRoadsheet hook to get a roadsheet for a route using the useDirection hook.

import { useRef, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { useRoadsheet, useDirection } from '@mappingfactory/sdk-react';

	coordinates: [
		{ latitude: 48.8566, longitude: 2.3522 }, // Paris, France
		{ latitude: 51.5074, longitude: -0.1278 }, // London, UK

const Page = () => {
	const { direction } = useDirection(DEFAULT_OPTIONS);
	const { roadsheet } = useRoadsheet();

	const [html, setHTML] = useState(null);

	useEffect(() => {
		if (!direction || !roadsheet) return;

		const getRoadsheet = async () => {
			const results = await direction.client.search();
			const route = results.routes[0];
			const waypoints = results.waypoints;

			const htmlRoadsheet = await roadsheet.client.getHtml(


	}, [direction, roadsheet]);

	return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: html }} />;


Return an object containing a Search instance and an error property. The Search instance provides methods for building autocomplete or geocoding search inputs.

Example usage

In this example, we use the useSearch hook to construct an autocomplete.

import { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
import { useSearch } from '@mappingfactory/sdk-react';

const Page = () => {
	const { search } = useSearch();

	const autocompleteRef = useRef(null);

	useEffect(() => {
		if (!search) return;

		const initAutocomplete = async () => {
			const autocompleteManager = await search.autocomplete(

			autocompleteManager._on('selected', (value) => {
				console.log('Autocomplete selected value: ', value);

	}, [search]);

	return (
			<span>Check the console for more details.</span>
			<div id="autocomplete" ref={autocompleteRef} />


Return an object containing the main SDK context and some functions to set the different wrappers. This hook is useful if you need to access the SDK context directly.

Example usage

In this example, we use the useMichelinContext hook to access some options

import { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
import { useMichelinContext } from '@mappingfactory/sdk-react';

const Page = () => {
	const { sdk } = useMichelinContext();

	useEffect(() => {
		if (!sdk) return;

		const options = sdk.getOptions();
	}, [sdk]);

	return <div>Check the console.</div>;

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  • siddharthvitthaldas
  • ketannaravane
  • ksahay
  • michelinmappingfactory