Twemoji and Openmoji emoji svgs wrapped as functions with customization arguments returning svg string. Each icon function lives in a separate file and is typed. Note that only default skin-tone is provided.
It's worth emphasizing, that all credit (and copyright) belongs to:
Thanks for the amazing work.
npm i @marianmeres/emoji-fns
Twemoji are prefixed with twemoji
and Openmoji with openmoji
Signature for all functions is:
prefixEmojiName(cls?: string, size?: number, style?: string): string;
Where emoji names are build from CLDR Short Name
data from
So the actual usage example may look like:
import { twemojiAlarmClock } from "@marianmeres/emoji-fns";
// all arguments are optional and size defaults to original (twemoji 36, openmoji 72)
const svg = twemojiAlarmClock('inline-block', 32, "margin: 10px;");
// svg now contains:
// <svg class='inline-block' width="32" height="32" style="margin: 10px;" ... >...</svg>
All functions are typed, so your IDE intellisense should work.