This package is a TypeScript based wrapper around the public NASA REST APIs.
In order to use this package, you need an api key: You can read more on how to obtain the API key on this page.
This package requires NodeJS (version 18 or later) and a node package manager (Npm, Yarn, Pnpm or Bun).
To make sure you have them available on your machine, try running the following command.
$ npm -v && node -v
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
BEFORE YOU INSTALL: please read the prerequisites.
Start with cloning this repo on your local machine:
$ git clone
$ cd nasa
To install and set up the library, run:
npm install @mariolazzari/nasa-api
Import package
import { Nasa } from "@mariolazzari/nasa-api"
Watch mode
npm test
Unit testing
npm test
Bulding new version
npm build
This task will create a distribution version of the project inside your local dist/ folder
Nasa class content handles all the requests and the responses to the three main Rijks museum REST APIs.
In order to initialize Nasa client:
const nasa = new Nasa(NASA_API_KEY)
Constructor parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default |
apiKey | string | Yes |
Nasa client inculdes the following types:
Discriminated uniion with the following structure:
type Result<T> =
| {
success: true;
data: T;
| {
success: false;
error: string;
Nasa client includes the following three methods:
This asynchronous method handles GET /planetary/apod
REST API, in order to return the astronomical picture of the day for selected day (current day by default).
async apodDate(date: Date = new Date()): Promise<Result<Apod>>
type Apod = {
copyright: string;
date: string;
explanation: string;
media_type: MediaType;
service_version: string;
title: string;
url: string;
hdurl: string;
type MediaType = 'image' | 'video';
Sample code
const date = new Date(2023, 2, 28);
const apod: Result<Apod> = await nasa.apodDate(date);
This asynchronous method handles GET /planetary/apod
REST API, in order to return the astronomical pictures of the day for selected date range.
async apodDates(from: Date = new Date(), to: Date = new Date()): Promise<Result<Apod[]>>
Sample code
const from = new Date(2023, 2, 21);
const to = new Date(2023, 2, 8);
const apods: Result<Apod[]> = await nasa.apodDates(from, to);
This asynchronous method handles GET /planetary/apod
REST API, in order to return n random astronomical pictures of the day (10 pictures by default).
async apodRandom(n:number = 10): Promise<Result<Apod[]>>
Sample code
const apods: Result<Apod[]> = await nasa.apodRandom(10);
This asynchronous method handles GET /neo/rest/v1/feed
REST API, in order to return the near Earth objects for selected dates range.
async neoFeed(from: Date, to: Date): Promise<Result<NeoResponse>>
Sample code
const from = new Date(2023, 2, 21);
const to = new Date(2023, 2, 8);
const neos: Result<NeoResponse> = await nasa.neoFeed(from, to);
This asynchronous method handles GET /neo/rest/v1/neo/:id
REST API, in order to return the near Earth objects for selected asteroid ID, including its orbital data.
async neolookup(asteroidId:number): Promise<Result<Neo & Link>>
Sample code
const asteroidId = 3542519
const neo: Result<Neo & Link> = await nasa.neoLookup(asteroidId);
This asynchronous method handles GET /DONKI/CME
REST API, in order to return the coronal mass ejection (CME) for selected dates range.
async donkiCme(from: Date, to: Date): Promise<Result<CoronalMassEjection[]>>
Method parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default |
from | Date | No | 30 days before |
to | Date | No | today |
Sample code
const from = new Date(2023, 2, 21);
const to = new Date(2023, 2, 8);
const cme: Result<CoronalMassEjection[]> = await nasa.donkiCme(from, to);
This asynchronous method handles GET /DONKI/CMEAnalysis
REST API, in order to return the coronal mass ejection (CME) analysis for selected dates range.
async donkiCme(from: Date, to: Date, mostAccurateOnly: boolean, completeEntryOnly: boolean, speed:number ): Promise<Result<CoronalMassEjectionAnalysis[]>>
Method parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default |
from | Date | No | 30 days before |
to | Date | No | today |
mostAccurateOnly | boolean | No | true |
completeEntryOnly | boolean | No | true |
speed | number | No | 0 |
Sample code
const from = new Date(2023, 2, 21);
const to = new Date(2023, 2, 8);
const cmeAnalysis: Result<CoronalMassEjectionAnalysis>[] = await nasa.donkiCmeAnalysis(from, to);
This asynchronous method handles GET /DONKI/GST
REST API, in order to return the Geomagnetic Storm (GST) for selected dates range.
async donkiGst(from: Date, to: Date ): Promise<Result<GeomagneticStorm[]>>
Method parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default |
from | Date | No | 30 days before |
to | Date | No | today |
Sample code
const from = new Date(2023, 2, 21);
const to = new Date(2023, 2, 8);
const gst: Result<GeomagneticStorm[]> = await nasa.donkiCme(from, to);
This asynchronous method handles GET /DONKI/IPS
REST API, in order to return the Interplanetary Shock (IPS) for selected dates range.
async donkiIps(from: Date, to: Date ): Promise<Result<InterplanetaryShock[]>>
Method parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default |
from | Date | No | 30 days before |
to | Date | No | today |
Sample code
const from = new Date(2023, 2, 21);
const to = new Date(2023, 2, 8);
const ips: Result<InterplanetaryShock[]> = await nasa.donkiIps(from, to);
This asynchronous method handles GET /DONKI/FLR
REST API, in order to return the Solar Flare (FLR) for selected dates range.
async donkiFlr(from: Date, to: Date ): Promise<Result<SolarFlare[]>>
Method parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default |
from | Date | No | 30 days before |
to | Date | No | today |
Sample code
const from = new Date(2023, 2, 21);
const to = new Date(2023, 2, 8);
const ips: Result<SolarFlare[]> = await nasa.donkiIps(from, to);
This asynchronous method handles GET /DONKI/SEP
REST API, in order to return the Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) for selected dates range.
async donkiSep(from: Date, to: Date ): Promise<Result<SolarEnergeticParticle[]>>
Method parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default |
from | Date | No | 30 days before |
to | Date | No | today |
Sample code
const from = new Date(2023, 2, 21);
const to = new Date(2023, 2, 8);
const sep: Result<SolarEnergeticParticle[]> = await nasa.donkiSep(from, to);
This asynchronous method handles GET /DONKI/MPC
REST API, in order to return the Magnetopause Crossing (MPC) for selected dates range.
async donkiMpc(from: Date, to: Date ): Promise<Result<MagnetopauseCrossing[]>>
Method parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default |
from | Date | No | 30 days before |
to | Date | No | today |
Sample code
const from = new Date(2023, 2, 21);
const to = new Date(2023, 2, 8);
const sep: Result<MagnetopauseCrossing[]> = await nasa.donkiMpc(from, to);
This asynchronous method handles GET /DONKI/RBE
REST API, in order to return the Radiation Belt Enhancement (RBE) for selected dates range.
async donkiRbe(from: Date, to: Date ): Promise<Result<RadiationBeltEnhancement[]>>
Method parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default |
from | Date | No | 30 days before |
to | Date | No | today |
Sample code
const from = new Date(2023, 2, 21);
const to = new Date(2023, 2, 8);
const sep: Result<RadiationBeltEnhancement> = await nasa.donkiRbe(from, to);
This asynchronous method handles GET /DONKI/HSS
REST API, in order to return the Hight Speed Stream (HSS) for selected dates range.
async donkiRbe(from: Date, to: Date ): Promise<Result<HightSpeedStream[]>>
Method parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default |
from | Date | No | 30 days before |
to | Date | No | today |
Sample code
const from = new Date(2023, 2, 21);
const to = new Date(2023, 2, 8);
const sep: Result<HightSpeedStream[]> = await nasa.donkiHss(from, to);
This asynchronous method handles GET /DONKI/WSAEnlilSimulations
REST API, in order to return the WSA+EnlilSimulation for selected dates range.
async donkiWsa(from: Date, to: Date ): Promise<Result<WsaEnlilSimulation[]>>
Method parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default |
from | Date | No | 30 days before |
to | Date | No | today |
Sample code
const from = new Date(2023, 2, 21);
const to = new Date(2023, 2, 8);
const sep: Result<WsaEnlilSimulation[]> = await nasa.donkiWsa(from, to);
This asynchronous method handles GET /DONKI/notifications
REST API, in order to return the Notifications for selected dates range.
async donkiNotifications(from: Date, to: Date ): Promise<Result<Notification[]>>
Method parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Default |
from | Date | No | 30 days before |
to | Date | No | today |
type | NotificationType | no | all |
Sample code
const from = new Date(2023, 2, 21);
const to = new Date(2023, 2, 8);
const sep: Result<Notification[]> = await nasa.donkiNotifications(from, to);
- Mario Lazzari - Initial work
- Demo app
- My personal site
- My github profile
- Nasa API documentation