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Type declaration and value checker

Type declaration


import { check } from '@markuplint/types';

check('2020-01-01', 'DateTime');
// => { matched: true }

check('2020-02-30', 'DateTime');
// => {
// 	matched: false,
// 	reason: { type: 'out-of-range', gte: 1, lte: 29 },
// 	expects: [],
// 	partName: 'date',
// 	ref: 'https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/text-level-semantics.html#datetime-value',
// 	raw: '30',
// 	offset: 8,
// 	length: 2,
// 	line: 1,
// 	column: 9,
// }

Type Identifiers

Identifier Use on Spec Supported
Any Some attributes
NoEmptyAny Some attributes
OneLineAny Some attributes
Zero Some attributes
Number Some attributes
Uint Some attributes
JSON Attributes on some frameworks etc.
XMLName svg|[attributeName] and more XML
DOMID The id attribute and more WHATWG
FunctionBody Event handler attributes 🚧
Pattern input[pattern] WHATWG
DateTime time[datetime] and more WHATWG
TabIndex The tabindex attribute WHATWG
BCP47 The lang attribute and more RFC
URL Some attributes WHATWG
AbsoluteURL The itemtype attribute (as list) WHATWG
HashName img[usemap] WHATWG
OneCodePointChar The accesskey attribute (as list) WHATWG
CustomElementName The is attribute WHATWG
BrowsingContextName Use NavigableTargetName instead. Obsolated
BrowsingContextNameOrKeyword Use NavigableTargetNameOrKeyword instead. Obsolated
NavigableTargetName iframe[name] and more WHATWG
NavigableTargetNameOrKeyword a[target] and more WHATWG
HTTPSchemaURL a[ping] (as list) and more WHATWG
MIMEType embed[type] and more WHATWG
ItemProp The itemprop attribute (as list) WHATWG
Srcset img[srcset] and more WHATWG
SourceSizeList img[sizes] and more WHATWG
IconSize link[sizes] (as list) WHATWG
AutoComplete input[autocomplete] and more WHATWG
Accept input[accept] WHATWG
SerializedPermissionsPolicy iframe[allow] W3C
<css-declaration-list> The style attribute CSS
<class-list> The class attribute SVG
<svg-font-size> Some attributes for SVG CSS 🚧
<svg-font-size-adjust> Some attributes for SVG CSS 🚧
<'color-profile'> Some attributes for SVG SVG 🚧
<'color-rendering'> Some attributes for SVG SVG 🚧
<'enable-background'> Some attributes for SVG SVG 🚧
<list-of-svg-feature-string> Some attributes for SVG SVG 🚧
<animatable-value> Some attributes for SVG SVG 🚧
<begin-value-list> Some attributes for SVG SVG 🚧
<end-value-list> Some attributes for SVG SVG 🚧
<list-of-value> Some attributes for SVG SVG 🚧
<clock-value> Some attributes for SVG SMIL 🚧
<color-matrix> Some attributes for SVG W3C
<dasharray> Some attributes for SVG SVG
<key-points> Some attributes for SVG SVG
<key-splines> Some attributes for SVG SVG
<key-times> Some attributes for SVG SVG
<system-language> Some attributes for SVG SVG
<origin> Some attributes for SVG SMIL
<svg-path> Some attributes for SVG SVG 🚧
<points> Some attributes for SVG SVG
<preserve-aspect-ratio> Some attributes for SVG SVG
<view-box> Some attributes for SVG SVG
<rotate> Some attributes for SVG SVG
<text-coordinate> Some attributes for SVG SVG
<list-of-lengths> Some attributes for SVG
<list-of-numbers> Some attributes for SVG
<list-of-percentages> Some attributes for SVG
<number-optional-number> Some attributes for SVG

In addition, you can use types CSSTree defined.


$ npm install @markuplint/types

$ yarn add @markuplint/types




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  • yusukehirao