React Hook Modal
npm i @marwan38/react-hook-modal
yarn add @marwan38/react-hook-modal
// Modal gets required props automatically passed through the provider
const SampleModal: React.FC<IModalProps & { aProp: boolean }> = ({stateKey, close, aProp}) = {
const { dynamicData } = useModalState(stateKey);
return (
<div onClick={close}>
I am Modal
const ModalLauncher = () => {
const {open, close, setState} = useModal(
aProp: true
}, // Static (unchangable) props. Useful for callbacks
dynamicData: []
}, // Accessed with the useModalState hook. Set by the setState function
const handleClick = () => {
// setState returns the state passed in the 2nd argument of useModal
setState((state) => {
// setState uses immer under the hood!
// so mutate away!
// make sure to not return the value
return (
<button onClick={handleClick}>Add to state</button>
<button onClick={open}>Open modal</button>
<ModalProvider />
: Wrap the root of your app with this
useModal(Component, props, state);
const { open, close, setState } = useModal(ModalRoot, {...props}, {...state});
open(); // Launches the modal
close(); // Closes the modal
setState((draftState) => {}); Mutate the draftState
You will have to manually pass an interface to it for typing. IE: useModalState<State>(stateKey)
// Use within the modal component to access its state
const state = useModalState(stateKey); // State key is passed down to the modal component
I havent figured out how to treeshake this component as I don't want to include react-spring as part of the package.
ModalRoot (Helper component)
<ModalRoot stateKey={stateKey} close={close} />
interface ModalRootProps extends IModalProps {
modalContainerAnim?: Animation;
overlaySpringConfig?: SpringConfig;
children: ((args: ModalRootChildProps) => React.ReactNode) | React.ReactNode;