
2.7.1 • Public • Published

Mashroom Portal Remote App Registry for Kubernetes

Plugin for Mashroom Server, a Microfrontend Integration Platform.

Adds a remote app registry to Mashroom Portal which periodically scans Kubernetes services that expose Remote Portal Apps. It expects the package.json and optionally an external plugin config file (default mashroom.json) to be exposed at /. It also expects a remote config in the plugin definition, like this:

    "name": "My Single Page App",
    "remote": {
        "resourcesRoot": "/public",
         "ssrInitialHtmlPath": "/ssr"

You can find an example remote app here: Mashroom Demo Remote Portal App.

This plugin also comes with an Admin UI extension (/mashroom/admin/ext/remote-portal-apps-k8s) that can be used to check all registered Apps.


If node_modules/@mashroom is configured as plugin path just add @mashroom/mashroom-portal-remote-app-registry-k8s as dependency.

You can override the default config in your Mashroom config file like this:

  "plugins": {
      "Mashroom Portal Remote App Kubernetes Background Job": {
          "cronSchedule": "0/1 * * * *",
          "k8sNamespacesLabelSelector": null,
          "k8sNamespaces": ["default"],
          "k8sServiceLabelSelector": null,
          "serviceNameFilter": "(microfrontend-|widget-)",
          "socketTimeoutSec": 3,
          "refreshIntervalSec": 600,
          "unregisterAppsAfterScanErrors": -1,
          "accessViaClusterIP": false,
          "serviceProcessingBatchSize": 20
  • cronSchedule: The cron schedule for the background job that scans for new apps (Default: every minute)
  • k8sNamespacesLabelSelector: Label selector(s) for namespaces, can be a single string or an array (e.g. environment=development,tier=frontend) (Default: null)
  • k8sNamespaces: A distinct list of Kubernetes namespaces to scan; can be null if k8sNamespacesLabelSelector is set (Default: ["default"])
  • k8sServiceLabelSelector: Label selector(s) for services, can be a single string or an array (e.g. microfrontend=true) (Default: null)
  • serviceNameFilter: A regular expression for services that should be checked (case-insensitive). (Default: ".*")
  • socketTimeoutSec: Socket timeout when trying to the Kubernetes service (Default: 3)
  • checkIntervalSec: The time in seconds after that a registered services show be re-checked (Default: 600)
  • unregisterAppsAfterScanErrors: Remove registered Apps of a service if it cannot be reached for a number of scan intervals (Default: -1 which means: never remove)
  • accessViaClusterIP: Access services via IP address and not via <name>.<namespace> (Default: false)
  • serviceProcessingBatchSize: Number of services that should be processed in parallel at a time (Default: 20)

The list of successful registered services will be available on http://<host>:<port>/portal-remote-app-registry-kubernetes

A more complex example

Select all services with label microfrontend=true and not label channel=alpha in all namespaces with label environment=development and tier=frontend:

  "plugins": {
      "Mashroom Portal Remote App Kubernetes Background Job": {
          "k8sNamespacesLabelSelector": ["environment=development,tier=frontend"],
          "k8sNamespaces": null,
          "k8sServiceLabelSelector": ["microfrontend=true,channel!=alpha"]


In case of duplicate Portal Apps the one that appears first in the list of namespaces is taken. For a configuration like this:

  "k8sNamespacesLabelSelector": ["environment=hotfix", "environment=prod"],
  "k8sNamespaces": ["namespace2"]

the order is:

  • Namespaces that match environment=hotfix
  • Namespaces that match environment=prod
  • Namespace namespace2

Setup Kubernetes access

In order to allow Mashroom to fetch services for given namespaces you need to attach a Kubernetes Service Account with the correct permissions to the deployment.

Create a role with the required permissions like this:

apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRole
  name: list-namespaces-services-cluster-role
  - apiGroups:
      - ""
      - services
      - namespaces
      - get
      - list

And then create the Service Account and bind the role (we use a ClusterRoleBinding here so the account can read services in all namespaces in the cluster, if you don't want that, you have to create a RoleBinding per allowed namespace):

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: mashroom-portal
  namespace: default
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: mashroom-portal-role-binding
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: mashroom-portal
    namespace: default
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: list-namespaces-services-cluster-role
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io

And in your deployment resource just state the Service Account name:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    name: mashroom-portal
    namespace: default
    # ...
        # ...
                - name: mashroom-portal
                # ...
            serviceAccountName: mashroom-portal




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npm i @mashroom/mashroom-portal-remote-app-registry-k8s

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  • jkofler