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TypeScript typings for SAS Portal API (Testing) v1alpha1

For detailed description please check documentation.


Install typings for SAS Portal API (Testing):

npm install @types/gapi.client.prod_tt_sasportal-v1alpha1 --save-dev


You need to initialize Google API client in your code:

gapi.load('client', () => {
  // now we can use gapi.client
  // ...

Then load api client wrapper:

  () => {
    // now we can use:
    // gapi.client.prod_tt_sasportal
// Deprecated, use discovery document URL, see https://github.com/google/google-api-javascript-client/blob/master/docs/reference.md#----gapiclientloadname----version----callback--
gapi.client.load('prod_tt_sasportal', 'v1alpha1', () => {
  // now we can use:
  // gapi.client.prod_tt_sasportal

Don't forget to authenticate your client before sending any request to resources:

// declare client_id registered in Google Developers Console
var client_id = '',
  scope = [
    // See, edit, configure, and delete your Google Cloud data and see the email address for your Google Account.

    // Read, create, update, and delete your SAS Portal data.
  immediate = true;
// ...

  {client_id: client_id, scope: scope, immediate: immediate},
  authResult => {
    if (authResult && !authResult.error) {
      /* handle successful authorization */
    } else {
      /* handle authorization error */

After that you can use SAS Portal API (Testing) resources:

Returns a requested customer.
await gapi.client.prod_tt_sasportal.customers.get({name: 'name'});

Returns a list of requested customers.
await gapi.client.prod_tt_sasportal.customers.list({});

Returns a list of SAS deployments associated with current GCP project. Includes whether SAS analytics has been enabled or not.
await gapi.client.prod_tt_sasportal.customers.listGcpProjectDeployments({});

Returns a list of legacy organizations.
await gapi.client.prod_tt_sasportal.customers.listLegacyOrganizations({});

Migrates a SAS organization to the cloud. This will create GCP projects for each deployment and associate them. The SAS Organization is linked to the gcp project that called the command. go/sas-legacy-customer-migration
await gapi.client.prod_tt_sasportal.customers.migrateOrganization({});

Updates an existing customer.
await gapi.client.prod_tt_sasportal.customers.patch({name: 'name'});

Creates a new SAS deployment through the GCP workflow. Creates a SAS organization if an organization match is not found.
await gapi.client.prod_tt_sasportal.customers.provisionDeployment({});

Setups the a GCP Project to receive SAS Analytics messages via GCP Pub/Sub with a subscription to BigQuery. All the Pub/Sub topics and BigQuery tables are created automatically as part of this service.
await gapi.client.prod_tt_sasportal.customers.setupSasAnalytics({});

Returns a requested deployment.
await gapi.client.prod_tt_sasportal.deployments.get({name: 'name'});

Generates a secret to be used with the ValidateInstaller.
await gapi.client.prod_tt_sasportal.installer.generateSecret({});

Validates the identity of a Certified Professional Installer (CPI).
await gapi.client.prod_tt_sasportal.installer.validate({});

Returns a requested node.
await gapi.client.prod_tt_sasportal.nodes.get({name: 'name'});

Gets the access control policy for a resource. Returns an empty policy if the resource exists and does not have a policy set.
await gapi.client.prod_tt_sasportal.policies.get({});

Sets the access control policy on the specified resource. Replaces any existing policy.
await gapi.client.prod_tt_sasportal.policies.set({});

Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.
await gapi.client.prod_tt_sasportal.policies.test({});




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  • maxim_mazurok