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TypeScript typings for Security Command Center API v1beta2

Security Command Center API provides access to temporal views of assets and findings within an organization. For detailed description please check documentation.


Install typings for Security Command Center API:

npm install @types/gapi.client.securitycenter-v1beta2 --save-dev


You need to initialize Google API client in your code:

gapi.load('client', () => {
  // now we can use gapi.client
  // ...

Then load api client wrapper:

  () => {
    // now we can use:
    // gapi.client.securitycenter
// Deprecated, use discovery document URL, see https://github.com/google/google-api-javascript-client/blob/master/docs/reference.md#----gapiclientloadname----version----callback--
gapi.client.load('securitycenter', 'v1beta2', () => {
  // now we can use:
  // gapi.client.securitycenter

Don't forget to authenticate your client before sending any request to resources:

// declare client_id registered in Google Developers Console
var client_id = '',
  scope = [
    // See, edit, configure, and delete your Google Cloud data and see the email address for your Google Account.
  immediate = true;
// ...

  {client_id: client_id, scope: scope, immediate: immediate},
  authResult => {
    if (authResult && !authResult.error) {
      /* handle successful authorization */
    } else {
      /* handle authorization error */

After that you can use Security Command Center API resources:

Get the ContainerThreatDetectionSettings resource. In the returned settings response, a missing field only indicates that it was not explicitly set, so no assumption should be made about these fields. In other words, GetContainerThreatDetectionSettings does not calculate the effective service settings for the resource, which accounts for inherited settings and defaults. Instead, use CalculateContainerThreatDetectionSettings for this purpose.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.folders.getContainerThreatDetectionSettings({
  name: 'name',

Get the EventThreatDetectionSettings resource. In the returned settings response, a missing field only indicates that it was not explicitly set, so no assumption should be made about these fields. In other words, GetEventThreatDetectionSettings does not calculate the effective service settings for the resource, which accounts for inherited settings and defaults. Instead, use CalculateEventThreatDetectionSettings for this purpose.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.folders.getEventThreatDetectionSettings({
  name: 'name',

Get the RapidVulnerabilityDetectionSettings resource. In the returned settings response, a missing field only indicates that it was not explicitly set, so no assumption should be made about these fields. In other words, GetRapidVulnerabilityDetectionSettings does not calculate the effective service settings for the resource, which accounts for inherited settings and defaults. Instead, use CalculateRapidVulnerabilityDetectionSettings for this purpose.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.folders.getRapidVulnerabilityDetectionSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Get the SecurityCenterSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.folders.getSecurityCenterSettings({
  name: 'name',

Get the SecurityHealthAnalyticsSettings resource. In the returned settings response, a missing field only indicates that it was not explicitly set, so no assumption should be made about these fields. In other words, GetSecurityHealthAnalyticsSettings does not calculate the effective service settings for the resource, which accounts for inherited settings and defaults. Instead, use CalculateSecurityHealthAnalyticsSettings for this purpose.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.folders.getSecurityHealthAnalyticsSettings({
  name: 'name',

Get the VirtualMachineThreatDetectionSettings resource. In the returned settings response, a missing field only indicates that it was not explicitly set, so no assumption should be made about these fields. In other words, GetVirtualMachineThreatDetectionSettings does not calculate the effective service settings for the resource, which accounts for inherited settings and defaults. Instead, use CalculateVirtualMachineThreatDetectionSettings for this purpose.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.folders.getVirtualMachineThreatDetectionSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Get the WebSecurityScannerSettings resource. In the returned settings response, a missing field only indicates that it was not explicitly set, so no assumption should be made about these fields. In other words, GetWebSecurityScannerSettings does not calculate the effective service settings for the resource, which accounts for inherited settings and defaults. Instead, use CalculateWebSecurityScannerSettings for this purpose.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.folders.getWebSecurityScannerSettings({
  name: 'name',

Update the ContainerThreatDetectionSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.folders.updateContainerThreatDetectionSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Update the EventThreatDetectionSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.folders.updateEventThreatDetectionSettings({
  name: 'name',

Update the RapidVulnerabilityDetectionSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.folders.updateRapidVulnerabilityDetectionSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Update the SecurityHealthAnalyticsSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.folders.updateSecurityHealthAnalyticsSettings({
  name: 'name',

Update the VirtualMachineThreatDetectionSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.folders.updateVirtualMachineThreatDetectionSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Update the WebSecurityScannerSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.folders.updateWebSecurityScannerSettings({
  name: 'name',

Get the ContainerThreatDetectionSettings resource. In the returned settings response, a missing field only indicates that it was not explicitly set, so no assumption should be made about these fields. In other words, GetContainerThreatDetectionSettings does not calculate the effective service settings for the resource, which accounts for inherited settings and defaults. Instead, use CalculateContainerThreatDetectionSettings for this purpose.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.organizations.getContainerThreatDetectionSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Get the EventThreatDetectionSettings resource. In the returned settings response, a missing field only indicates that it was not explicitly set, so no assumption should be made about these fields. In other words, GetEventThreatDetectionSettings does not calculate the effective service settings for the resource, which accounts for inherited settings and defaults. Instead, use CalculateEventThreatDetectionSettings for this purpose.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.organizations.getEventThreatDetectionSettings({
  name: 'name',

Get the RapidVulnerabilityDetectionSettings resource. In the returned settings response, a missing field only indicates that it was not explicitly set, so no assumption should be made about these fields. In other words, GetRapidVulnerabilityDetectionSettings does not calculate the effective service settings for the resource, which accounts for inherited settings and defaults. Instead, use CalculateRapidVulnerabilityDetectionSettings for this purpose.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.organizations.getRapidVulnerabilityDetectionSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Get the SecurityCenterSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.organizations.getSecurityCenterSettings({
  name: 'name',

Get the SecurityHealthAnalyticsSettings resource. In the returned settings response, a missing field only indicates that it was not explicitly set, so no assumption should be made about these fields. In other words, GetSecurityHealthAnalyticsSettings does not calculate the effective service settings for the resource, which accounts for inherited settings and defaults. Instead, use CalculateSecurityHealthAnalyticsSettings for this purpose.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.organizations.getSecurityHealthAnalyticsSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Get the Subscription resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.organizations.getSubscription({name: 'name'});

Get the VirtualMachineThreatDetectionSettings resource. In the returned settings response, a missing field only indicates that it was not explicitly set, so no assumption should be made about these fields. In other words, GetVirtualMachineThreatDetectionSettings does not calculate the effective service settings for the resource, which accounts for inherited settings and defaults. Instead, use CalculateVirtualMachineThreatDetectionSettings for this purpose.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.organizations.getVirtualMachineThreatDetectionSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Get the WebSecurityScannerSettings resource. In the returned settings response, a missing field only indicates that it was not explicitly set, so no assumption should be made about these fields. In other words, GetWebSecurityScannerSettings does not calculate the effective service settings for the resource, which accounts for inherited settings and defaults. Instead, use CalculateWebSecurityScannerSettings for this purpose.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.organizations.getWebSecurityScannerSettings({
  name: 'name',

Update the ContainerThreatDetectionSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.organizations.updateContainerThreatDetectionSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Update the EventThreatDetectionSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.organizations.updateEventThreatDetectionSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Update the RapidVulnerabilityDetectionSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.organizations.updateRapidVulnerabilityDetectionSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Update the SecurityHealthAnalyticsSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.organizations.updateSecurityHealthAnalyticsSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Update the VirtualMachineThreatDetectionSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.organizations.updateVirtualMachineThreatDetectionSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Update the WebSecurityScannerSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.organizations.updateWebSecurityScannerSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Get the ContainerThreatDetectionSettings resource. In the returned settings response, a missing field only indicates that it was not explicitly set, so no assumption should be made about these fields. In other words, GetContainerThreatDetectionSettings does not calculate the effective service settings for the resource, which accounts for inherited settings and defaults. Instead, use CalculateContainerThreatDetectionSettings for this purpose.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.projects.getContainerThreatDetectionSettings({
  name: 'name',

Get the EventThreatDetectionSettings resource. In the returned settings response, a missing field only indicates that it was not explicitly set, so no assumption should be made about these fields. In other words, GetEventThreatDetectionSettings does not calculate the effective service settings for the resource, which accounts for inherited settings and defaults. Instead, use CalculateEventThreatDetectionSettings for this purpose.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.projects.getEventThreatDetectionSettings({
  name: 'name',

Get the RapidVulnerabilityDetectionSettings resource. In the returned settings response, a missing field only indicates that it was not explicitly set, so no assumption should be made about these fields. In other words, GetRapidVulnerabilityDetectionSettings does not calculate the effective service settings for the resource, which accounts for inherited settings and defaults. Instead, use CalculateRapidVulnerabilityDetectionSettings for this purpose.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.projects.getRapidVulnerabilityDetectionSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Get the SecurityCenterSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.projects.getSecurityCenterSettings({
  name: 'name',

Get the SecurityHealthAnalyticsSettings resource. In the returned settings response, a missing field only indicates that it was not explicitly set, so no assumption should be made about these fields. In other words, GetSecurityHealthAnalyticsSettings does not calculate the effective service settings for the resource, which accounts for inherited settings and defaults. Instead, use CalculateSecurityHealthAnalyticsSettings for this purpose.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.projects.getSecurityHealthAnalyticsSettings({
  name: 'name',

Get the VirtualMachineThreatDetectionSettings resource. In the returned settings response, a missing field only indicates that it was not explicitly set, so no assumption should be made about these fields. In other words, GetVirtualMachineThreatDetectionSettings does not calculate the effective service settings for the resource, which accounts for inherited settings and defaults. Instead, use CalculateVirtualMachineThreatDetectionSettings for this purpose.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.projects.getVirtualMachineThreatDetectionSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Get the WebSecurityScannerSettings resource. In the returned settings response, a missing field only indicates that it was not explicitly set, so no assumption should be made about these fields. In other words, GetWebSecurityScannerSettings does not calculate the effective service settings for the resource, which accounts for inherited settings and defaults. Instead, use CalculateWebSecurityScannerSettings for this purpose.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.projects.getWebSecurityScannerSettings({
  name: 'name',

Update the ContainerThreatDetectionSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.projects.updateContainerThreatDetectionSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Update the EventThreatDetectionSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.projects.updateEventThreatDetectionSettings({
  name: 'name',

Update the RapidVulnerabilityDetectionSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.projects.updateRapidVulnerabilityDetectionSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Update the SecurityHealthAnalyticsSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.projects.updateSecurityHealthAnalyticsSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Update the VirtualMachineThreatDetectionSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.projects.updateVirtualMachineThreatDetectionSettings(
  {name: 'name'}

Update the WebSecurityScannerSettings resource.
await gapi.client.securitycenter.projects.updateWebSecurityScannerSettings({
  name: 'name',




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  • maxim_mazurok