
0.1.5 • Public • Published

Revel Bulma

Revel Design, Bulmafied!


  • Install using npm: npm i -S revel-bulma

You have a few options for including the theme in your project.

  • If you're using Scss in your project, import the main bundle with scss/bundle.scss.
  • If you need to import non-rendering scss (ie variables, mixins, etc) into a single component, import scss/imports.scss.
  • Just want the css in a handy, standalone package? dist/bundle.css has you covered. Just pull it in as a static file, import into some js, you do you.


This package comes with the font Proxima Nova included, but it requires a bit of setup. The css bundle uses relative paths to reference the font files in the dist folder, so if you copy the dist folder as a unit the fonts should resolve without issue. If you're using scss you can use the $font-path-proxima-nova variable to override the default path to match your configuration. You can see an example of this in the demo app at src/assets/scss/app.scss.

If you're using Vue and Scss you can use webpack to magically pull the assets out of this package. It's pretty cool. Check out https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/html-and-static-assets.html#relative-path-imports for an explanation and you can find a working example in revel-buefy.

Local Development

Revel Bulma comes packaged with a small Vue app to allow for easy testing of changes. Just run npm run serve to spin it up.

Making a new build

Just run npm run build.




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npm i @mc-proto/revel-bulma

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  • redskyburning