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0.2.1 • Public • Published

@mconnect/mc-data-table | mConnect DataTable UI Component (vue-UI component)

  • Smart, Simple & Versatile UI datatable, built using vue3 composition API

  • Include paging of batch records and query skip-limit to load records from backend API server / service providers

  • Adjustable paging size

  • Easy search to view records by search keywords

  • Clear message showing the records view by query records and search keywords

  • Documentation In progress


npm install @mconnect/mc-data-table

// import (include) the mc-data-table stylesheet in your application
import "@mconnect/mc-data-table/dist/style.css"

Components and Features

  • screen short
  • McDataTable: entry point for defining the table options, structure and contents
  • McExplorerDataTable: McDataTable subcomponent for McExplorer component (see McExplorer for details)
  • McPageLimit: select the records to display per page [10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200]
  • McPageNav: page navigation features - first, last, previous, next and subset of intermediary pages
  • McTable: The table structure (column / headers) and contents
  • McTableMessage: indicate the current table records information, by page navigation and records total
  • McTableNoData: a component to display when there are no records to display
  • McTableSearch: used to filter table contents/records, by search keyword(s)

Usage Specifications

  • You may import McDataTable, McExplorerDataTable & McTableNoData as components into your UI view/page
  • Dependencies: vue and w3-css
import {McDataTable, McTableNoData} from "@mconnect/mc-data-table";
import type {DataField, DataFetchAlertResult} from "@mconnect/mc-data-table"
  • activate the mcDatatable component in your UI template, and provide the required and/or optional props
  <McDataTable v-if="dataItems.length > 0" :data-fields="dataFields" :data-items="dataItems" :data-stats="dataStats"


<script setup lang="ts">
  import { McDataTable, McTableNoData } from "@mconnect/mc-data-table";
  import type { DataField, DataFetchAlertResult, ObjectType } from "@mconnect/mc-data-table"
  import { computed, ref } from "vue"
  import { GetRecordStats } from "./types";

  // McDataTable props
  // dataItems => records to be displayed in the mc-table | from API read request
  const dataItems = Array<ObjectType>([])
  const dataStats: GetRecordStats = ref({
  const fetchAlertResult = ref<DataFetchAlertResult>({})

  // Data may be fetch in batches for table-records view
  // sample dataFetch for the next skip-limit records
  const dataFetch = async (val: DataFetchAlertResult) => {
    // store fetchAlertResult
    fetchAlertResult.value = val
    // perform the required read-query task using the skip and limit values from val(DataFetchAlertResult)
    if (val.fetchAlert) {
      await appStore.getAppRequest({
        skip : val.skip,
        limit: val.limit,
  // McExplorerDataTable props, in addition to McDataTable

  // McTableNoData props
  // dataItems count
  // const itemsCount = ref(dataItems.length)
  const itemsCount = computed(() => {
    return dataItems.length

  // Helper methods
  const isProcessing = ref(false)   // use to deactive the save-button when an active transaction is in progress
  const isMessage = ref(false)
  const pageMessage = ref("")       // to set the messages for the componenent tasks
  const itemId = ref("")    // current record ID, for update task
  const itemsIds = ref<Array<string>>([])   // for delete task
  const addItemId = (ids: Array<string>) => {
    itemsIds.value = ids
  const activeLabel = (isActive: boolean) => {
    return isActive
            ? `<span>${labels.yes} <i class="fa fa-check"></i></span>`
            : `<span>${labels.no} <i class="fa fa-power-off"></i></span>`
  const updateItem = async (itemRec: AppType) => {
    // Route to detail page
    await router.push({name: "appDetail", params: {itemId: itemRec.id || ""}});

  const deleteResponse = async (res: RESTAPI-UserDefined_Type) =>
    // handle the deleteRecord request API response

  const deleteItem = async (itemId: string) => {
    isMessage.value = false;
    pageMessage.value = "";
    if (!itemId) {
      isMessage.value = true;
      pageMessage.value = "Item-ID is required to proceed";
    // perform delete/remove action
    if (confirm(messages.confirmDelete)) {
      isProcessing.value = true
      isMessage.value = true;
      pageMessage.value = "Removing record.......";
      // API delete request (using axios/request helper deleteRecord function)
      const crudParams: CrudParamsType = {
        recordIds  : [itemId],
        queryParams: {},
      const res = await deleteRecord(apiPaths.APP_DELETE, crudParams);
      // response
      await deleteResponse(res);
    } else {
      isProcessing.value = false

  // dataFields specified the specification to construct mc-data-table table header/columns and row-columns value
  // See types definition for DataField to understand the meaning of the mandatory and optional? fields
  const dataFields: Array<DataField> = [
      name   : "select",
      label  : "Select",
      type   : "boolean",
      default: false,
      order  : 1,
      sort   : false,
      source : {
        type   : "checkbox",
        task   : addItemId,
        params : ["id"],
        data   : [],
        bind   : itemsIds.value,
        domComp: false
      events : [{type: "change", task: addItemId, params: ["id"]}]
      name   : "appName",
      label  : "Application",
      type   : "string",
      default: "N/A",
      order  : 2,
      sort   : true,
      source : {type: "provider"},
      name   : "appTag",
      label  : "Application Tag",
      type   : "string",
      default: "N/A",
      order  : 3,
      sort   : true,
      source : {type: "provider"},
      name   : "appCategory",
      label  : "Application Category",
      type   : "string",
      default: "N/A",
      order  : 4,
      sort   : true,
      source : {type: "provider", transform: categoryName},
      name   : "accessKey",
      label  : "Access Key",
      type   : "string",
      default: "N/A",
      order  : 5,
      sort   : true,
      source : {type: "provider"},
      name   : "description",
      label  : "Description",
      type   : "string",
      default: "N/A",
      order  : 6,
      sort   : true,
      source : {type: "provider", transform: shortDesc},
      name   : "isActive",
      label  : "isActive",
      type   : "boolean",
      default: false,
      order  : 7,
      sort   : false,
      source : {type: "provider", transform: activeLabel, domComp: true},
      name   : "update",
      label  : "Update",
      type   : "string",
      default: "Update",
      order  : 8,
      sort   : false,
      source : {
        type   : "taskLink",
        task   : updateItem,
        params : ["item"],
        domComp: false
      events : [{type: "click", action: updateItem, params: ["item"]}]
      name   : "delete",
      label  : "Delete",
      type   : "string",
      default: "Delete",
      order  : 10,
      sort   : false,
      source : {
        type   : "taskLink",
        task   : deleteItem,
        params : ["id"],
        domComp: false
      events : [{type: "click", action: deleteItem, params: ["id"]}]
  • usage example
  • Required and optional specifications
  • McDataTable: props (required and optional)
  • Required props: dataFields (Array) and dataItems (Array)
  • Optional props: dataTotal, paging, pageStart, pageLimits (Array), tableStyle, sortStyle
  • dataFields: => dataSpecs.ts
  • dataItems: => provider data records props : { dataFields: { type : Array, required: true, }, dataItems : { type : Array, required: true }, dataTotal : { type : Number, default: 0, }, paging : { type : Boolean, default: true, }, pageStart : { type : Number, default: 1, }, pageLimits: { type : Array, default: () => [10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200], }, tableStyle: { type : Object, default: () => { return { table : "w3-table w3-striped w3-border w3-bordered w3-hoverable", tableHeader: "w3-red", tableBody : "w3-hover", } }, }, sortStyle : { type : Object, default: () => { return { asc : "fa fa-caret-up", desc: "fa fa-caret-down", } }, }, },

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  • abbeymart