A powerful MDX processor that can compile, evaluate, and manipulate MDX content with support for frontmatter, components, and AST manipulation.
npm install @mdx.do/mdx
- Process MDX strings with frontmatter
- Compile and evaluate MDX content
- Component registry for custom components
- Frontmatter manipulation
- AST parsing and manipulation
- Support for JSX components
- TypeScript support
import { mdx } from '@mdx.do/mdx'
const mdxContent = `---
title: Hello World
# Welcome
This is a paragraph with a <Button>Click me</Button>`
const result = await mdx(mdxContent)
console.log(result.data) // { title: 'Hello World' }
console.log(result.default) // React component
import { registerComponent } from '@mdx.do/mdx'
import { Button } from './components'
// Register a component for use in MDX
registerComponent('Button', Button)
const result = await mdx(mdxContent)
const updated = await result.merge({ author: 'John Doe' })
// Updates frontmatter while preserving content
const result = await mdx('# Hello')
const updated = await result.append('## World')
// Results in: # Hello\n\n## World
const HelloWorld = () => <div>Hello World</div>
const result = await mdx({
jsx: HelloWorld,
data: { title: 'My Page' }
Main function to process MDX content.
interface MDXInput {
jsx?: ComponentType<any> // React component
data?: Record<string, any> // Frontmatter data
ast?: Root // MDAST Root node
mdx?: string // MDX string
interface MDXResult {
mdx: string // Original MDX content
data: Record<string, any> // Parsed frontmatter
ast: Root // Parsed AST
default: ComponentType<any> // Compiled React component
markdown: ComponentType<any> // Markdown-only component
merge: (update: Record<string, any>) => Promise<MDXResult>
append: (content: string) => Promise<MDXResult>
registerComponent(name: string, component: ComponentType<any>): void
getComponent(name: string): ComponentType<any> | undefined
getAllComponents(): Record<string, ComponentType<any>>
import { mdx, registerComponent } from '@mdx.do/mdx'
import { CodeBlock, Image } from './components'
// Register custom components
registerComponent('CodeBlock', CodeBlock)
registerComponent('Image', Image)
const blogPost = `---
title: Getting Started with React
author: John Doe
date: 2023-12-15
# Getting Started with React
Here's a simple example:
<CodeBlock language="jsx">
function App() {
return <h1>Hello World</h1>
<Image src="react-logo.png" alt="React Logo" />
const result = await mdx(blogPost)
// Use result.default to render the blog post
const base = await mdx('# My Document')
const updated = await base.append('## New Section')
const final = await updated.merge({
lastModified: new Date().toISOString()
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.