Install Multisport SDK dependency
npm install @mediaplatform/sportal365-multisport-sdk --save
yarn add @mediaplatform/sportal365-multisport-sdk
Import Multisport SDK dependency
import Core from "@mediaplatform/sportal365-multisport-sdk"
Initialize Multisport SDK
const SDK = new Core(config);
The config argument is an object with the following properties:
- dataConfigApiUrl - API URL (required)
- dataConfigApiKey - API KEY (required)
- dataConfigLang - example: 'en'
- dataConfigProject - Project name (required)
- dataConfigOddClient - default value: 'sportal' (optional)
- dataConfigTimezone - example: 'Europe/Sofia' (required)
- dataConfigCompetitionList - example: 'default' (required)
Initialize module
const competitionsModule = SDK.competitions();
.getDate(date: string)
Corresponding output should be:
competitions: CompetitionsМоdule
Module methods
getDate(date: string)
- date - the argument is a string. Format for date is - yyyy-mm-dd. - is required
get() - the method is mandatory - Based on called methods, it returns the built object with all requested competitions information and filtered depending on the passed sport and date.
Initialize module
const eventsModule =;
.getDate(date: string)
.getSport(sport?: SportTypes)
.withOdds({ bettingId: 'string', market: 'string', oddFormat: 'string', preEventOddsOnly: 'boolean' })
.getCompetitionIds(competitionIds: string)
Corresponding output should be:
events: EventsМоdule
Module methods
getSport(sport: SportTypes) - Use this method to get competitions only for a specific sport.
- sport example: "tennis". - is optional
getDate(date: string)
- date - the argument is a string. Format for date is - yyyy-mm-dd. - is required
getCompetitionIds(competitionIds: string)
- competitionIds - the argument is a string. Pass the id's of the competitions you want to get the events for by concatenating the id's with a comma and passing them as a single string. - is optional
withOdds({ bettingId: string, market: string, oddFormat: string, preEventOddsOnly: boolean })
- bettingId - the argument is a string. If no bettingId is provided, the result will be filtered by the first provider from the response
- market - the argument is a string. Example: "1x2"- will return only "1x2" markets data (if there is one).
- oddFormat - the argument is a string ( FRACTIONAL, DECIMAL, MONEYLINE ). Default value: "DECIMAL". You could pass an odds format to format odds values.
- preEventOddsOnly - the argument is a boolean which shows odds only when the game has not started yet. The default value of the argument is false.
get() - the method is mandatory - Based on called methods, it returns the built object with all requested events information and filtered depending on the passed sport, date and competitionIds.
Note 1: Status text is handled on the front end because different sports have different status finished texts - this status which comes from the API is used only for business logic and not as a text, but as a type instead
Note 2: Results is ignored if the event hasn’t started
Note 3: Because of the different types of sports different name prop is being returned - some sports require three_letter_code and if no three_letter_code is available the name of the same is being returned (basketball and football for example)
Note 4: Placeholders are handled on the front end. Reason for this is because there are different placeholders depending of the sport being displayed