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0.2.0 • Public • Published

Docker for Visual Studio Code: Extensibility Model


This package provides the necessary interfaces to implement a registry provider for the Docker extension for Visual Studio Code. Additionally, it also contains an implementation of a registry provider for the common Docker Registry HTTP API V2. Most implementations will be a fairly slim inheriting implementation of this.

In order to implement a provider, you must create a VS Code extension which will activate when the Docker explorer view is opened, and register itself with the Docker extension. The Docker extension will call into your provider to discover what nodes to show in the explorer view.

When to implement a registry provider extension

You should implement a registry provider extension if:

  1. Your registry has advanced authentication (e.g. OAuth, etc.)
  2. Your registry has a nonstandard API
  3. Your registry has advanced features, beyond the basic image storage functionality

You should not implement a registry provider extension if:

  1. Your registry can be connected to already with the generic V2 provider
    • If only very minor changes are needed in the generic V2 provider to support your registry, please file an issue or submit a pull request instead
  2. There is already an extension for your registry

How to implement a registry provider extension

  1. Create a new VS Code extension. Learn more
  2. Add the following activation event to your extension's package.json: onCommand:vscode-docker.activateRegistryProviders. Learn more
  3. Implement the RegistryDataProvider interface. The easiest way to do this is to extend either CommonRegistryDataProvider or, if your registry is compliant to the V2 registry spec, RegistryV2DataProvider.
  4. In your extension's activate() method, call into the Docker extension to register your provider. Learn more




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