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0.5.0 • Public • Published


This package provides the common request method for miHoYo API and utility methods like getDS and getDS2.


const enum APIClientType {
  IOS = 1,
  ANDROID = 2,
  WEB = 4,     // pc
  WEBVIEW = 5, // webview in android / ios app

interface DSOptions {
  client_type: MixedValuesOfEnum<APIClientType>; // client type in HTTP request header
  app_version: string; // HoYoLab's version, miHoYo uses it and `client_type` to decide the actual salt
  channel?: string;    // for HoYoLab's native requests in CN, it'll be `miyousheluodi`
  device_id?: string;  // some miHoYo API needs the device id, which usually in UUID format or a hexed md5 result
  salt?: string;       // custom salt, skipping the internal salt resolve procedure
  ds2?: boolean;       // whether to use the `getDS2` algorithm or not, default false

function getDS(): string;
function getDS(options: DSOptions): string;
function getDS(client_type: MixedValuesOfEnum<APIClientType>, app_version?: string): string;
function calculateDS(salt: string): string;

type DS2Param = string | Record<string, string | number | boolean | null | undefined>;
function getDS2(body: DS2Param, query: DS2Param | URLSearchParams, options?: DSOptions): string;
function getDS2(body: DS2Param, query: DS2Param | URLSearchParams, client_type: MixedValuesOfEnum<APIClientType>, app_version?: string): string;
function calculateDS2(salt: string, body: string, query: string): string;

The getDS and getDS2 utility function automatically resolve the proper salt, but you need to provide the correct client_type and app_version (defaults to the latest recorded version of HoYoLab).

Request Utility

interface RequestOptions {
  method?: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'PATCH' | 'DELETE'; // default: GET
  prefixUrl?: string;
  searchParams?: string | URLSearchParams | Record<string, string | number | boolean | null | undefined>; // Query string that will be added to the request URL, this will override the query string in url
  resolveUrl?: (url: string, options?: RequestOptions) => string; // custom url translator, runs after getDS/getDS2 and before actual HTTP request
  cookieJar?: PromiseCookieJar; // tough-cookie's CookieJar instance, `options.headers.cookie` will be overridden if provided
  body?: string | Buffer | Blob | BufferSource | FormData | URLSearchParams | ReadableStream<Uint8Array>; // raw HTTP request body
  form?: Record<string, any>; // will be converted to a query string and set `Content-Type` to `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`
  json?: Record<string, any>; // will be stringified using `JSON.stringify` and set `Content-Type` to `application/json`
  headers?: Headers | Record<string, string | number>;
  signal?: AbortSignal;
  timeout?: number;          // in milliseconds, default 0, which means no timeout
  followRedirect?: boolean;  // default: true
  throwHttpErrors?: boolean; // default: true
  resolveBodyOnly?: boolean; // default false, when set to true the promise will return the Response body instead of the Response object
  responseType?: 'text' | 'json' | 'buffer' | 'arraybuffer' | 'formdata'; // no default, which will leave the response body unread

  // DSOptions
  ds?: DSOptions;

  // flattened DSOptions
  client_type?: MixedValuesOfEnum<APIClientType>;
  app_version?: string;
  channel?: string;
  device_id?: string;
  salt?: string;
  ds2?: boolean;

function request<T = unknown>(url: string | URL, options?: RequestOptions): Promise<Response | T>;

This package currently provides 2 implementations of request function:

  • @mihoyo-kit/api/lib/request-browser

    Uses browser's Fetch API. If you want to support old browsers, please import the polyfill (eg. whatwg-fetch) by yourself.

    Due to the limitation of browser, options.headers.cookie and options.cookieJar will be silently ignored.

    If the function runs on the normal web page, or the browser extension without host permission, you may need to set up a proxy server, set document.cookie in client side, and request with option credentials: 'same-origin' or credentials: 'include'.

  • @mihoyo-kit/api/lib/request-node

    Uses undici module to make HTTP requests, and abort-controller to make it cancelable.

    To make fetch work, your Node's version should NOT less than 16.5.0

    If you're using npm below 7.0.0 or Yarn and other package managers, you may need to add undici, abort-controller as your project's dependencies explicitly.


This package uses Conditional Exports to decide which implementation to use, your JS runtime or bundler should support the following features:

If you're using Rollup or Vite to bundle your App, be sure to import @rollup/plugin-node-resolve in bundler's configuration, and its version should at least 13.0.0.

Example usage:

import { request, APIClientType } from '@mihoyo-kit/api';

interface PCBannerResult {
  banners: Array<{ image: string, path: string }>;

const res = await request<PCBannerResult>('https://bbs-api.mihoyo.com/misc/wapi/getPCBanner?gids=2', {
  client_type: APIClientType.WEB,
  app_version: '2.11.0', // <== if omitted, it'll use the latest recorded version
  responseType: 'json',
  resolveBodyOnly: true,

console.log(res); // { banners: [...] }




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  • leonismoe