
1.0.3 • Public • Published


Library which helps with cookie, local and session storage management in the browser environment.


$ npm install --save cookie-storage


Before you make any changes run npm run dev to build the library by the webpack.

Access by "window" global object

The library can be utilized by accessing its functions and features through the window global object in a web browser environment.

  • window.mikosoft.browserCookie
  • window.mikosoft.browserstorage
<script src="node_modules/cookie-storage/build/cookie-storage.js">
<script src="node_modules/cookie-storage/build/cookie-storage.min.js">

const {BrowserCookie, BrowserStorage} = window.mikosoft;
const browserCookie = new BrowserCookie(cookieOpts);
const cookies = browserCookie.getAll();


A puppeteer example.

/*** NodeJS script ***/
// inject to Chromium browser via <script> tag
await page.addScriptTag({ path: 'node_modules/cookie-storage/build/cookie-storage.min.js' }); // path to cookie-storage build file

const {cookies, localStorage} = await page.evaluate(() => {
  // cookies
  const BrowserCookie = window.mikosoft.BrowserCookie;
  const cookieOpts = {
    domain: 'adsuu.com',
    path: '/',
    expires: 5, // number of hours or exact date
    secure: false,
    httpOnly: false,
    sameSite: 'strict' // 'strict' for GET and POST, 'lax' only for POST
  const browserCookie = new BrowserCookie(cookieOpts);
  const cookies = browserCookie.getAll();

  // local storage
  const BrowserStorage = window.mikosoft.BrowserStorage;
  const storageOpts = { storageType: 'local'};
  const browserStorage = new BrowserStorage(storageOpts);
  const localStorage = browserStorage.getAll();

  return {cookies, localStorage}

console.log('cookies::', cookies); // _ga=GA1.2.686576916.1660229610; _gid=GA1.2.2130293818.1660229610; _gat=1
console.log('localStorage::', localStorage);

Access by ESM (ECMAScript Modules)

import { BrowserCookie, BrowserStorage } from '@mikosoft/cookie-storage';

// cookie
const browserCookie = new BrowserCookie(cookieOpts);

// storage
const browserStorage = new BrowserStorage(storageOpts);

BrowserCookie API

constructor(cookieOpts) :void

interface CookieOpts {
  domain?: string;
  path?: string;
  expires?: number | Date; // number of hours or exact date
  secure?: boolean;
  httpOnly?: boolean;
  sameSite?: string; // 'strict' for GET and POST, 'lax' only for POST

put(name:string, value:string) :void

Set the cookie. Cookie value must be a string.

putObject(name:string, valueObj:object) :void

Set the cookie. Cookie value is object.

get(name:string) :string

Get a cookie by specific name. Returned value is string.

getObject(name:string) :object

Get a cookie by specific name. Returned value is object of parsed value.

getAll() :string

Get all cookies in array format: [{key1: val1}, {key2: val2},...] . The values (val1, val2, ...) are strings.

getObjectAll(convertType:boolean = true) :string

Get all cookies in object format: {key1: val1, key2: val2, ...}. If convertType is true then convert the value types (val1, val2), for example '5' to number 5.

remove(name:string) :void

Remove cookie by specific name.

removeAll() :void

Remove all cookies.

exists(name:string) :boolean

Check if cookie exists.

BrowserStorage API

constructor(storageOpts) :void

interface StorageOpts {
  storageType: 'local'|'session'  // default is local what means localStorage

put(name:string, value:string) :void

Set local or session storage. The input value can be of any type and it's saved as string.

putObject(name:string, valueObj:object) :void

Set local or session storage. The input value is object and it's saved as string.

get(name:string) :string

Get a storage value (string) by specific name. Returned value is string.

getObject(name:string) :object

Get a storage value by specific name. Returned value is object.

getAll() :string

Get all storage values in array format: [{key1: val1}, {key2: val2},...] . The values (val1, val2, ...) are strings.

getObjectAll(convertType:boolean = true) :string

Get all storage values in object format: {key1: val1, key2: val2, ...}

remove(name:string) :void

Remove storage by specific name.

removeAll() :void

Remove all storage values.

exists(name:string) :boolean

Check if storage exists.


The software licensed under MIT.

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npm i @mikosoft/cookie-storage

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  • smikodanic