
1.6.4 • Public • Published

Millicast Vue.js Web Viewer Plugin

npm (scoped)

A Vue.js plugin to embed a Millicast player into your app. This plugin allows developers to simplify the integration of Millicast services into their own Vue.js apps.


To add this library to your project, from the command line execute the following instruction:

npm install @millicast/vue-viewer-plugin

or if you use Yarn

yarn add @millicast/vue-viewer-plugin

Basic Usage

To import the plugin into your Vue application, have the following structure in your main.js file:

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
// import the plugin
import VideoPlayer from "@millicast/vue-viewer-plugin"

const  Vue = createApp(App)

// install within your app
Vue.use(VideoPlayer, {})


You can either include the following dependecy at the end of your App.vue file:

    @import "@millicast/vue-viewer-plugin/dist/millicast-vue-viewer-plugin.css";

Or add the following dependecy at the beginning of your main.js file:

import "@millicast/vue-viewer-plugin/dist/millicast-vue-viewer-plugin.css"

You can now use the plugin in any Vue file of your project as a component.

Configuration Parameters

Name Type Attribute Default Description
accountId String Mandatory Millicast existing Account ID where you want to get the stream.
streamName String Mandatory Millicast existing Stream Name where you want to get the stream.
image String Optional Placeholder image while stream is offline. By default it is a solid black.
muted Boolean Optional false The streaming will start muted.
autoplay Boolean Optional true The streaming will autoplay when connected.
hideButtons Array.<String> Optional [] Specify a list of buttons to hide. See the hide buttons section for details.
reportUrl String Optional null Configure the URL to which reports should be sent to.
chromecastId String Optional null The Chromecast ID of your application.
multisource Boolean Optional false Configure your stream to show multiple streams.
noDelay Boolean Optional false Sets the minimum and maximum delay (sets forcePlayoutDelayMin and forcePlayoutDelayMax to 0).
showLabels Boolean Optional true Show stream label in multiview mode.
environment Object Optional .env file content Plugin environment. See Environment options on how to configure.
mainLabel String Optional Allows to change the label of the main video.
metadata Boolean Optional false Set to start listening to metadata events emitted by the SDK.
startingQuality String Optional null Allows to start the stream at a specific resolution when available. Possible values: 'High', 'Medium', 'Low', specifying the desired frame height (i.e. 360).
hideToast String Optional null Allows to hide a specific type of toast notification. To hide multiple toast types, separate them using ,. Possible values: success, error, warning, info.
audioFollowsVideo Boolean Optional false Allows automatically switching the audio to the one associated with the selected video source.
forcePlayoutDelayMin Number Optional null Sets a minimum value for a custom delay to playback the stream. It needs to be set with its maximum value, forcePlayoutDelayMax.
forcePlayoutDelayMax Number Optional null Sets a maximum value for a custom delay to playback the stream. It needs to be set with its minimum value, forcePlayoutDelayMin.
showTimer Boolean Optional false The current playing time will be displayed next to the volume icon.

To be able to use the viewer, just reference the VideoPlayer component, and pass the parameters of your choice as an object in the parameter paramsOptions. Refer to the example usage.

hideButtons options

You can choose to show or hide certain buttons in the player in order to customize your experience.

Option Description
play Hides the play button.
volume Hides the volume button.
pip Hides the button that allows the small reproduction (picture-in-picture mode), in a corner of the window.
fullscreen Hides the fullscreen button.
liveBadge Hides the message that indicates whether the stream is live or not.
userCount Hides the number of concurrent viewers of the stream.
settings Hides the settings button.

In case you want to disable all buttons at once, you can simply pass the controls: false paremeter, instead of using hideButtons.

Environment options

You are able to set up the following environment settings. You can refer to .env.sample as a starting point.

Option type Description
NODE_ENV production | development Determines if the main app is a production or development build.
VUE_APP_TURN_ENDPOINT url: string Sets the turn endpoint.
VUE_APP_LIVEWS_ENDPOINT url: string Sets the live views endpoint.
VUE_APP_DIRECTOR_ENDPOINT url: string Sets the director endpoint.
VUE_APP_PUBLIC_PATH url: string Sets the public path endpoint.
VUE_APP_REPORT_URL url: string The report playback URL.
VUE_APP_CHROMECAST_ID url: string Chromecast ID of your application.

In case these parameters are not sent as a property, the plugin will use the default values specified in the .env file.

Example of Use

<VideoPlayer :paramsOptions="{accountId: '...', streamName: '...', autoplay: false, hideButtons: ['liveBadge'] }" />
  • Remember that accountId and streamName are the only requeried parameters.
  • At the moment, this plugin allows only one instance of the component at a time in a project.

Example Apps

Live Chat Example

An example app is also provided which integrates PubNub based live chat. You can find this example in the examples/live-chat folder.

To set your private PubNub & Dolby.io credentials, create a .env file in the root of your project directory. An example of this may be found in the examples/live-chat/.env.sample. More information on how to obtain your Dolby.io streaming credentials is available on the Dolby.io Streaming Docs page.

In order to run this example app, execute the following commands:

cd examples/live-chat
npm install
npm run serve

This will install the dependencies and run the app.

Plugin Test App

An example of an interactive and resizable sample app using the vue viewer plugin can be found in the examples/plugin-test folder. This app is for testing purposes.


To develop and contribute to this project, refer to the instructions on how to set up your environment to start contributing here.


Please refer to LICENSE file.

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See in LICENSE file

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  • emilsas
  • sergio.garcia.murillo
  • r-delfino
  • cjohnsto
  • mcalle
  • tperera27
  • fabien-dolbyio
  • kushal_dolby
  • ssouto
  • dolby-nils
  • shivank-dolby