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1.0.8 • Public • Published

AddIn Client

What is this?

This project contains a client library for interacting with the Lync/Skype for Business or MindLink Add-In API.

An Add-In is any web page that is configured to show "inside" a chat room in a Lync/Skype for Business Group Chat or Persistent Chat deployment. When exposed inside a chat room in a native Lync Group Chat / Skype for Business or MindLink client additional functionality is provided to the add-in through several JavaScript methods and callbacks.

Over time the add-in API exposed by Lync changed location and when exposed through MindLink cross-domain you need to use a completely different method (post-message).

To make it easier to develop across versions and clients MindLink developed an asynchronous wrapper - a single API surface that will automatically determine how to communicate with the native or MindLink APIs.

How to use?

Yarn/npm install @mindlink/add-in-client. There's typescript type definitions you can read to know what's available. Alternatively you can download from github releases the latest version and include the library in a script tag.

To use the source typescript, you should reference @mindlink/add-in-client/src/client.

Browser Support

Any browser with native support for JSON.stringify and JSON.parse. For cross-domain, any browser with native post message support.

For compatibility with the native Lync/Skype for Business clients you need to support the version of Internet Explorer shipped with Windows. That likely means you will have to include a JSON shim - we purposefully haven't as you may be using one anyway in your project and we don't want to cause bloat.

If you're not packaging your add-in up using a bundler we recommend including JSON 3 in a script tag before including the add-in client.


To build the modern library, simply run yarn build in the root folder of the project after installing the dependencies locally (yarn install/npm install). The built artifacts will be in the .\dist\ folder.


To test the wrapper, you have to:

  1. Serve the folder.
  2. Create an add-in entry onto the relevant pChat infrastructure. For the tests to pass the add-in url needs to be configured with querystrings that provide expectations for the various tests. i.e.
    1. dm for the expected domain name.
    2. uid for the expected local user id.
    3. udm for the expected local user display name.
    4. gn for the expected name of the group that the addin is hosted into.
    5. d for the expected description of the group that the addin is hosted into.
    6. t for the expected topic of the group that the addin is hosted into.
    7. mml for the expected maximum message length.
  3. Add the add in to a group. From the Lync/Sfb adminstrator shell run the Set-CsPersistentChatRoom -Identity -AddIn "the configured addin name", i.e. set-cspersistentchatroom -Identity "<domain name>/<group name>" -AddIn "<add in name>"
  4. Using a client that supports addins, go to the room.

To test add-in functionality, you have to:

  1. Serve the folder.
  2. Create an add-in entry as above, without the querystring parameters. You want to serve addintester.html instead.
  3. As above.
  4. As above.
  5. Interact with the addin.

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npm i @mindlink/add-in-client

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  • mindlink