TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.1.0 • Public • Published


This plugin helps to parse tags to add them into Mocha Test object, so you can access tags within hooks and within a test.


    it('test with tags @test', { tags: ['@abc'] }, function () {
      // this.test?.tags object has all tags
        { tag: '@abc', info: [], isOwnTag: true },
        { tag: '@test', info: [], isOwnTag: true },
  • isOwnTag indicates whether tag is for test, when it is undefined this means it is set to parent suites of the test

Installation / setup

  1. install with npm:

    npm i -D @mmisty/cypress-tags

    or with yarn:

    yarn add @mmisty/cypress-tags -D
  2. configure project:

    Put into your support.ts (or e2e.ts) file

    import '@mmisty/cypress-tags'
  3. That's it! Types should be added automatically if you use typescript.

Adding tags

There are several ways to add tags:

  1. inline tags - just add them into test or suite title (ex @simple, @tag("info"))
it('test with tags @simple @tag("withInfo")', function () { 
   // ...
  1. cypress configuration object:
it('test with tags', { tags: ['@abc'] }, function () { 
   // ...
  1. cypress configuration object may also have a string type and also parsed tag type:
it('test with tags', { tags: '@abc' }, function () {
   // ...
it('test with tags', { tags: [{ tag: '@abc', info: ['my info'] }] }, function () {
   // ...

Using tags

When tags are added to a test you can use them within hooks. This may be helpful when you want to do some action depending on tags:

Example (will skip tests with @skip tag):

// my.test.ts
it('test to skip @skip', function () {
   // ...

// e2e.ts / setup.ts
beforeEach(function() {
  const test = this.currentTest;
    if(test.tags?.map(t => t.tag).includes('@skip')){


To see tags in test / suite title set env variable cyTagsShowTagsInTitle to true

If you want to keep titles as they are set variable to undefined

  • [ ] todo: when var is true show only own tags

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  • mmisty