Auto cli generator for general usage algolia from node. This library mainly targets typescript but may be available as js module.
You need reading env setting if command auto generation.
ALGOLIA_ID: your algolia id
ALGOLIA_ADMIN_KEY: your algolia admin key
ALGOLIA_SEARCH_KEY: our algolia search key
INDEX_NAMESPACE (Optional): prefix for algolia index, this is used to set different environments with one algolia account.
"aftools" : {
"modulePath": "algoliaIndexManager",
"out": "dist",
"dFiles": ["./internalAmbientFiles", "index.d.ts"],
"envFile": ".env.some"
modulePath: your algolia index manager relative module path from package.json. this is object consistes of IndexManager Class Constructor. It explained later and see example cases.
out (Optional): builded relative cli path from package.json. Default is ${projectRoot}/bin
types (Optional): project internal types. .
firebaseServiceAccountPath (Optional): relative firebase-service json path from package.json. FIREBASE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PATH valiable is prior than this. Default is ${projectRoot}/bin
dFiles: string[] (Optional): For including ambient definition files through build, sometimes you need them using global type in your index modules. You can specify directory and .d.ts file path.
envFile (Optional): your env file specified, default is .env
. If not specified, machine variables is used .
Make algoliaIndexManager/userExample.ts (if you specify ./algoliaIndexManager as modulePath)
import { AlgoliaIndexManager, IndexInterface } from '@moch-inc-japan/algolia-tools'
type UserSchema = {
id: string
name: string
export default class UserIndexManager implements IndexInterface {
private algoliaIndexManager: AlgoliaIndexManager
public constructor(args: { algoliaIndexManager: AlgoliaIndexManager }) {
this.algoliaIndexManager = args.algoliaIndexManager
public sendIndex = async (userId: string, user: UserSchema) => {
const result = await this.algoliaIndexManager.sendIndex('users', user)
if (result) {
console.log(`users index has been updated: [userId:${}]`)
return true
} else {
console.error('users index update has been failed')
return false
public batchSendToIndex = async () => {
const result = await this.algoliaIndexManager.sendIndex('users', [])
return result
public deleteIndexData = async (userIds: string[]) => {
const result = await this.algoliaIndexManager.deleteIndexData('users', userIds)
if (result) {
console.log(`user index has been deleted: [userIds:${userIds}]`)
return true
} else {
console.error('user index delete has been failed')
return false
And you make algoliaIndexManager/index.ts
import users from './userExample'
export default {
users // This exported as collectionName, so you should use named import specify to collection id
This is typescript tsc wrapper so you can use tsc --option if your source code including ambient file and json Module like
aftools-build --typeRoots ${DFILE_PATH} --resolveJsonModule
and you can exec build command
aftools-build --verbose
aftools <scriptId>
You can switch an env file from option. It's prior than config envFile.
aftools-build --envfile ${env_path} <scriptId>
see aftools help.
npx aftools
Your module can be used backend. We probide algoliaModule default exported. So you can use same logic introduced in cli.
For example,
import algoliaModule from '@mochi-inc-japan/algolia-tools'
import indexManagers from './algoliaIndexManager'
const manager = algoliaModule(
so on.
Add algolia-tools.config.js in your project aloglia-tools-cli-generator.
const Plugins = require('@mochi-inc-japan/plugin-algolia-tools-firestore')
module.exports = {
plugins: [Plugins.FirestorePlugin],
commanderPlugins: [Plugins.FirestoreCommanderPlugin]
config path is changeable via package.json aftools configPath
If you use commader, you can extend it by defined commands in this library.
import AlgoliaModule from '@mochi-inc-japan/algolia-tools'
import { createAlgoliaCommanderPlugin } from '@mochi-inc-japan/algolia-cli-tools'
import { createAlgoliaCommanderPlugin } from '@mochi-inc-japan/plugin-algolia-tools-firestore'
import indexManagers from './algoliaIndexManager'
import commander from 'commander'
const algoliaModule = AlgoliaModule(
plugin: [FirestorePlugin]
const algoliaProjectManager = new AlgoliaProjectManager(algoliaModule)
// extended to commander commands
createFirestoreCommanderPlugin(algoliaProjectManager.algoliaModule)(commander)// optional if you use firestore
This library cli may include your secret files bundled code. So you should not include bundle task files in git repository your aftools-build code.