👨💻 React components for the Mojito Platform, Reference App and third-party projects, including Mojito's core service
Version: 1.0.0
You can install this project with one of these commands: npm i @mojito-inc/core-service
yarn add @mojito-inc/core-service
You can install the package with one of these commands:
npm i graphql
yarn add graphql
Once the package is installed, you can import the library using import;
Two way of integration Core API provider uri or apollo client, if pass both param priority is client only.
baseURL = https://api.mojito.xyz/query
baseURL = https://api-dev.mojito.xyz/query
import { CoreServiceProvider } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
<CoreServiceProvider uri={ baseURL } token={ 'Bearer <Token>' }>
{ children }
Param | type | Description |
uri | string | skip this param, if client param passed |
client | Apollo Client | skip this param, if uri param passed |
token | string | Optional |
import { useAuth } from '@mojito-inc/core-service';
const { sessionStatus } = useAuth();
After setup with CoreServiceProvider, API can be access via hooks
following the api are
- GetSignature Message
- LoginWithSignature
- RedeemClaimable Code
- Redeem Earnable Item
- getInvoiceDetails
- Redeem Earnable Code
- SignUpWithSignature
- get Contract Details
- complete Onchain Claim
It will provide a message that should be used for in signing process
import { useClaims, Response, GetSignatureData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { getSignatureMessage } = useClaims();
const response: Response<GetSignatureData> = await getSignatureMessage({
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
networkID: <NETWORK_ID>,
walletAddress: <WALLET_ADDRESS>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
networkID | UUID1 | ✅ | |
walletAddress | string | ✅ |
"data: {
"getSignatureMessage": "This message is used for signature validation for organization caa and wallet address 0x6588ec22a85d611c8c3cd254d0c063d0be78a6c1 at 2023-02-22T04:39:23Z"
- error getting organization by id: record not found
The request receiver retrieves the Signature security token
import { useClaims, Response, LoginWithSignatureData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { loginWithSignature } = useClaims();
const response: Response<LoginWithSignatureData> = await loginWithSignature({
chainId: <CHAIN_ID>,
orgId: <ORG_ID>
Param | type | Required | Description |
challenge | String | ✅ | |
signature | String | ✅ | |
signer | String | ✅ | |
chainId | Int | ✅ | Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1 |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ |
"data": {
"loginWithSignature": {
"token": "344fbc51-b6d4-4428-9783-b09dd9df95fb"
- Challenge is too old, please request a new one
Redeem a claimable code
import { useClaims, Response, RedeemClaimableCodeData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { redeemClaimableCode } = useClaims();
const response: Response<RedeemClaimableCodeData> = await redeemClaimableCode({
code: discountCode,
destAddr: address,
Param | type | Required | Description |
code | string | ✅ | |
destAddr | string | ✅ |
"data": {
"redeemClaimableCode": {
"success": true
- Challenge is too old, please request a new one
Redeem Earnable Item.
import { useClaims, RedeemEarnableItemData, Response } from '@mojito-inc/core-service';
const { redeemEarnableItem } = useClaims();
const response: Response<RedeemEarnableItemData> = await redeemEarnableItem({
claimableItemId: claimableItemId,
destAddr: destAddr,
gating: gating
Param | type | Required | Description |
claimableItemId | string | ✅ | |
destAddr | string | ||
gating | object | gating |
Param | type | Required | Description |
ruleId | string | ✅ | |
contractAddress | string | ✅ | |
tokenId | string | ✅ | |
ownerWallet | string | ✅ |
- Invalid claimableItemId.
Get the Invoice detail of the Given invoice id.
import { useClaims, Response, GetClaimInvoiceDetailData } from '@mojito-inc/core-service';
const { getInvoiceDetails } = useClaims();
const response: Response<GetClaimInvoiceDetailData> = await getInvoiceDetails({
invoiceID: invoiceID
Param | type | Required | Description |
invoiceID | string | ✅ |
- Invalid Invoice id
Redeem a claimable code
import { useClaims, Response, RedeemEarnableCodeData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { redeemEarnableCode } = useClaims();
const response: Response<RedeemEarnableCodeData> = await redeemEarnableCode({
code: discountCode,
destAddr: address,
Param | type | Required | Description |
code | string | ✅ | |
destAddr | string |
"data": {
"redeemEarnableCode": {
"redeemInitiated": true,
"invoiceID": "278806fb-d82c-4d9c-bda0-ace148452c00"
- Invalid code
The request receiver retrieves the Signature security token
import { useClaims, Response, SignUpWithSignatureData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { signUpWithSignature } = useClaims();
const response: Response<SignUpWithSignatureData> = await signUpWithSignature({
chainId: <CHAIN_ID>,
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
firstName: <FIRST_NAME>,
lastName: <LAST_NAME>,
email: <EMAIL>
Param | type | Required | Description |
challenge | String | ✅ | |
signature | String | ✅ | |
signer | String | ✅ | |
chainId | Int | ✅ | Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1 |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
firstName | String | ✅ | |
lastName | String | ✅ | |
String | ✅ |
"data": {
"signUpWithSignature": {
"token": "344fbc51-b6d4-4428-9783-b09dd9df95fb"
- Challenge is too old, please request a new one
It will provide a contract details
import { useClaims, Response, GetContractDetailsData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { getContractDetails } = useClaims();
const response: Response<GetContractDetailsData> = await getContractDetails({
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
networkId: <NETWORK_ID>,
contractType: <CONTRACT_TYPE>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
networkId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
contractType | string | ✅ |
"data: {
"getContractDetails": {
"id": "",
- error getting organization by id: record not found
Complete onchain claim
import { useClaims, Response, CompleteOnchainClaimData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { completeOnchainClaim } = useClaims();
const response: Response<CompleteOnchainClaimData> = await completeOnchainClaim({
invoiceId: <invoiceId>,
txHash: <txHash>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
invoiceId | string | ✅ | |
txHash | string | ✅ |
"data": {
"completeOnchainClaim": true
- error getting invoice by id: record not found
will receives 1 unit crypto equivalent USD price
import { useConversion, Response, USDConversionData } from '@mojito-inc/core-service';
const { getUSDConversion } = useConversion();
const response: Response<USDConversionData> = await getUSDConversion({ cryptoCurrencyCode: <cryptoCurrencyCode> });
Param | type | Required | Description |
cryptoCurrencyCode | enum | ✅ | CryptoCurrencyCode |
Enum Variable | value |
"data": {
"getUSDPrice": {
"amount": "1799.34",
"currency": "USD",
"base": "ETH",
- Expected type CryptoCurrenyCode!, found "".
will receives list of supported currency by id
import { useConversion, Response, GetSupportedCurrenciesData } from '@mojito-inc/core-service';
const { getSupportedCurrency, GetSupportedCurrenciesData } = useConversion();
const response: Response<GetSupportedCurrenciesData> = await getSupportedCurrency({ nftTokenId: '514fedfe-165b-451b-b2f6-63667e66c096', orgId: 'f2f5c627-5421-4c40-9913-edfd09dd98b3' });
Param | type | Required | Description |
nftTokenId | UUID | ✅ | |
orgId | UUID | ✅ |
"data": {
"getSupportedCurrencies": [
"id": "8b2343d6-8a8b-11ed-9e0a-42010a940031",
"name": "ETH",
"networkId": "c41db347-0ee3-4212-943a-ca213b8e0ea8",
"symbol": "ETH",
"contractAddress": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"secondaryMarketplaceContractAddress": "0xB658b650F0B2Dacd90aF58Ad78b3a6F8eb9BdF21",
"network": {
"id": "c41db347-0ee3-4212-943a-ca213b8e0ea8",
"name": "Goerli Testnet",
"chainID": 5,
"wethAddress": "0xB4FBF271143F4FBf7B91A5ded31805e42b2208d6",
"paymentCurrency": "WETH"
- error getting token by ID: record not found.
Auction Details and Auction History
import { useAuction } from '@mojito-inc/core-service';
const { auctionDetails } = useAuction();
const response: Response<AuctionData> = await auctionDetails({ id: <ID> });
Param | type | Required | Description |
id | UUID | ✅ |
"data": {
"collectionItemById": {
"id": "8ed1783c-c4c4-47f1-9384-5ff64f2ebc97",
"name": "POCA During Sale 2",
"artist": null,
"status": "Active",
"description": null,
"details": {
"id": "68d2fee2-db56-48f4-9e10-e703e9054ae6",
"startingBid": 0.0001,
"startDate": "2023-03-22T05:00:00Z",
"endDate": "2023-03-22T11:00:00Z",
"currentBid": {
"userId": "afca6cad-782c-4338-b71d-9193b14b736d",
"currentBid": 0.0002,
"isMine": false,
"walletAddress": "0x669dbFF9c68CAC7b52C4B789f5Ebc3b5293D0a73",
"marketplaceUser": {
"id": "afca6cad-782c-4338-b71d-9193b14b736d",
"username": null,
"avatar": null,
"myBid": null,
"bids": [
"id": "9b407667-fc96-4022-a892-8c5d2fea4e52",
"amount": 0.0002,
"createdAt": "2023-03-22T09:32:15Z",
"maximumBid": null,
"marketplaceAuctionLotId": "68d2fee2-db56-48f4-9e10-e703e9054ae6",
"walletAddress": "0x669dbFF9c68CAC7b52C4B789f5Ebc3b5293D0a73",
"txHash": "0xa6d9d6474e759134bd85d9111376366a3e8360f93eafc723646967c63d675422",
"marketplaceUser": {
"id": "afca6cad-782c-4338-b71d-9193b14b736d",
"username": null,
"avatar": null,
- uuid: incorrect UUID length.
Receive tax and contract address
import { useAuction, OnChainBidResponse } from '@mojito-inc/core-service';
const { verifyOnChainBid } = useAuction();
const response: Response<OnChainBidResponse> = await verifyOnChainBid({
amount: <amount>, });
Param | type | Required | Description |
lotID | UUID | ✅ | |
orgID | UUID | ✅ | |
walletAddress | string | ✅ | |
amount | Int | ✅ |
"data": {
"verifyOnchainBid": {
"amount": 0.0003,
"tax": 0.000055575933397801415,
"onChainAuctionContractAddress": "0xeed7f3e16a6018d65dffd63bc30ac252c034edc1",
"commissionFee": 0.000005999999999999999,
"platformFee": 0.000005999999999999999,
"__typename": "OnChainBidResponse"
- jwt token invalid or has been expired
- uuid: incorrect UUID length
- error fetching user wallet: wallet by address by not found: record not found
- amount is less then current bid + min increment
Auction submit
import { confirmOnChainBid, BidsItemData } from '@mojito-inc/core-service';
const { confirmOnChainBid } = useAuction();
const response: Promise<Response<BidsItemData>> = await confirmOnChainBid({
platformFee<platformFee<> });
"data": {
"confirmOnchainBid": {
"amount": 0.0005,
"tax": 0.00007216969871926542,
"__typename": "MarketplaceAuctionBid"
- jwt token invalid or has been expired
- uuid: incorrect UUID length
- error fetching user wallet: wallet by address by not found: record not found
- error creating marketplace auction bid: bid amount is below the current bid
Create Auction Bid
import { createMarketplaceAuctionBid, CreateMarketplaceAuctionBidData } from '@mojito-inc/core-service';
const { createMarketplaceAuctionBid } = useAuction();
const response: Promise<Response<CreateMarketplaceAuctionBidData> = await createMarketplaceAuctionBid({
amount=<amount> });
"data": {
"createMarketplaceAuctionBid": {
"id": "95962a20-2194-493e-ba2d-7abc5cea93bf",
"marketplaceAuctionLotId": "95962a20-2194-493e-ba2d-7abc5cea93bf",
"amount": 0.0005,
- jwt token invalid or has been expired
- uuid: incorrect UUID length
- error creating marketplace auction bid: bid amount is below the current bid
User API can be access via hooks
following the api are
It will provide a active user data
import { useUser, GetUserData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { currentUser } = useUser();
const response: Response<GetUserData> = await currentUser({
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ |
"data: {
"me": {
"id": "d1a59f7e-8626-46f9-b0ca-b70477910c8c",
"userOrgs": [
"id": "30ec5163-90bc-4b6a-a0a1-8696cc19c327",
"role": "Admin",
"organizationId": "d086ea16-d40d-454c-84a4-64b5e940670a",
"organization": {
"purchaseLimitWithoutKYC": 0
"kycStatus": "Clear",
"w8Form": true,
"isBlacklisted": false,
"bidAllowed": true,
"avatar": null,
"username": "020704f2-cb16-4c26-bed0-4ac0dbdf67bb",
"settings": null,
"reason": ""
- access denied
It can able to update the user details
import { useUser, updateUserOrgSettingsData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { updateUserOrgSettings } = useUser();
const response: Response<updateUserOrgSettingsData> = await updateUserOrgSettings({
userOrgId: <USER_ORG_ID>,
username: <USER_NAME>,
avatar: <AVATAR>,
settingsJson: <SETTING_JSON>,
profilePic: <PROFILE_PIC>
Param | type | Required | Description |
userOrgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
username | String | ✅ | |
avatar | String | ✅ | |
settingsJson | String | ||
profilePic | String |
"data: {
"updateUserOrgSettings": {
"id": "d1a59f7e-8626-46f9-b0ca-b70477910c8c",
"username": "test",
"avatar": "U0BpDFXLEKmMNPly",
- user is not authorized to update record within userOrgID
KYC API can be access via hooks
following the api are
It can able to create form to complete KYC
import { useKYC } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { createApplicant } = useKYC();
const response: Response<CreateApplicantData> = await createApplicant({
orgID: <ORG_ID>,
input: {
firstName: <FIRST_NAME>,
lastName: <LAST_NAME>,
address: {
country: <COUNTRY>,
state: <STATE>,
town: <TOWN>,
postcode: <POSTAL_CODE>
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgID | UUID1 | ✅ | |
input | ApplicantRequest | ✅ |
"data: {
"createApplicant": {
"id": "7578afa6-cb7e-45cc-82ef-5c5821ebec42",
"firstName": "test",
"lastName": "test",
"email": "",
"dob": "1998-12-22",
"href": "/v3.2/applicants/7578afa6-cb7e-45cc-82ef-5c5821ebec42",
"idNumbers": null,
"address": {
"flatNumber": null,
"buildingNumber": "12",
"buildingName": null,
"street": "test road",
"subStreet": null,
"town": "new york",
"postcode": "12345",
"country": "US",
"line1": null,
"line2": null,
"line3": null,
"state": "new york"
- error getting user organization KYC by applicant id: record not found
It can able to check the details
import { useKYC } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { createCheck } = useKYC();
const response: Response<CreateCheckData> = await createCheck({
applicantID: <APPLICANT_ID>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
applicantID | UUID1 | ✅ |
"data: {
"createCheck": {
"id": "c2854107-93b6-4200-a1f7-ad28beaa9d1d",
"success": true
- error getting user organization KYC by applicant id: record not found
It can able to get user kyc details
import { useKYC } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { getApplicant } = useKYC();
const response: Response<GetApplicantData> = await getApplicant({
organizationID: <ORGANIZATION_ID>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
organizationID | UUID1 | ✅ |
"data: {
"getApplicant": {
"id": "262f085c-474b-44be-8568-e1b58a16c97f",
"firstName": "test",
"lastName": "test",
"email": "",
"dob": "1998-12-22",
"href": "/v3.2/applicants/7578afa6-cb7e-45cc-82ef-5c5821ebec42",
"idNumbers": null,
"address": {
"flatNumber": null,
"buildingNumber": "12",
"buildingName": null,
"street": "test road",
"subStreet": null,
"town": "new york",
"postcode": "12345",
"country": "US",
"line1": null,
"line2": null,
"line3": null,
"state": "new york"
- error getting user organization KYC by applicant id: record not found
It can able to get sdk token
import { useKYC } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { getSDKToken } = useKYC();
const response: Response<GetSDKTokenData> = await getSDKToken({
applicantID: <APPLICANT_ID>,
referrer: <REFERRER>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
applicantID | UUID1 | ✅ | |
referrer | String | ✅ |
"data: {
"getSDKToken": {
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiJ9.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.MIGIAkIAtiM1UkIpaTKIGeTn6sYfX3GR4fTWPq_AeU1RxwQDQu5S7K3NM1z5hzh01sTo3KK_elpMh27XC0mhR9MkLt3kkroCQgG9gAW4w0vO1k1dXJKzbq3WDpklTqXtjT3plDbe5_bM8QujgjlbaW7nkASg68BYqa7P5UHOI5p-_QBayflaU3wXa"
- error getting user organization KYC by applicant id: record not found
It can able to update the user kyc details
import { useKYC } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { updateApplicant } = useKYC();
const response: Response<UpdateApplicantData> = await updateApplicant({
orgID: <ORG_ID>,
input: {
firstName: <FIRST_NAME>,
lastName: <LAST_NAME>,
address: {
country: <COUNTRY>,
state: <STATE>,
town: <TOWN>,
postcode: <POSTAL_CODE>
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgID | UUID1 | ✅ | |
input | ApplicantRequest | ✅ |
"data: {
"updateApplicant": {
"id": "7578afa6-cb7e-45cc-82ef-5c5821ebec42",
"firstName": "test",
"lastName": "test",
"email": "",
"dob": "1998-12-22",
"href": "/v3.2/applicants/7578afa6-cb7e-45cc-82ef-5c5821ebec42",
"idNumbers": null,
"address": {
"flatNumber": null,
"buildingNumber": "12",
"buildingName": null,
"street": "test road",
"subStreet": null,
"town": "new york",
"postcode": "12345",
"country": "US",
"line1": null,
"line2": null,
"line3": null,
"state": "new york"
- error getting user organization KYC by applicant id: record not found
Connect wallet API can be access via hooks
following the api are
It can able to connect wallet
import { useConnectWallet, ConnectExternalWalletData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { connectExternalWallet } = useConnectWallet();
const response: Response<ConnectExternalWalletData> = await connectExternalWallet({
signature: <SIGNATURE>,
message: <MESSAGE>,
address: <ADDRESS>,
orgID: <ORG_ID>,
networkID: <NETWORK_ID>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgID | UUID1 | ✅ | |
networkID | UUID1 | ✅ | |
message | String | ✅ | |
signature | String | ✅ | |
address | String | ✅ |
"data": {
"connectExternalWallet": true
- challenge is too old, please request a new one
It can able to get wallet data
import { useConnectWallet, GetActiveWalletsContentData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { getActiveWalletsContent } = useConnectWallet();
const response: Response<GetActiveWalletsContentData> = await getActiveWalletsContent({
orgID: <ORG_ID>,
networkId: <NETWORK_ID>,
walletAddress: <WALLET_ADDRESS>,
filters: <FILTERS>,
refreshCache: <REFRESH_CACHE>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgID | UUID1 | ✅ | |
networkId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
walletAddress | String | ✅ | |
filters | ActiveWalletFilterInput | ||
refreshCache | Boolean |
"data": {
"getActiveWalletsContent": {
"tokens": [
"contractAddress": "0xd0e2fd21764f643fa32b06a4c7d7924f43138d90",
"id": "6",
"network": "Goerli Testnet",
"tokenType": "ERC1155",
"title": "BasedHead #6",
"tokenURI": "https://drops.api.topdogstudios.io/basedAf/token/6",
"nftTokenId": "5bc739a6-f5d3-4417-b4af-91687e0af525",
"mintedAt": "2023-01-25T14:18:02Z",
"status": "SALE_PENDING",
"metadata": {
"name": "BasedHead #6",
"description": "This PFP will be affiliated to the Fraz corporation.\n\nFraz is believed to have begun in the mid-1800s as the JP Fraz and Sons Tinctures and Cure-all Company. However, the lack of any supporting evidence that TrashLand existed before the 1980s suggests that this may not be factually correct. Fraz makes a variety of different food items, all alcoholic beverages, which are distilled from edible shore drift sourced on the island. In 2022, Fraz was announced as the official drink of the Metaverse.\n\n[Download V0 BasedHead](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmWiDG1zG7vncPYXMEVSkRYcn2gsujAACSyUsbXvD33ezC)",
"image": "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmQJBFoLqcgxDogd5pLgbMKn6u4RPiu1djUfecuZxMhdzk",
"animationURL": "",
"openSeaImageURL": ""
"contractName": "test",
"artistName": "Test",
- wallet by address by id not found: record not found
It can able to get the supported networks list
import { useConnectWallet, GetSupportedNetworksData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { getSupportedNetworks } = useConnectWallet();
const response: Response<GetSupportedNetworksData> = await getSupportedNetworks({
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
includeTestnets: <INCLUDE_TESTNETS>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
includeTestnets | Boolean |
"data": {
"getSupportedNetworks": [
"id": "f7babe75-2dfc-434a-9e3b-a28e101c4863",
"name": "Ethereum Mainnet",
"chainID": 1,
"isTestnet": false
"id": "c41db347-0ee3-4212-943a-ca213b8e0ea8",
"name": "Goerli Testnet",
"chainID": 5,
"isTestnet": true
- encoding/hex: invalid byte: U+002D '-'
List item API can be access via hooks
following the api are
It can able to create list item for sale
import { useListItem, CreateSignatureToListNFTForSaleData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { createSignatureToListNFTForSale } = useListItem();
const response: Response<CreateSignatureToListNFTForSaleData> = await createSignatureToListNFTForSale({
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
nftTokenId: <NFT_TOKEN_ID>,
tokenType: <TOKEN_TYPE>,
quantity: <QUANTITY>,
nftOwnerAddress: <NFT_OWNER_ADDRESS>,
fixedPrice: <FIXED_PRICE>,
paymentToken: <PAYMENT_TOKEN>,
currencyId: <CURRENCY_ID>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
nftTokenId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
tokenType | TokenType | ✅ | |
quantity | Int | ✅ | |
nftOwnerAddress | String | ✅ | |
fixedPrice | Float | ✅ | |
paymentToken | String | ✅ | |
currencyId | UUID1 | ✅ |
"data": {
"createSignatureToListNFTForSale": {
"messageToSign": "0xc061ed6367ab12e87d93ac081487f069e4c8ba3b6bc100fec2a1afffd937f632",
"order": {
- error getting organization by id: record not found
It can able to remove listing an item
import { useListItem, RemoveListingData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { createSignatureToListNFTForSale } = useListItem();
const response: Response<RemoveListingData> = await removeListing({
orgID: <ORG_ID>,
nftTokenId: <NFT_TOKEN_ID>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgID | UUID1 | ✅ | |
nftTokenId | UUID1 | ✅ |
"data": {
"removeListing": "Listing removed."
- error getting organization by id: record not found
It can able to submit approval for listing an item
import { useListItem, SubmitProofOfApprovalData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { submitProofOfApproval } = useListItem();
const response: Response<SubmitProofOfApprovalData> = await submitProofOfApproval({
orgID: <ORG_ID>,
nftTokenId: <NFT_TOKEN_ID>,
signature: <SIGNATURE>,
quantity: <QUANTITY>,
fixedPrice: <FIXED_PRICE>,
paymentToken: <PAYMENT_TOKEN>,
currencyId: <CURRENCY_ID>,
creatorFee: <CREATOR_FEE>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgID | UUID1 | ✅ | |
nftTokenId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
signature | String | ✅ | |
quantity | Int | ||
fixedPrice | Float | ||
paymentToken | String | ||
currencyId | UUID1 | ||
creatorFee | TokenType |
"data": {
"submitProofOfApproval":"Signature updated."
- error getting organization by id: record not found
Tax and fee API can be access via hooks
following the api are
It can able to get tax and fee data
import { useFee, EstimateTaxAndRoyaltyFeeData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { estimateTaxAndRoyaltyFee } = useFee();
const response: Response<EstimateTaxAndRoyaltyFeeData> = await estimateTaxAndRoyaltyFee({
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
estimateType: <ESTIMATE_TYPE>,
nftTokenId: <NFT_TOKEN_ID>,
orderId: <ORDER_ID>,
price: <PRICE>,
country: <COUNTRY>,
postalCode: <POSTAL_CODE>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
estimateType | TaxEstimateType | ✅ | |
nftTokenId | UUID1 | ||
orderId | UUID1 | ||
price | Float | ||
country | String | ||
postalCode | String |
"data": {
"estimateTaxAndRoyaltyFee": {
"taxPercentage": 0,
"royaltyFee": 0,
"platformFee": 2.5,
"taxResponse": {
"cryptoTaxPrice": 0,
"cryptoTotalPrice": 1,
"USDUnitprice": 1920.88,
"taxPercentage": 0
- error getting organization by id: record not found
It can able to get tax and fee data
import { useFee, GetTaxQuoteData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { getTaxQuote } = useFee();
const response: Response<GetTaxQuoteData> = await getTaxQuote({
orgID: <ORG_ID>,
taxablePrice: <TAXABLE_PRICE>,
street1: <STREET>,
city: <CITY>,
state: <STATE>,
postalCode: <POSTAL_CODE>,
country: <COUNTRY>,
currencyCode: <CURRENCY_CODE>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgID | UUID1 | ✅ | |
taxablePrice | Float | ✅ | |
street1 | String | ✅ | |
city | String | ✅ | |
state | String | ✅ | |
postalCode | String | ✅ | |
country | String | ✅ | |
currencyCode | String |
"data": {
"getTaxQuote": {
"verifiedAddress": {
"street1": "",
"state": "Tamil Nadu",
"postalCode": "",
"country": "IN",
"currencyCode": "USD"
"taxablePrice": 76.6724,
"totalTaxedPrice": 76.6724,
"totalTaxAmount": 0
- error getting organization by id: record not found
NFT API can be access via hooks
following the api are
- getNFTFavoriteListByUser
- addNFTToFavorite
- removeNFTFromFavorite
- getAllRegistryTokens
- getNFTDetails
- getNFTHistory
- getNFTAttributesRarity
- initiateBuyNFT
- updateTransactionHash
- generateSecondaryInvoice
- userOrderActivity
- transferNFT
- getAllInvoices
- generatePrimaryInvoice
- getFileSignedURL
It can able to get favorite NFT list
import { useNFT, GetNFTFavoriteListByUserData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { getNFTFavoriteListByUser } = useNFT();
const response: Response<GetNFTFavoriteListByUserData> = await getNFTFavoriteListByUser({
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
searchKey: <SEARCH_KEY>,
filter: <FILTER>,
limit: <LIMIT>,
offset: <OFFSET>,
buyerAddress: <BUYER_ADDRESS>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
searchKey | Number | ||
filter | enum | SavedNFTFilterInput | |
limit | Int | ||
offset | Int | ||
buyerAddress | String |
Enum Variable | value |
recently_listed | recently_listed |
recently_minted | recently_minted |
initially_minted | initially_minted |
price_low_to_high | price_low_to_high |
most_saved | most_saved |
purchased_from_org | purchased_from_org |
"data": {
"getNFTFavouriteListByUser": {
"totalCount": 1,
"data": [
"title":"BasedHead #6"
"network":"Goerli Testnet"
- error getting organization by id: record not found
It can able to add NFT to favorite
import { useNFT, AddNFTToFavoriteData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { addNFTToFavorite } = useNFT();
const response: Response<AddNFTToFavoriteData> = await addNFTToFavorite({
orgID: <ORG_ID>,
tokenId: <TOKEN_ID>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
tokenId | UUID1 | ✅ |
"data": {
"addNFTToFavourite": true,
- error getting token by ID: record not found
It can able to remove NFT from favorite
import { useNFT, RemoveNFTFromFavoriteData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { removeNFTFromFavorite } = useNFT();
const response: Response<RemoveNFTFromFavoriteData> = await removeNFTFromFavorite({
orgID: <ORG_ID>,
tokenId: <TOKEN_ID>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
tokenId | UUID1 | ✅ |
"data": {
"removeNFTFromFavourite": true,
- error getting token by ID: record not found
It can able to get NFT list
import { useNFT, GetAllRegistryTokensData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { getAllRegistryTokens } = useNFT();
const response: Response<GetAllRegistryTokensData> = await getAllRegistryTokens({
orgID: <ORG_ID>,
searchKey: <SEARCH_KEY>,
filter: <FILTER>,
limit: <LIMIT>,
offset: <OFFSET>,
marketplaceID: <MARKETPLACE_ID>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgID | UUID1 | ✅ | |
searchKey | Number | ||
filter | enum | RegistryTokenFilterInput | |
limit | Int | ||
offset | Int | ||
buyerAddress | String | ||
sort | RegistryTokenSortInput | ||
artistID | UUID1 | ||
registryID | UUID1 | ||
categorySlug | String | ||
artistSlug | String |
Enum Variable | value |
recently_listed | recently_listed |
recently_minted | recently_minted |
initially_minted | initially_minted |
price_low_to_high | price_low_to_high |
price_high_to_low | price_high_to_low |
"data": {
"getAllRegistryTokens": {
"totalCount": 1,
"data": [
"TokenName":"BasedHead #15"
- error getting organization by id: record not found
It can able to get NFT list
import { useNFT, GetNFTDetailsData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { getNFTDetails } = useNFT();
const response: Response<GetNFTDetailsData> = await getNFTDetails({
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
contractAddress: <CONTRACT_ADDRESS>,
ownerAddress: <OWNER_ADDRESS>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
contractAddress | String | ||
onChainTokenID | BigInt | ||
ownerAddress | String | ||
buyerAddress | String | ||
editionNumber | Int | ||
nftTokenId | UUID1 | ||
networkId | UUID1 |
"data": {
"getNFTDetails": {
"network":"Goerli Testnet"
- error getting organization by id: record not found
It can able to get NFT history
import { useNFT, GetNFTHistoryData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { getNFTHistory } = useNFT();
const response: Response<GetNFTHistoryData> = await getNFTHistory({
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
contractAddress: <CONTRACT_ADDRESS>,
tokenId: <TOKEN_ID>,
networkId: <NETWORK_ID>,
ownerAddress: <OWNER_ADDRESS>,
nftTokenId: <NFT_TOKEN_ID>,
limit: <LIMIT>,
offset: <OFFSET>
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
contractAddress | String | ✅ | |
networkId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
tokenId | BigInt | ✅ | |
nftTokenId | UUID1 | ||
ownerAddress | String | ||
limit | Int | ||
offset | Int |
"data": {
"getNFTHistoryV2": {
"totalCount": 30,
"data": [
- error getting organization by id: record not found
It can able to get NFT Traits
import { useNFT, GetNFTAttributesRarityData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { getNFTAttributesRarity } = useNFT();
const response: Response<GetNFTAttributesRarityData> = await getNFTAttributesRarity({
contractAddress: <CONTRACT_ADDRESS>,
tokenID: <TOKEN_ID>,
networkID: <NETWORK_ID>,
refreshCatch: <REFRESH_CACHE>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
contractAddress | String | ✅ | |
networkID | UUID1 | ✅ | |
tokenID | BigInt | ✅ | |
refreshCatch | Boolean |
"data": {
"getNFTAttributesRarity": [
"value": {
- error getting organization by id: record not found
It can able to get order details
import { useNFT, InitiateBuyNFTData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { initiateBuyNFT } = useNFT();
const response: Response<InitiateBuyNFTData> = await initiateBuyNFT({
nftTokenId: <NFT_TOKEN_ID>,
buyerAddress: <BUYER_ADDRESS>,
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
country: <COUNTRY>,
postalCode: <POSTAL_CODE>,
currencyId: <CURRENCY_ID>,
cryptoTax: <CRYPTO_TAX>,
taxAddress: <TAX_ADDRESS>
Param | type | Required | Description |
nftTokenId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
buyerAddress | String | ✅ | |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
country | String | ||
postalCode | String | ||
currencyId | UUID1 | ||
cryptoTax | CryptoTax | ||
taxAddress | TaxAddressInput |
"data": {
"initiateBuyNFT": {
- error getting organization by id: record not found
It can able to update the transaction hash
import { useNFT, UpdateTransactionHashData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { updateTransactionHash } = useNFT();
const response: Response<UpdateTransactionHashData> = await updateTransactionHash({
nftTokenId: <NFT_TOKEN_ID>,
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
buyerAddress: <BUYER_ADDRESS>,
transactionHash: <TRANSACTION_HASH>,
orderId: <ORDER_ID>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
nftTokenId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
buyerAddress | String | ✅ | |
transactionHash | String | ✅ | |
orderId | UUID1 |
"data": {
"updateTransactionHash": {
- error getting organization by id: record not found
It will give a url to download invoice as a PDF format
import { useNFT, GenerateSecondaryInvoiceData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { generateSecondaryInvoice } = useNFT();
const response: Response<GenerateSecondaryInvoiceData> =
await generateSecondaryInvoice({
invoiceID: <INVOICE_ID>,
orderID: <ORDER_ID>,
activityName: <ACTIVITY_NAME>,
invoiceResType: <INVOICE_RES_TYPE>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
invoiceID | UUID1 | ✅ | |
orderID | UUID1 | ✅ | |
activityName | enum | ✅ | ActivityName |
invoiceResType | enum | ✅ | InvoiceResType |
Enum Variable | value |
Listed_Item | Listed_Item |
Listed_Item_Removed | Listed_Item_Removed |
Sold_Item | Sold_Item |
Offered | Offered |
Offer_Cancelled | Offer_Cancelled |
Offer_Rejected | Offer_Rejected |
Offer_Expired | Offer_Expired |
Bought_Item | Bought_Item |
Enum Variable | value |
base64 | base64 |
"data: {
"generateSecondaryInvoice": "https://storage.googleapis.com/mojito-dev-public/organizations/8fb128bd-f55d-4bcc-8b6c-0beb684e4d4e/invoices/208af15b-ae03-47c7-aa79-27ce453bcb2d_buyer.pdf"
- error getting invoice with id: record not found
It will give a url to download invoice as a PDF format
import { useNFT, GeneratePrimaryInvoiceData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { generatePrimaryInvoice } = useNFT();
const response: Response<GeneratePrimaryInvoiceData> =
await generatePrimaryInvoice({
invoiceID: <INVOICE_ID>,
invoiceResType: <INVOICE_RES_TYPE>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
invoiceID | UUID1 | ✅ | |
invoiceResType | enum | ✅ | InvoiceResType |
Enum Variable | value |
base64 | base64 |
"data: {
"generatePrimaryInvoice": "https://storage.googleapis.com/mojito-dev-public/organizations/8fb128bd-f55d-4bcc-8b6c-0beb684e4d4e/invoices/208af15b-ae03-47c7-aa79-27ce453bcb2d_buyer.pdf"
- error getting invoice with id: record not found
It will provide a user order activity data
import { useUser, UserOrderActivityData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { userOrderActivity } = useUser();
const response: Response<UserOrderActivityData> = await userOrderActivity({
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
filter: <FILTER>,
limit: <LIMIT>,
offset: <OFFSET>
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
filter | enum | ✅ | OrderActivityFilters |
limit | Int | ✅ | |
offset | Int | ✅ |
Enum Variable | value |
"data: {
"getUserOrderActivity": {
"totalCount": 529,
"data": [
"CreatedAt": "2023-03-29T10:52:18Z",
"nftImageUrl": "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/Qmf3YhCWVyansFPqunCfpCfKz9xNGzeMwYze7b359JR5xU",
"ActivityName": "Offered",
"TokenName": "BasedHead #8",
"TokenID": "8",
"NFTTokenID": "527ef338-2e68-4b62-a5d3-d1cb1ec81b30",
"ContractName": "test",
"ContractAddress": "0xd0e2fd21764f643fa32b06a4c7d7924f43138d90",
"Price": [
"value": 72.5217,
"unit": "USD"
"value": 0.04,
"unit": "WETH"
"NetworkID": "c41db347-0ee3-4212-943a-ca213b8e0ea8",
"TransactionHash": "",
"FromUserName": "rajesh1",
"ToUserName": "mainnet3",
"FromUserAvatar": "U0BpDFXLEKmMNPly",
"ToUserAvatar": "Ph9sz1la6hyMY3sd",
"FromWallet": {
"id": "4e89c916-3663-4d53-b549-1767c1e1a8d1",
"name": "rajesh account wallet",
"address": "0xc7e893488a039a341d935959e52f86085976f865"
"ToWallet": {
"id": "02eb2545-1c70-4f68-a856-aa7ed25bd013",
"name": "",
"address": "0xeAE67de0b3e913Ecb1Fae4d3bB936CD8dc282dD8"
"InvoiceURL": "",
"InvoiceID": null,
"OrderID": "c24a1370-9350-4516-82ab-6312b8ee571a",
"Status": "EXPIRED",
"cryptoTax": {
"cryptoTaxPrice": 0,
"cryptoTotalPrice": 0.04,
"USDUnitprice": 0.5,
"taxPercentage": 0
"order": {
"platformFee": 0.001,
"creatorFee": 0
- error getting organization by id: record not found
It can be able to transfer NFT
import { useNFT, TransferNFTData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { transferNFT } = useNFT();
const response: Response<TransferNFTData> = await transferNFT({
walletId: <WALLET_ID>,
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
contractAddress: <CONTRACT_ADDRESS>,
tokenType: <TOKEN_TYPE>,
tokenOnChainId: <TOKEN_ONCHAIN_ID>,
amount: <AMOUNT>,
transferTo: <TRANSFER_TO>,
isClaimedToken: <IS_CLAIMEDTOKEN>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
walletId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
contractAddress | string | ✅ | |
tokenType | TokenType | ||
tokenOnChainId | Int | ✅ | |
amount | Int | ||
transferTo | string | ✅ | |
isClaimedToken | boolean |
"data": {
"transferToken": "transfered",
- error getting organization by id: record not found
It will provide all the invoices data
import { useNFT, getAllInvoices } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { getAllInvoices } = useNFT();
const response: Response<GetAllInvoicesData> = await getAllInvoices({
orgID: <ORG_ID>,
filter: <FILTER>,
limit: <LIMIT>,
offset: <OFFSET>
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgID | UUID1 | ✅ | |
filter | enum | ✅ | OrderActivityFilters |
limit | Int | ✅ | |
offset | Int | ✅ |
Enum Variable | value |
"data: {
"getAllInvoices": {
"count": 633,
"data": [
"id": "bec11a55-e92e-4491-b215-fa466717537c",
"createdAt": "2023-08-28T11:06:40Z",
"isSecondary": true,
"userID": "aae0fe77-1c48-45cd-a10c-55115713e4d7",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"totalPrice": 0.04,
"PriceCrypto": 0.04,
"usdItemPrice": 65.44640000000001,
"quantity": 1,
"transactionHash": "0x15ebacc1025202c0a9c3bf2200ec38ab4a55b0f446376ebab1acebef5ca7b422",
"invoiceID": "1cf8d0ab-3b1a-4f9a-bcd8-8e6d9d6d37aa",
"invoiceNumber": 27388,
"itemID": "890ee587-50ec-471d-9283-88b61655f5d0",
"tokenID": "3f24646a-7abe-414b-b510-e51a5e58e9fe",
"contractAddress": "0xe016a4a7ffa5b3305d1c2e1cdda13d92e11bb2da",
"onChainTokenID": "2",
"networkID": null,
"eventType": "List",
"fromWalletAddress": "0xa77915a574e1f9b88db152525ceBfEAA8c71bAa4",
"toWalletAddress": null,
"image": "https://storage.googleapis.com/mojito-dev-public/organizations/960ce62a-412d-43ee-b60d-da21ee1ea217/nft/assets/3f24646a-7abe-414b-b510-e51a5e58e9fe_2023-08-28T11:24:51.276062873Z.gif",
"itemName": "The Plague #2",
"tokenName": "The Plague #2",
- error getting organization by id: record not found
import { useNFT, getMyInvoices } from "@mojito-inc/core-service"; const { getMyInvoices } = useNFT();
const response: Response = await getMyInvoices({ returnAllStatuses: <RETURN_ALL_STATUSES>, filter: , limit: , offset: });
Param | type | Required | Description |
returnAllStatuses | Boolean | ||
filter | string | GetMyInvoiceFilterParam | |
limit | Int | ✅ | |
offset | Int | ✅ |
Variable | value |
dropID | string |
listingID | string |
"data: {
"getAllInvoices": {
"TotalCount": 3,
"data": [
"invoiceID": "c9ae9cc1-15ca-4286-8f23-50aa1efec6a0",
"invoiceCreatedAt": "2024-07-26T11:45:53.735655Z",
"invoiceNumber": 31752,
"status": "Paid",
"items": [
"collectionItemTitle": "Test 1155 listing",
"collectionItemID": "55c031f9-2e62-48d2-823c-c684026d0e64",
"invoiceItemID": "b897f1a2-7e49-4798-9e3e-90818a388719",
"destinationAddress": "0xC7B73dE4Ef961300Bb79E04b6CF75a1e32DFd1f2",
"units": 1,
"totalPrice": 0,
"transactionHash": "0x1e2145464e2b21d3eeb9faf305f7928273be7779ba432819e99cef2fa9296a23",
"transactionStatus": "Delivered",
"nftImageUrl": "https://gateway.arweave.net/UDdgMysz7IoQWRxjLLBte0P0lbpipVU4oo32huIghU4",
"nftDetails": [
"contractAddress": "0xcc018fad58c8b2c2856ff9e885edcb9faf15d73e",
"networkId": "b260424b-bb37-4a3e-86d0-0866175e5e68",
"nftTokenID": "c6dcf74d-8261-44d8-8512-ec34ccb032e2",
"networkChainID": 11155111,
"isRevealed": false,
"tokenMetadata": {
"name": "1_Dog1_Glow_Blacksad1s",
"description": "Test token description",
"image": "https://gateway.arweave.net/UDdgMysz7IoQWRxjLLBte0P0lbpipVU4oo32huIghU4"
It can be able to get the FileSignedURL
import { useNFT, FileSignedUrlData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { getFileSignedUrl } = useNFT();
const response: Response<FileSignedUrlData> = await getFileSignedUrl({
urlInput: <FileSignedWithURL>,
input: <FileSignedWithGatingInput>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
urlInput | FileSignedWithURL | ||
input | FileSignedWithGatingInput |
"data": {
"getFileSignedURL": {
mediaURL: "https://storage.cloud.google.com/mojito-dev-private/nft/0x0b1ee1de78a9d2db7b647834423a86e6c5bf1bdb/videos/1.mp4",
type: 'mp4'
- The gated NFT not belongs to the walletAddress
Offer API can be access via hooks
following the api are
- acceptOffer
- cancelOffer
- createOffer
- getOffers
- getSignatureForOfferApproval
- rejectOffer
- submitProofOfOffer
It can able to accept offer for an NFT
import { useOffer, AcceptOfferData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { acceptOffer } = useOffer();
const response: Response<AcceptOfferData> = await acceptOffer({
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
orderId: <ORDER_ID>,
transactionHash: <TRANSACTION_HASH>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
orderId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
transactionHash | String | ✅ |
"data": {
"acceptOffer": {
- error getting organization by id: record not found
It can able to cancel offer for an NFT
import { useOffer, CancelOfferData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { cancelOffer } = useOffer();
const response: Response<CancelOfferData> = await cancelOffer({
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
orderId: <ORDER_ID>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
orderId | UUID1 | ✅ |
"data": {
"cancelOffer": "Offer cancelled."
- error getting organization by id: record not found
It can able to create offer for an NFT
import { useOffer, CreateOfferData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { createOffer } = useOffer();
const response: Response<CreateOfferData> = await createOffer({
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
nftTokenId: <NFT_TOKEN_ID>,
buyerAddress: <BUYER_ADDRESS>,
offerPrice: <OFFER_PRICE>,
expiryDate: <EXPIRY_DATE>,
paymentToken: <PAYMENT_TOKEN>,
currencyId: <CURRENCY_ID>,
cryptoTax: <CRYPTO_TAX>,
taxAddress: <TAX_ADDRESS>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
nftTokenId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
buyerAddress | String | ✅ | |
offerPrice | Number | ✅ | |
expiryDate | String | ✅ | |
paymentToken | String | ✅ | |
currencyId | String | ||
cryptoTax | CryptoTax | ||
taxAddress | TaxAddressInput |
"data": {
"createOffer": {
"order": {
- error getting organization by id: record not found
It can able to get offers list for an NFT
import { useOffer, GetOffersData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { getOffers } = useOffer();
const response: Response<GetOffersData> = await getOffers({
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
nftTokenId: <NFT_TOKEN_ID>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
nftTokenId | UUID1 | ✅ |
"data": {
"getOffers": [
"id": "ac444a12-703a-4495-8e99-b5634bab63ea"
"offerExpiryDate": "2023-04-14T10:40:00Z"
"nftOwnerAddress": "0xf724aE0B5662b8ad6D155D50522eb097247271cB"
"tokenType": "ERC1155"
"tokenId": "10"
"tokenContract": "0xd0e2fd21764f643fa32b06a4c7d7924f43138d90"
"orderStatus": "PENDING"
"buyerTax": 0
"buyerAddress": "0xC7e893488A039A341d935959E52f86085976F865"
"fixedPrice": 0.04
"updatedAt": "2023-04-13T10:40:55Z"
"createdAt": "2023-04-13T10:40:51Z"
- error getting organization by id: record not found
It can able to get signature approval data for an NFT
import { useOffer, GetSignatureForOfferApprovalData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { getSignatureForOfferApproval } = useOffer();
const response: Response<GetSignatureForOfferApprovalData> = await getSignatureForOfferApproval({
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
orderId: <ORDER_ID>,
creatorFee: <CREATOR_FEE>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
orderId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
creatorFee | Int |
"data": {
"getSignatureForOfferApproval": {
"order": {
- error getting organization by id: record not found
It can able to reject offer for an NFT
import { useOffer, RejectOfferData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { rejectOffer } = useOffer();
const response: Response<RejectOfferData> = await rejectOffer({
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
orderId: <ORDER_ID>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
orderId | UUID1 | ✅ |
"data": {
"rejectOffer": "Offer rejected."
- error getting organization by id: record not found
It can able to submit proof of offer for an NFT
import { useOffer, SubmitProofOfOfferData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { submitProofOfOffer } = useOffer();
const response: Response<SubmitProofOfOfferData> = await submitProofOfOffer({
orgId: <ORG_ID>,
orderId: <ORDER_ID>,
signature: <SIGNATURE>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
orderId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
signature | String | ✅ |
"data": {
"submitProofOfOffer":"Signature updated."
- error getting organization by id: record not found
Token Gating API can be access via hooks
following the api are
This API is used to create a Token Gating for an NFT.
import { useTokenGating, CreateTokenGatingData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { createTokenGating } = useTokenGating();
const response: Response<CreateTokenGatingData> = await createTokenGating({
input: {
orgID: <ORG_ID>,
networkId: <NETWORK_ID>,
rule: <GatingRule>,
groupName: <GROUP_NAME>,
groupId: <GROUP_ID>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
orgID | UUID1 | ✅ | |
networkId | UUID1 | ✅ | |
groupId | UUID1 | ||
groupName | String | ||
rule | GatingRule | ✅ | GatingRule |
Param | type | Required | Description |
ruleType | enum | ✅ | RuleType |
contractAddress | String | ||
contractAddressWithTokenId | contractAddressWithTokenId | ContractAddressWithTokenIDGating | |
metaData | MetaDataGating | MetaDataGating | |
onchain | enum | OnchainGating |
Param | type | Required | Description |
contractAddress | String | ||
tokenID | Int |
Param | type | Required | Description |
key | String | ||
value | String |
Enum Variable | value |
ContractAddress | ContractAddress |
ContractAddressWithTokenID | ContractAddressWithTokenID |
MetaData | MetaData |
Onchain | Onchain |
Enum Variable | value |
"data": {
"createTokenGatingRule": {
"id": "8bb24c9a-6b46-44d0-a2f7-3439c4bdd4ef",
"networkID": "b260424b-bb37-4a3e-86d0-0866175e5e68",
"organizationID": "f2f5c627-5421-4c40-9913-edfd09dd98b3",
"rules": [
"id": "85d9b667-44c2-4bec-9e8a-ddf0e04cc107",
"gatingGroupId": "8bb24c9a-6b46-44d0-a2f7-3439c4bdd4ef",
"ruleType": "MetaData",
"rules": {
"metaData": [
"key": "name",
"value": "Milady 1"
"key": "description",
"value": "Milady Maker is a collection of 10,000 generative pfpNFT's in a aesthetic inspired by street style tribes."
- error getting organization by id: orgID record not found
This API is used to check whether the nft is Gated or not.
import { useTokenGating, CheckTokenGatingData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { checkTokenGating } = useTokenGating();
const response: Response<CheckTokenGatingData> = await checkTokenGating({
groupID: <GROUP_ID>,
ruleID: <RULE_ID>,
buyerAddress: <BUYER_ADDRESS>,
contractAddress: <CONTRACT_ADDRESS>,
tokenId: <TOKEN_ID>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
groupID | UUID1 | ✅ | |
ruleID | UUID1 | ||
buyerAddress | String | ||
contractAddress | String | ||
tokenId | String |
"data": {
"checkTokenGating": {
"isGated": true,
"gatedTokens": [
"id": "1",
"title": "Milady 1",
"description": "Milady Maker is a collection of 10,000 generative pfpNFT's in a aesthetic inspired by street style tribes.",
"tokenURI": "https://www.miladymaker.net/milady/json/1",
"tokenType": "ERC721",
"contractName": "Milady",
"contractAddress": "0x3e9d45ad0da57683b5375d0f3d5bc606429128f9",
"metadata": {
"name": "Milady 1",
"description": "Milady Maker is a collection of 10,000 generative pfpNFT's in a aesthetic inspired by street style tribes.",
"image": "https://www.miladymaker.net/milady/1.png",
"attributes": [
"traitType": "Background",
"value": {
"stringValue": "bjork"
"animationURL": "",
"openSeaImageURL": ""
- error getting groupID by id: groupID record not found
This API is used to check whether the nft is Gated or not.
import { useTokenGating, CheckTokenGatingV2Data } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { checkTokenGatingV2 } = useTokenGating();
const response: Response<CheckTokenGatingV2Data> = await checkTokenGatingV2({
groupID: <GROUP_ID>,
ruleID: <RULE_ID>,
buyerAddress: <BUYER_ADDRESS>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
groupID | UUID1 | ✅ | |
ruleID | UUID1 | ||
buyerAddress | String | ✅ |
"data": {
"checkTokenGatingV2": {
"isGated": true,
"gatedTokens": [
"id": "1",
"title": "Milady 1",
"description": "Milady Maker is a collection of 10,000 generative pfpNFT's in a aesthetic inspired by street style tribes.",
"tokenURI": "https://www.miladymaker.net/milady/json/1",
"tokenType": "ERC721",
"contractName": "Milady",
"contractAddress": "0x3e9d45ad0da57683b5375d0f3d5bc606429128f9",
"metadata": {
"name": "Milady 1",
"description": "Milady Maker is a collection of 10,000 generative pfpNFT's in a aesthetic inspired by street style tribes.",
"image": "https://www.miladymaker.net/milady/1.png",
"attributes": [
"traitType": "Background",
"value": {
"stringValue": "bjork"
"animationURL": "",
"openSeaImageURL": ""
- error getting groupID by id: groupID record not found
Collection API can be access via hooks
following the api are
This API is used to check whether the nft is Gated or not.
import { useCollection, CollectionBySlugData } from "@mojito-inc/core-service";
const { collectionBySlug } = useCollection();
const response: Response<CollectionBySlugData> = await collectionBySlug({
slug: <SLUG>,
marketplaceID: <MARKETPLACE_ID>,
Param | type | Required | Description |
slug | string | ✅ | |
marketplaceID | String | ✅ |
"data": {
"collectionBySlug": {
"id": "ad538b6a-8d32-4ae6-b12e-53ce8b47ef5c",
- error getting marketplaceID by id: marketplaceID record not found