TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.3-beta.20ย โ€ขย Publicย โ€ขย Published

๐Ÿธ Mojito Mixers

๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป React components for the Mojito Platform, Reference App and third-party projects, including Mojito's Checkout / Payment UI and payment sandbox / test app to easily test credit card, ACH, Wire and Crypto payments with Circle, 3DS, Plaid, Vertex and TaxJar integrations.

๐Ÿš€ Check it out at https://payments-staging.mojito.xyz/!

Mixer v1 to Mixer v2 Migration

Using this library in your project Mixer v2

You can install this project with one of these commands:

npm install --save @mojito-inc/mixers
yarn add @mojito-inc/mixers

Alternatively, once you've built the library using yarn build, you can install it locally in another project adding this line to your package.json's dependencies. If you update it, make sure you remove the entry from yarn.lock and re-install it.

"@mojito-inc/mixers": "file:../mojito-mixers"

Also, make sure you install the following dependencies:


And also, keep in mind:

  • @emotion/react is not needed.

  • @emotion/styled is needed as stated in MUI's docs:

    Keep @emotion/styled as a dependency of your project. Even if you never use it explicitly, it's a peer dependency of @mui/material.

  • styled-components is needed as stated in react-payment-inputs' docs, but it's not used:

    Note: requires styled-components to be installed as a dependency.

    By default, React Payment Inputs does not have built-in styling for it's inputs. However, React Payment Inputs comes with a styled wrapper which combines the card number, expiry & CVC fields...


Fist, you need to create a CheckoutComponent: React.FC<PUICheckoutProps> component that renders MojitoCheckout and passes it all required props. Simply copy the following file and adapt it to your needs:

You can find an example here: app/src/layout/CheckoutLayout.tsx.

You'll use this CheckoutComponent component in your code instead of MojitoCheckout just so that you don't have to repeat properties that rarely change, like the theme DefaultThemes


In the _app.tsx file, please add the following line: <Script src="https://cdn.checkout.com/js/framesv2.min.js" />. if it was not added, credit card payments won't work.

If you are using create-react-app

Add below packages as dependencies in your package.json

  "dependencies": {
    "url": "latest",
    "http": "npm:http-browserify",
    "https": "npm:https-browserify",
    "zlib": "npm:browserify-zlib",
    "http-browserify": "latest",
    "https-browserify": "latest",
    "browserify-zlib": "latest",
    "assert": "^2.0.0",
    "stream": "^0.0.2"

To ignore the sourcemap warnings, create a .env file with the following in your root directory:

import { MojitoCheckout } from '@mojito-inc/mixers';

  const theme = {
            font: {
              primary: 'Sneak',
              secondary: 'Sneak',
            color: {
              primary: '#6663FD',
              secondary: '#FFFFFF',
              background: '#FAFAFC',
              errorBackground: '#FEE3E5',
              text: '#000000',
              cardBackground: '#FFFFFF',
              checkout: {
                continueButtonBackground: '#6663FD',
                continueButtonTextColor: '#FFFFFF',
                disableButtonBackground: '#DADAE9',
              placeholder: '#BABEC5',
              costBreakdown: {
                applyButtonBackground: '#DADAE9',
                applyButtonTextColor: '#FFFFFF',
              paymentConfirmation: {
                awaitingPaymentBackground: '#f0ebeb',
                awaitingPaymentTextColor: 'orange',
                processedBackground: '#E5F9E0',
                processedTextColor: '#000000',
                copyIconColor: '#042439',
              highlightedText: '#6663FD',
              unHighlightedText: '#6663FB',
              errorText: '',
              linksText: '',
              multiSigBackground: '',
              multiSigBorder: '',
              multiSigText: '',

  const handleClickGoToMarketPlace = useCallback(async () => {
  }, []);

  const onEvent = (e:string)=>{

  const paymentInstructions = (paymentId: string) => {
    return (
        <Typography fontWeight="500" fontSize="20px" marginBottom="8px">
          Thank you for your purchase! The order is on its way to you.
          Order #: { paymentId }
        <Typography marginTop="16px" variant="body2">
          We have received your payment. Once everything is confirmed, we will send an email with your order confirmation.
          <br />
          <br />
          If you choose to store your NFT in a wallet, you can view it on the respective wallet page.
          <br />
          <br />
          If you selected to have it sent to an email wallet, you should find it by logging into <a href="https://ews.thirdweb.com/">https://ews.thirdweb.com/</a>.

    uri={ API_URL }
    userInfo: {
      email: user?.email,
      orgId: 'd086ea16-d40d-454c-84a4-64b5e940670a',
      lotId: '17cd1000-323d-4a20-8e5f-7a8598ffae2a',
      quantity: 1,
      collectionItemId: '64e99437-ac2e-45bc-b4a6-4750985b4e81',
      discountCode: '',
      invoiceId: '',
    theme={ theme }
      wallet: {
        account: walletAddress,
        chainId: chainId,
        connected: true,
        balance: currencyBalance,
        providerType: 'Metamask',
      }, // Pass custom connected wallet details 
      saveWalletData: saveWalletData, // In the function callback you will get a wallet details
      onDisconnect: onDisconnect, // To handle custom disconnect connect wallet
      onClickRefetchBalance: onClickRefetchBalance, // To handle custom refetch balance
    onClickConnectWallet={ onClickConnectWallet } // To handle custom connect wallet component
        logoSrc: require('./logo.svg),
        loaderImageSrc: require('./loading.svg),
        errorImageSrc: require('./error.svg),
      payment: {
        creditCard: true,
        walletConnect: true,
        wire: true,
        coinbase: true
      costBreakdown: {
        showDiscountCode: true
      paymentConfirmation: {
        onGoTo: () => handleClickGoToMarketPlace(),
        creditCardInstructions: paymentInstructions //Your own instructions for credit card,
        metamaskInstructions: paymentInstructions //Your own instructions for metamask,
        wireTransferInstructions: paymentInstructions //Your own instructions for wire transfer,
      delivery: {
        creditCard: {
          enableMultiSig: false,
          apiKey: configuration.PAYMENT_API_KEY,
      walletConnect: {
        orgId: configuration.ORGANIZATION_ID,
        walletConnectProjectId: configuration.PROJECT_ID,
        paperClientId: configuration.PAPER_CLIENT_ID,
        clientId: configuration.clientId,
        activeChain: configuration.activeChain,
        isPaperWallet: false, // if true it will work as paper wallet
        isWeb2Login: false, // if true it will work as web2 login (Auth0)
        skipSignature: false, // if true it will skip the signature process
        theme: ConnectWalletTheme, // Custom connect wallet theme
      walletOptions: {
        enableEmail: true,
        enableMetamask: true,
        enableWalletConnect: true,
    show={ show }
    token={ token } />


Prams Type Required Description
uri string โœ… API url
userInfo object โœ… UserInfo
show boolean โœ… to open checkout modal
checkoutOptions object โœ… CheckoutOptions
theme object Theme
events object Events, you will get the logs
onClickConnectWallet function Your own connect wallet logic
walletDetails object pass connected wallet details if you add own connect wallet logic else no need to pass
uiConfiguration object UIConfiguration
success boolean to show success popup
token string pass bearer token
debug boolean if true you will see the logs


Prams Type Description
email string To show email in UI


Prams Type Description
orgId string Your organization id
lotId string Lot id you will get from mint portal
quantity number quantity of the token
paymentId string paymentId for the success popup
collectionItemId string Pass item Id to get the details of an item
discountCode string coupon code
vertexEnabled boolean to calculate tax
invoiceId string pass invoiceId for auction case
successURL string success Redirect URL
errorURL string error Redirect URL


Prams Type Description
wallet object Pass connected Wallet details if you add your own wallet logic
saveWalletData function In the function callback you can get the connected wallet details
onDisconnect number To handle your own disconnect function
onClickRefetchBalance string To handle your own re-fetch function

UI Configuration

Prams Type Description
global object Global config
payment object Payment Config
costBreakdown object Const breakdown UI config
paymentConfirmation object Payment confirmation UI config
delivery object Delivery UI config
walletConnect object Connect Wallet SDK config
walletOptions object Connect wallet options
breadCrumbs array Custom breadCrumbs name
isAutoFillCountryCode boolean To enable auto fill countryCode

Global Config

Prams Type Description
logoSrc string Logo url
loaderImageSrc string loader url
errorImageSrc string error url

Payment config

Prams Type Description
walletConnect boolean To enable wallet connect
wire boolean To enable wire
creditCard boolean To enable credit card
coinbase boolean To enable coinbase

Cost breakdown config

Type Description
showDiscountCode boolean To hide or show discount UI
showProductionDisclaimer boolean To hide or show production disclaimer UI
productDisclaimerText string Custom product disclaimer text

Payment Confirmation

Type Description
wireTransferInstructions JSX Element Custom component for wire transfer instructions
creditCardInstructions JSX Element Custom component for credit card instructions
metamaskInstructions JSX Element Custom metamask instructions
onGoTo function Function to handle back to marketplace button

Delivery Config

Prams Type Description
walletConnect Object MojitoDeliveryType
wire Object MojitoDeliveryType
creditCard Object MojitoCheckoutDeliveryType
coinbase Object MojitoDeliveryType
description JSX Element (or) string Description for Delivery


Prams Type Description
enableMultiSig boolean


Prams Type Description
enableMultiSig boolean
apiKey string api key for credit card payment

Wallet connect config

Prams Type Description
walletConnectProjectId boolean Wallet connect project id
paperClientId boolean Email wallet paper client id
content object To customise the connect wallet modal contents
isWeb2Login boolean Connect wallet by web2 login
skipSignature boolean Connect wallet by skipping signature process
theme Theme Customise the wallet connect theme
clientId string
activeChain string
isPaperWallet boolean

Wallet Options

Type Description
enableEmail boolean To hide or show Email wallet button
enableMetamask boolean To hide or show metamask button
enableWalletConnect boolean To hide or show wallet connect button

Connect wallet theme:

  import { createTheme } from '@mui/material/styles';

  export const ConnectWalletTheme = createTheme({
    typography: {
      fontFamily: 'untitled_sansregular_regular',
    components: {
      MuiTextField: {
        styleOverrides: {
          root: {
            '& input::-webkit-outer-spin-button, & input::-webkit-inner-spin-button':
                  display: 'none',
            '& input[type=number]': {
              MozAppearance: 'textfield',
      MuiCssBaseline: {
        styleOverrides: `
                  @font-face {
                    font-family: untitled_sansregular_regular;
                    font-style: normal;
                    font-display: swap;
                    font-weight: 400;
                    text-transform: none;
                    font-size: 16px;
                    color: #000;
      MuiButton: {
        styleOverrides: {
          root: {
            fontFamily: 'untitled_sansregular_regular',
            textTransform: 'none',
            borderRadius: '4px',
            fontWeight: 700,
            fontSize: '16px',
            border: '1px solid #242629',
            backgroundColor: '#fff',
            color: '#242629',
            '&:hover': {
              backgroundColor: '#fff',
              color: '#242629',
              opacity: 0.5,
      MuiDialog: {
        styleOverrides: {
          paper: {
            border: '1px solid #D7D8DB',
            boxShadow: '0px 8px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)',
            borderRadius: '4px',
      MuiDivider: {
        variants: [
            props: { orientation: 'horizontal' },
            style: {
              ':before': {
                borderTop: 'thin solid #D7D8DB',
              ':after': {
                borderTop: 'thin solid #D7D8DB',
    palette: {
      primary: {
        main: '#242629',
      secondary: {
        main: '#A6FF00',
      backgroundColor: {
        primary: '#ffffff',
        secondary: '#000000',
      grey: {
        100: '#F5F5F5',
        500: '#9E9E9E',
      toastError: {
        500: '#CE2818',

Checkout Options

Address Validation & Tax Calculation with Vertex or TaxJar

If you'd like address to be validated and taxes to be calculated during the checkout process, particularly in the Billing Information step, you need a Vertex or TaxJar account. Once you have it, you need to configure it in Mojito Mint.

Alternatively, set the following prop to disable those calls to the backend: vertexEnabled = false.

        orgId: 'd086ea16-d40d-454c-84a4-64b5e940670a',
        lotId: '17cd1000-323d-4a20-8e5f-7a8598ffae2a',
        quantity: 1,
        paymentId: '<payment id>',
        collectionItemId: '64e99437-ac2e-45bc-b4a6-4750985b4e81',
        discountCode: 'ZZTO',
        vertexEnabled: false,
      }} />

Supported Countries

We use Checkout for payments, so the supported countries depend on which payment method is going to be used, as described here:

(Secret) Debug Mode

If you quickly click the logo in the top-right corner 16 times, the debug mode will be enabled (toggled, actually), even in production and regardless of the initial value you passed for the debug prop.

The debug mode will, among logging/displaying some other less relevant pieces of data:

  • Show form values and errors as JSON below the form:

    Debug form console
    Debug form values and errors

Error page

Create an error page with the page path /payments/failure:

Success page

Create an success page with the page path /payments/success:

The success parameter should be passed as true to the MojitoCheckout component.

        email: email, // pass the user email
      show={ true }
      success={ true }
        paymentConfirmation: {
          onGoTo: onClickGoToMarketPlace,
      }} />


You can use the themeOptions or theme props to pass a custom theme or theme options object:

themeOptions (preferred) will merge Mojito's default theme with your custom one

If none is provided, the default Mojito theme will be used.

  const DefaultThemes: ThemeConfiguration = {
      font: {
        primary: 'Sneak',
        secondary: 'Sneak',
      color: {
        primary: '#6663FD',
        secondary: '#FFFFFF',
        background: '#FAFAFC',
        errorBackground: '#FEE3E5',
        text: '#000000',
        cardBackground: '#FFFFFF',
        checkout: {
          continueButtonBackground: '#6663FD',
          continueButtonTextColor: '#FFFFFF',
        placeholder: '#BABEC5',
        costBreakdown: {
          applyButtonBackground: '#DADAE9',
          applyButtonTextColor: '#FFFFFF',

Note that using MUI's ThemeProvider from your project won't work as expected and you will end up seeing Mojito's default theme:

<MojitoCheckout theme={ theme }

React specific config:

If you are facing any issues regarding the Webpack polyfill in React.js applications while integrating this SDK, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Run either npm install or yarn install.
Step 2:
a) Before running the app, execute the following script once.
b) Create a file named (filename).js in the root of the project folder and paste the code from this GitHub repository: Development setup
Step 3: In the package.json, add a new script called "prebuild": "node {name of the js file that you added}" and run the command npm run prebuild.
Step 4: Now, you can run the application.

Mixer development

Development setup

Package Sidebar


npm i @mojito-inc/mixers

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  • santhosh_prabhakaran
  • madhimk
  • sakthi-mojito
  • vivek_mojito
  • vivek_ionixx
  • alexinx