an unoffical package for the logdna api
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Status for master
Use TypeScript for best in class instellisense.
This package is an unofficial package for the logdna.com service. It comes with the following features:
- aggregate logs that require the same uri query parameters and sends them as bundle. This ensures the correct order of logs within logdna.
- resend logs that failed to send.
- support smartlog messages and the smartlog ecosystem
- support giraffe.cloud ecosystem
import { ILogPackage } from '@pushrocks/smartlog-interfaces';
import { LogdnaAccount, LogdnaMessage } from '@mojoio/logdna';
// lets create a logDnaAccount
const logDnaAccount = new LogdnaAccount(process.env.LOGDNA_APIKEY);
// lets create a smartlog message (smartlog normally takes care of creating those objects)
const smartlogPackage: ILogPackage = {
timestamp: Date.now(),
type: 'log',
level: 'info',
context: {
company: 'Lossless GmbH',
companyunit: 'lossless.cloud',
containerName: 'ci-mojoio-logdna',
environment: 'test',
runtime: 'node',
zone: 'shipzone',
message: 'this is an awesome log message sent by the tapbundle test',
const logdnaMessage = LogdnaMessage.fromSmartLogPackage(smartlogPackage);
// alternatively simply send the smartlogPackage
// creation of the LogdnaMessage is done for you
// most of the above funtions return promises should you want to wait for a log to be fully sent
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For further information read the linked docs at the top of this readme.
MIT licensed | © Lossless GmbH | By using this npm module you agree to our privacy policy